samedi 23 septembre 2017

Weird Peppermint Shrimp Behavior

Hello All:
94 gallon, corner, reef.
Sump, UV, skimmer

2 ocellaris clowns
3 blue/green chromis
1 ignitus anthias
2 cleaner shrimp
numerous zoas and softies and mushrooms
Kole tang
2 azure tail damsels

No livestock is new other than the mushrooms which are about a week old.

I 7 bought peppermint shrimp about 19 months ago. One was little and died immediately. The others thrived. One somehow ended up in my sump. No idea how he got there.

In the last 24 hours, all of the pepps (except the one in the sump that is fine) have become lethargic, turned white, and either disappeared and just died. They used to be active all over the tank 24/7.

Nitrates- about 30 (never been below 20. I can't do it. not sure how.)
Nitrites - 0
Ammonia - 0
pH - 8.2
Sal: 1.0235
KH: 11
CA: 340
Phosphates: 0
Copper: 0

I dose vodka, phosbuster and purple up every once in a while and probably less than allowed. The only change I have made is dosing Red Sea KH Coralline Grow (not at the same time as purple up). And I dose that far less than suggested. And that was a week ago.

I also put in less than a pound of new Reef Saver Dry Live rock from BRS that I soaked and rinsed in RO/DI for about 5 days.

Could it just be the lifespan of the shrimp? Or did I mess something up? Nothing else seems out of order.


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