mardi 28 octobre 2014

hydor wavemaker cracked my glass

I spoke to John Ngyen on the phone this morning, whom is the Director of customer service for Hydor in Sacramento, California.

They are claiming that it is IMPOSSIBLE for their pump, to crack my tank. I clearly took a video (among other videos) that clearly show that the crack, went RIGHT through where their "super safe" magnet system was placed. They are blaming it on the tank manufacturer, the tank manufacturer is blaming it on the pump. I need direction here please. I will "test" the pump to see if it vibrates or something... but they are saying even if i send it to them "they wont test it" so its a who cares situation... Ive lost live sand, creatures, and jugs and jugs of nutri-seawater at 24.99/ea...

Please anyone advise me as to what i do next?


Hello Christopher,

How long have you had the tank? It is impossible for a pump to crack a glass aquarium since the magnets are just to hold the pump in place, the 850 pump is not a big pump either.

The pressure in the tank with water is much stronger than the pump which is only 5w.

Hydor USA, Inc.

Customer Service

4740 Northgate Blvd #125

Sacramento, CA 95834

From: Christopher Woodard


Date: 10/26/2014 11:53 PM

Subject: Nuovo Contatto dal Sito Hydor - eng


Nuovo Contatto dal Sito Hydor - eng

Nome : Christopher

Cognome : **

Azienda :

Paese di provenienza : Nord America

Telefono : 775***

Messaggio : Dear sir or madam I just recently purchased the koralia evo 850 from petco. I installed the pump inside my fish tankt tonight. I followed all the directions and follow the instructions completely.. After the pump was installed and running for approximately 15 minutes my aquarium cracked from the top straight down to the bottom. The crack was through where the magnet was placed. This has the ultra safe magnet and it states that it is a super safe magnet + suction cup up to 15 millimeters. This pump cracked my aquarium and I am requesting something to be done about this. Below are pictures and videos of the damage. I will call in the morning. This is a saltwater setup. Below is a video I just created just now. drive. google. com/folderview?id=0B8XuU8_nLOq7LXhJNmpwbV9VaFk&usp=sharing

Citta : Sparks

Provincia : NV

Motivo del contatto : Service/Warranty Requests

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