lundi 27 octobre 2014

Cleaner Common Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) and ich

I have a question. Some of my fish have ich sometimes. It come and goes, they don't die, they, like my hyppo is a magnet and gets over it, so i've stopped the quarantine and he's fine. So id my convict tang who don't have any spots but , brushes himself on the sand, clearly trying to get rid of a parasite ich or otherwise.

So adding a Cleaner Common Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) would it help with this. i mean would it help them, not necessarely get rid of ich in the tank. Its present and , well i'm stuck with it until i dismantel it. All my fishes are healthy as far as i can tell . They're very fat and active.

150G softie Reef.

The rest are the same;

I feed 12 different dried alges and 32 different live ones. Vitamins every 2 weeks.

Home made food Octopus, baby calamaries, a bag of squids, some calamary tubes, 4 bags of shrimps, one bag of sardines, mysis shrimp, some red plankton, Krill, spirulina brine shrimp, Garlic, selcon vitamins, and spirulina powder. Thank God for the food processors and ziplock bags.

75 G refugium feeding by gravity the 150G reef

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