lundi 25 septembre 2017

cycling reef tank

Hello guys. First post to the reef tank site and also just starting up a reef tank after some time.
Im set up in a fluvial m60 all in one tank with modification that don't matter for my question today, at least i don't think?
Any ways i got a ro/di set up and been making water for a few day glued my rocked together got my live sand in and just added salt water this morning. So I'm basically decided I'm going to use bio spira to speed up the nitrogen cycle. I believe thats what its for? My question is will i need to add a source of ammonia or will bio spiral work to get it cycled with the live sand. The rock I'm using is from my first go at a saltwater tank but is not live anymore. Finally should i add invertebrates like snails, hermit crabs, and shrimp before fish? How long would you guys wait for that.
Any replies will help, thanks!!

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