mardi 28 octobre 2014

Sad looking zoa's

I bought a frag of 5 heads of these nice looking zoa's about 3-4 weeks ago. I also bought a single head by itself. I put that single head on a rock with another single head of a diff zoa and rubberbanded them and they have looked great since then. the 5 head frag not so much. its been slowly declining, today I think I see what is often called zoa pox and they haven't been open for the past few days. I cant get a good pic of the 'zoa pox' spots, and as I was taking this pic I just noticed that red thing, anyone know what that is? the frag plug doesn't have 5 on there anymore, I took the best looking one and put it on its own frag, hopefully it will recover, one has disappeared and there are 3 on the plug now. I also relocated them to isolation. I don't think this is my fault or came from my tank as when I went to my lfs yesterday that I got these from, the other 2 frags (7 frags originally for sale) looked like crap as well. here are some pics.

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