jeudi 28 septembre 2017

Starting quarantine tank???

So first of all thanks again for everyone replys to all of my other posts. I know I have bombed this forum with tons of threads , but I do appreciate all the help.

So this is kind of a two part question post.

First question is I have a small 32 gallon biocube with three fish that died from what I thought was ich. I've done a bunch of reasearch and decided to go fallow for 80 days and keep my few corals alive. After reading more about ich I'm kind of thinking my fish died from velvet not ich. How much worse is that and will going fallow for 80 days get rid velvet of it like ich.

So my other bright idea was while I was waiting for 80 days I would set up a fowlr and sand and make a quarantine tank. The plan being get some fish in there and make sure they don't have ich and hopefully qt them for a couple months that way when my 80 days are up in my main tank I can add fish right away then boom back in action.. so now I have a fluval evo 13.5 gallon , live sand, rodi saltwater and was planing on getting it wet Saturday then driving to the lfs and grab some fully cured live rock and start cycling..

My guy at the lfs says he qt his fish but treats for ich anyways , just in case. He was telling me if I did treat with copper It would containment my live rock and sand, which sucks bc I was hoping to qt my fish and then maybe turn it into a mini frag tank.. he was saying if I did treat he wouldn't ever add coral to the tank with that same live rock or sand. Heck he said he probably wouldn't even use the tank again for coral.. mind you this is the owner who has tons of knowledge, and he doesn't sell me tanks or anything. He was actually talking me out of buying rock from his store if I was making a qt tank. And talking me into setting up a Bb basic QT with pvc and what not for hiding places

Ok now for the questions. Would you treat your fish just in case in your qt tank? If you treat your qt with copper will it ruin your rock, sand, and even tank forever? Or not ruin but not be able to add coral to it do to copper...

Man I was so bummed about m fish then got all fired up to make a cool qt tank then turn it into a mini frag tank, :doh:

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