vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Wanted to stop and introduce my self

I've been browsing trt for several months now and you have all been a huge help as I venture into this exciting hobby. As I get deeper in, I'm sure I'll start needing to ask questions, so I created an account and here I am.

A little about my setup. My wife and I were convinced to buy a used 90 gallon setup from our local lfs. We were told it had everything we needed except water, live rock, and stock. In short, I have since replaced the return pump (went out), skimmer (underpowered), lights (el cheapo), power head (not what I wanted), and sump (wanted a refugium and it came with wet/dry with bioballs). Oh, and a new heater because that also fried. With all of that said, I wish I would have bought a new tank and stand and started fresh. Now that I have a better understanding of the components, it would have been cheaper. That's how we learn though and I'm loving the hobby. I'm obsessed with the actual care of the tank and my wife and I are hooked on the hobby.

My setup -

90 gallon 48 x 18 x 24

2 x AI Hydra 26

1 x Vortech MP40

Coralife skimmer - need to check model. The lfs delivered it and installed it in the beginning.

Eshopps r-200 refugium

Pondmaster mag 9.5 return pump


2 Ocellaris Clowns

2 Firefish

1 Yellow watchman goby

1 diamond watchman goby

1 Red Head Salon fairy wrasse

1 Yellow Tang

1 Sailfin Tang

1 spotted mandarin

assorted CUC

Skunk cleaner shrimp

Fire shrimp

A few misc soft corals and one LPS - Frogspawn.

As a preface, I do appreciate any and all advice of what I can do going forward. With that said, I'm aware that a Sailfin is too big for a 90. In the early stages, my lfs suggested it and I had not researched it. It is currently small and I've already talked to them about relocating it as it gets larger. That is if I haven't upgraded to a 180 by then. :). Second, the mandarin eats frozen and I'm also seeding one container of tisbe copepods per week until I'm sure that there is a substantial population. I'm also culturing tisbe copepods in a separate container. I've just began, so I can't comment on the success of this yet. In hindsight, I would have skipped the sailfin and the mandarin until a later date. But I do have them now and they both seem to be doing very well. My corals area all happy and healthy and my only parameter that is proving difficult is my nitrates. They are hovering between 20 - 40. I'm doing weekly water changes and it seems to be under control and moving in the right directions.

Sorry to be so long winded, but I wanted to be thorough. I look forward to leveraging all of the experience and wisdom on this forum.

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