samedi 23 septembre 2017

Just Upgraded My 55g to a 75g

Haven't been here in a while but thought I would share my new tank upgrade. We moved houses and instead of moving the actual tank of my 55g, thought why not just get a 75g and have it setup in the new place.

So I had added new water to the 75g tank, had wavemakers going in it and a heater. Then grabbed all my stuff in the 55g, keeping the rocks submerged in water while transferring and just set it up in the new tank.

I run a very simple setup so the transfer was quite easy. I did add a HOB Reef Octopus skimmer which is working great. Fish all ate the first night in the new tank and it has been about a month now with everything going great.

I run a BB tank so sand was not an issue. I am a believer that everything needed for the fish to survive is in the rock so the actual tank and water wasn't a concern to me. I know there are people who say to let a new tank run for a few weeks before adding my fish but it's not like my rock is going to be any different. All the bacteria is already there that's needed to support my livestock. Corals have also been out since day 1.

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