mercredi 29 octobre 2014

another wrasse question

Well me and my girlfriend are going to my lfs to purchase a wrasse for our tank but won't be adding the wrasse till next friday. we got it down to 3 choices and this is where i need help. Our tank is a 55 gallon with 55 lb LR.

1. Solar Fairy Wrasse male (75 min tank)

2. Longfin Fairy Wrasse (55 min tank)

3. Multi Color Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse (50 min tank)

So the first fish, love the male wrasse very beautiful colors, girlfriend loves this one and so do i, and understand it says 75 min tank on LA but many many other sites say 55 is the min including my lfs who i trust, but im on the edge about him, i just wanna know if he will work or any success storys of him in a 55? my tank is 4ft long, im assuming its long enough? and i heard people say 75 cause of he can become aggressive towards other fish but very rarely if at all.

Second fish, would be perfect for our tank but he's pretty much ruled out as my girlfriend doesn't not find him PRETTY! lol

3rd wrasse we both agree we like that one he or what ever wrasse we get will be our 4th fish in the tank and only concern i have with this guy is, on LA it says its semi aggressive but in the details about him it says it will not bother any other fish and if it does only towards other wrasses which we only gonna keep one anyways.

Here is my complete list of fish we plan to have and currently have if this helps with helping us pick a nice wrasse.

2 blue chromis (current)

1 Royal Gramma (current)


blenny of some sort

maybe a goby

2 clowns

So if anyone can help me out with there advise it would be great.


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