lundi 27 octobre 2014

firefish not himself

In the last 2 days my Firefish has been acting up. He has been sitting in the right side of the tank and hovering an inch above the sand. He used to swim around the tank and was very happy and cheerful.

The only change to my tank is that i added a diamond goby last week. He doesnt seem to bother my firefish but that is all that changed.

My levels seem pretty decent: Ammon: 0 Nitrite .25 nitrate 30-40.

I have had him for about 3 months with no issues i just want to make sure hes not getting sick. I dont see spots and i dont see him rubbing up against the sand it just makes me sad he wont move from his spot.

Please let me know what is best or if i should throw him in my QT tank.


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