jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Yellow Tang in small tank

I knew that title would get everyone's attention! So here's my tank: 40 breeder with 20 sump, so a 60 system. Rock-work is not very "dense", and allows for a lot of swimming room. Could I, get a Yellow Tang (when the time is right) as a juvenile, then trade/sell/give him away once I feel that he is about to be to big for the tank. For example, get a YT when its about 1-1 1/2, then give him away once its 3-4.

Ooooooooorrrrrrrr... By that time, i might be able to upgrade to a suitable tank, just for the YT. :wink3:

Basically, is there any major problems with keeping a YT as a juvenile in a "smaller" tank? Has anyone done it with success?

I know the Yellow Tang police are prolly gonna come out, but I'm not looking for the extreme views on either end of the spectrum.

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