mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Button polyps ok for a mostly fish tank?

I started in the hobby back when you could by dead, but real, colorful corals to put in your tank. I'm not crazy about the live rock look. Reminds me more of the Jersey shore than a tropical reef. So, I was wondering, can I keep button polyps in my tank which has a variety of angels (Emperor, Majestic, Queen), with no problems? I don't care if they're colorful or not. Anything is better than plain old rock.

I also have other fish which I know are "reef safe" (tangs, etc.) Just wondering if I let button polyps run wild will they eventually overrun and fowl the tank, poison the fish, etc?

I have a couple right now plus a Kenya Tree leather and another one that hitchhiked onto the button polyp rock.

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