vendredi 22 septembre 2017

1 month of cupramine still ongoing and suddenly ich?!!!

Hello all,
so my fish have been a month on cupramine at a .3 to .4 level for 4 straight weeks. No carbon, no skimming, just water changes and bringing Cu levels right back up, appropriate Seachem test to go with cupramine. Fish look great, look healthy, eating etc. Decide okay, 4 weeks, I can start to take it out. 75 gallon water change (its a 220g) Run carbon and Cuprisorb for about 12 hours... boom. Today my male carberryi anthias is flashing twitching and asking my neon goby for cleaning. Hes got a line of white spots on one pec fin and his tail edge looks ragged. One hazy spot on the tail of my pajama cardinal. What. the. He**???!!!! Help. I turned off the skimmer and removed carbon and cuprisorb, the levels had barely dropped anyway but I brought the Cu back up to .4 and added PraziPro. Seriously at a loss. How could they have anything?!!! Its been a month!!! Now what?!!! So frustrated. Thank you.

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