mercredi 29 octobre 2014


I have been Reefing for almost 5 years have 29 gallon and a 60 gallon.

Confusing thing is the 29 gallon sand bed crushed coral 1/2 inch, coral and fish living not thriving setup is. 20 gal wet dry huge external skimmer and phos reactor 40 lbs live rock system is 4 years old coraline grows but slow parameters show good

60 Gallon same shallow sand bed 1/2 inch same age 100 lbs live rock hob refugium and cheap hob filter for 40 gallon you get from walmart and a diy skimmer that can fit in your hand and yet that tank grows coralline and corals and any thing I want including plants like crazy do water changes on 29 once a week and maybe once a month on 60 what gives any explanation of why.

29 1yellow watchman goby 1 pajama cardinal star pol and mushrooms and Kenya tree and cuc

60 1 yellow watchman goby 1 pajama cardinal 1 scooter blenny star pol and mushrooms 2 cherry shrimp and cuc

Both tanks have the same type lighting usa orbit marine 24-36 on 29

36-48 on 60

only thing I can think of is the carbon in the hob filter is the only dif.

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