lundi 27 octobre 2014

Anyone have experience with blue neon gobies?

Hey everyone! I'm a bit new here. I've been keeping my nano reef in an 8 gal for the past 3 months. Despite a few hiccups in the beginning I haven't had many issues (knock on wood). However, something peculiar has happened that I'm not really sure how to explain, I'm hoping someone else has experience in this matter as well.

Approximately 3 weeks ago I bought a blue neon goby to add to the tank. The only other livestock in there is a 1" snowflake ocellaris, besides some frags and the odd snail here of there. For the first week everything was going fine, but then inexplicably, the blue neon disappeared! I've read many a time of these buggers going carpet surfing so I scoured the area around my tank, to no avail... I haven't seen him/her, in roughly 2 weeks (not even at feeding time!) and there aren't too many places for it to hide... So did I miss something? Is this little fish an incredible hider?

Let me know what you think!


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