samedi 30 septembre 2017

Should i get Wyoming white clownfish?

So i'm getting pretty close to first fish for my reef tank. My I decided to go check out some fish to get a better idea of what I want. Well.... I found Wyoming white clown fish pair (not mated as far as I'm sure). I immediately wanted them because they were the exact fish I want to add first and it's a killer deal. I asked to put them on hold till tomorrow if I decide to buy them. The problem is my nitrogen cycle is not complete. I did put a bottle of Bio-Spira the first day which really good at making the water fish ready. The owner of the store suggested i could do a huge water change to my tank with some "instant aquarium" water that she keeps at the store for when he starts a new tank for a client and wants it cycled asap. Im not exactly sure what it is. So if i do that i could just come back the next day to pick up the fish and bring them home. Would this be okay?, since the water is going to be filled with bacteria. They still are a fish i wouldn't want to lose.

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