jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Cycling an old tank

Ok so I had a beautiful 125 gallon reef tank for set up for years but last year I got a divorce and had to move my tank, I had good intentions I used my old saltwater 55 gallon tank and old filter and used the water from the tank and transferred all my livestock until I set the big tank back up. I added salt and water and planned on letting it cycle in the meantime the pump on my little tank went out so I had to buy a new one-BAD CHOICE-within days everything started dying!!! the tank was cycling because of the new filter (I dint even think of that) I tried everything I could doing daily water changes adding beneficial bacteria ammo lock you name it, long story short I ended up loosing everything! so I waited until the big tank cycled and added a few fish, I started having problems a few weeks in although there wasn't any changes in parameters the fish were dying and then I realized the salt levels were too high I tried water changes and it didn't help when my last fish died I left the tank alone but running for 6 months then I just decided I was done and was going to sell it! I drained most of the water just keeping enough for my hermit crabs it sat for a few weeks before I decided to refill it and take it offline because of the ridiculous offers I was getting! So here I am now Day 1 again I added water and salt (this time using a accurate measuring cup) what do I do? Have I destroyed the beneficial bacteria I once had, will it cycle faster because I used all my old media, sump, sand and live rock? do I need to add new live rock/sand to re seed mine? What can I expect re cycling an old tank? how long should it take and are there any suggestions to speed up the process? Thanks :)

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