dimanche 3 septembre 2017

Happy holiday Sunday!

Top of the morning Friends, and....HAPPY SUNDAY! Life is getting back to normal around here.....well, 'our normal', as we're going to church as a Family again. Ahhhhh, so nice being there again together! Let's have some fried Cackle Fruit and bacon with white toast and assorted jellies to go with our coffee and pink milk to get us moseying along today. With the unsettled weather in the area, and not wanting to fall victim to the final 'Shoebee forecast' of the 2017 summer season we've opted to go with a BIG spaghetti dinner this evening rather than a BBQ. Still flipping coins if'n it'll be inside or out. Will depend on number of Friends and Family, as well as weather. Mid 70's and 'chance of rain'.....very much depends on who, or where you ask. Hope all are in the midst of grooviness, and all the best,

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