jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Help...I think one of my clowns died :(

This morning when I woke up one of my pair of occelaris clowns was missing. This is very unusual because they usually stay towards the top of the tank. I tested my water and everything was where it is supposed to be. Temp and salinity are good as well. I have a 40 gal breeder with about 40lbs live rock and live sand, rodi water. A few sps corals, snails, pistol shrimp goby pair, small purple bristle star, blue mandarin goby. Tank has been going strong for about 5 months with no issues. I'm pretty sure the clowns were bread in captivity . I'm assuming the pistol shrimp took the dead fish into his cave but I'm not sure what caused it to die? Any thoughts???

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