dimanche 24 septembre 2017

A sunny seashore Sunday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SUNDAY! Sunny and will be near on 90 for a high today....WOW! Scrambled egg and sausage bowls to go with our coffee this morning and some cinnamon buns if'n you still have the room. This is going to feel soooo strange for a while not posting pink milk for an eye opener. heading into church this morning, and then facing an open slate for our day.......hmmmmmmm? Well with only my first cup of coffee opening shop in my brain, I'm thinking a day walking through the Cape May Zoo with a picnic lunch sounds very doable. :idea: I only have a 1/3 vote here so we'll have to see how the rest of 'the house' votes, and if'n any can be turned. :D I hope all the very best for all, and get out there and enjoy the waning days of summer like weather,

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