jeudi 21 septembre 2017

Ich killed my fish

So i have a new tank only 4 months old.. had a few fish but ich took over and killed them.. my corals seem to be fine.

From what I read I can go fallow for 10 weeks and that should let the ich die off..

Is there any other way ...hate to not have fish. If I do go fishless I will feed my corals with reef roids and keep up on my water changes.. should I reduce my water changes or do a smaller amount I change about 5 gallons out of my 25 gallons weekly .. also I'm sure I will have very few nitrates . As of now I have zero but I have cheato in a fuge and keep up on weekly water changes. Will I have to get rid of my cheato bc lack of nutrients ???

Sorry for the lack of detail im pretty bummed tonight. Any info would be great.....

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