lundi 27 octobre 2014

Good Reef Weekend

Algae continues to recede. Added a few more tochus snails bringing the total to 10. Both clowns are doing well and eating, though they don't like clam or squid. They love shrimp and blood worms. Picked up two cleaner shrimp on Friday and two peppermints yesterday (I found two aptasia in areas I can't reach...they appeared on rocks that had been soaked in fresh water for three did they survive? Ugh).

Went to Fish Planet in Deerfield, near where I used to live, as I was in the area anyway...and it is right by Deerfield's Bakery...YUM!!! I have gotten some great corals from him in the past so wanted to "just take a look". Turns out he had peppermint shrimp in stock, so I grabbed two. Also found a coral I didn't even know existed. it is a branching bubble coral. It is now in my tank, along with the branching hammer I got last week.

My wife was with me and saw a red/blue wrasse. I knew I wanted a wrasse as the next fish, but wasn't sure on which one...This was a gorgeous Parrot Wrasse, so grabbed that too. First I have ever bought from there. Acclimated, added to the tank. It immediately hit in the rockwork, as expected. What wasn't expected that feeding about 15 minutes later, it came out and was eating aggressively. Pleasant surprise.

Of course, I need to get some egg crate pretty quick....

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