Hello all, it's been a little while since my last post which was also regarding my algae. I put a lot of work into getting new equipment and everything and here I am 3 months later still with lots of algae... My tank is a CoralLife 29 gallon biocube. I have a FO tank (and a lot of algae) I would however like to get coral but I want to get rid of my algae first. My fish are: black and gold damsel, kupang damsel, clownfish, and bengai cardinal. I would also like to maybe get 1 or 2 more fish or even selling some and getting some other fish instead. I have 2 shrimp, 1 emerald crab, and 1 zebra hermit. My tank has been running since late December 2013. I am looking for any suggestions as to getting rid of the algae it is very discouraging and I would love to just have a beautiful tank :) . I attached some pictures of all the algae. One other thing: what do you guys think about turning off the lights for 2 days?

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