dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Preparing to switch to 90g, got some stuff to do first

Well in prepping to switch my 55g to the 90g I got last week I've decided along with rebuilding the 90g tank I'm also going to cook my live rock since my 90g will be bb with just a sandpit or two for whatever sand loving creatures I'll have. I just realized yesterday that I get an extra paycheck this month so I'll be getting my ro/di unit when I get paid on Friday.

There are a few projects that I'll have going on that need to be completed before the 90g gets filled with water. Here is a list:

Ro/di station built -must have

New led light for 10g -must have

10g upgrade to 20g -must have

Sump transferred from current 55g to my 55g display now -to be finished 1 week after 90g is filled

Waterfall pillar built -this will probably have to sit in water for awhile since I'll be using concrete

1 out of 3 batches of LR cooked -not so important since the time frame is unavoidable

Permanent canopy made for lighting -must have

90g drilled and new overflow installed -must have

Buff out 90g glass -must have

Reroute and finish electrical cabinet -semi important

Setup black worm container within ro/di station -not important

Rework horizontal braces on stand -must hav

Finish stand skin -not important

So that's the list and now I'll go into more detail.

Ro/di station will consist of 3 shelves, bimensions will be determined when I find 2 suitable water containers. Bottom shelf will be 30g (total DT/frag/sump volume ~150g) ro/di water, 2nd shelf will have the ro/di unit and my black worm setup. It's just a 3gallon tote with an airstone. 3rd shelf will have 30g salt water. This allows for 20% water change at once. Seeing as how I just got a 90g I may see what I can do about getting bigger containers for 40g each. Ato hooked in as well but this may come later.

Drivers for the new led light are already delivered, waiting on led's to come in. Gotta make my buddy a new fixture and whatever is left over I'll use on my 10g which will be upgraded to a 20g. Still need to get 1 driver though. So I'll build everything and add the driver in later.

10g frag tank will be replaced with 20g long. Not sure if it's tempered or not but I'll drill it if I can and also build a coast to coast overflow out of acrylic, not too sure yet if I'm going to build a fancy return for it yet. I'll also have to replace the top of the stand for this to add in supports for the 20g, this will give the stand a T shape instead of a rectangle. The 20g is important because it will hold my yellow watchman goby and all my frags while I'm swapping out the 55g for the 90g.

The sump I have now is a 55g found in a dumpster. I added a bubble trap and two other baffles to make 3 chambers. All silicone failed except for the return baffle -.- probably due to this being my first go at making a sump combined with not using enough silicone initially and when I clean my sump I vacuum all water out of each chamber and run it thru a filter sock then return it to the sump and when I'm done I'll then take out 30g's and put a new 30g in. This tank is being sold to my brother, I was looking at my pods in the sump one day and noticed one whole panel has spider web cracks throughout it. So I'll use my display 55g as a new sump and sell this one to my brother because he wants to use it for reptiles. Then I'll make a better sump once the 90g is put in place. I think it will still have the 3chamber setup but I'm not sure because of skimmer specs since I wanna hold the maximum amount of water possible. I may end up putting the skimmer where my electrical panel is now and move the electric to underneath a wing of the 20g. That would require an external skimmer vrs internal. I'll do the sump correctly and give silicone a week to set.

I plan on making my return barely noticeable by making my return look like a waterfall. Only without all the rushing water and splashing. It'll look more like a stream of water coming out of the rock flowing gently into the water. At the bottom of the waterfall pillar there will be a sandpit with a couple caves and the middle will consist of live rocks with pennensulas protruding from it. The hose will be hidden on the outside by a 2nd peice that will hang on the rim made to look like rock as well. This assembly will have to be made then soake in water so whatever is going to leech out of it doesn't do so inside my established tank, could take a few days to a few months..

The final aquascape will consist of two pyramids of rock with a large tunnel going thru the bottom of each. I have the rocks to do it now and I'm going to cook one pyramid at a time because I keeping my tank clean now, there is only maybe 2-3 cups of sand in a corner now and I'm growing algae like it's cool at the moment which leads me to believe the rocks are full of unwanted nutrients. This weekend when I get my ro/di I'll start cooking one batch of rocks an hopefully it will be ready when I'm ready to install the 90g.

After I rebuild the 90g I'll drill it and make a coast to coast overflow out of acrylic. But not on the long side, it will be on the short side and it'll be toothless. I saw a setup, forget the name of it but it's a dead silen setup consisting of a full siphon, open siphon and emergency drain.

Like I said earlier the electrical cabinet may get moved to make room for an external skimmer. Or it may not but I do need to run the wires for my lights better.

Black worms will go with the ro/di. A 3G container with an airstone worked before so I'll go that route again. There should be plenty of space in my water station for it.

I removed a horizontal brace to relieve some pressure on the hose for my return. I need to put it back only in a better position.

The 90g glass is all scratched. From what I've read if your nails can catch the scratch it most likely won't go away but I can't feel any of the scratches so I'll have to repair them somehow.

After all is said and done I need to finish the outside of the stand, probably a golden brown stained wood, nothin too fancy but the front panel will have a viewing area that shows the biggest chamber in the sump because is like to either put a nem and two clowns in there or use that area to turn the system into a saltwater aquaponics system utilizing macro algae like helmermudds. A small door will go above the viewing area for easy of feeding

Well those are my projects. I can start tearing down the 90g to put new frames and silicone it then let it sit for a month with water in the shed for a leak test. That should be done within the next two weeks. I'll get a couple water containers when I get the ro/di and make my water station as well. The plumbing to make it automated will have to wait tho since I need a new pump. I'll probably upgrade the return pump for my sump and use that pump for my ro/di. Led's should be here within 2 weeks so I can start getting plans for that ready. I can think of a good idea on hanging my lights as well. I don't want them to open with the canopy but I do want to be able to move them so I'm thinking some kindve track system. That should keep me busy for the next two weeks.

I'm doin this thread to kindve keep track of things for myself but questions, comments, ideas and opinions are welcome.

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