mardi 28 octobre 2014

Cardinal fish turning black at the stomach

ok so this completes my trouble threads for the night. this isn't a fish in my tank, but in my buddies that I recently cleaned. before the tank had a sandbed, no regular maint, algae galore, the cardinal fish's belly started turning a lil black. I believe this is an indication of stress, a week before I noticed it was turning black my buddies tang died. this is a 55gal with 2 snowflake clowns, cardinal, tang (dead), coral beauty and a coral bandit shrimp. 20gal tall sump.

after the tang died I took the coral beauty because I noticed he was getting stressed as well (started showing LLD). for about 2 months livestock was the shrimp, cardinal and the 2 clowns. algae is still going bonkers.

I cleaned the tank, took out the sandbed, took out the dsb in the sump, cleaned the rock, improved the flow. now its a bb tank with the cardinal, 2 clowns and shrimp.

corals have always been in there, various palythora's, a colony of protopalythora's, hammerhead, frogspawn and 2x Kenya tree's. I cleaned the tank 3 weeks ago and there has been very little algae growing. starting to ramp up a lil tho as I notice bacteria flock is also starting to accumulate on the bottom glass as well. algae on the rocks is starting to grow now as well. tap water is used here as well but will be on a ro/di system next week.

the cardinal's belly is getting a lil bit blacker just like when the tang died. I believe this is showing stress cuz once upon a time when my 55g was a baby and my tank crashed due to an ich outbreak from a minicycle I had a cardinal and right before he died he got pretty black as well.

now the food factor. this guy has only been feeding Mysis shrimp. nothing else. he has only been feeding Mysis shrimp since about 6 months ago. I think that's what finally did the tang in (tangs are primarily herbivores) cardinals are carnivores but can feeding only Mysis kill them or cause enough stress to start turning them black?

if not what could be stressing the cardinal out? besides the tank being cleaner and being bb nothing has really changed..

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