samedi 16 septembre 2017

Tank Crash After Hurricane Irma

Live in key Largo. Evacuated during hurricane Irma. I left my 75 gallon reef tank with battery backup air pump but it was not enough to last the 4 days i was away. We were finally allowed to come back on Tuesday and found house without power, all fish dead. Only life in my tank are a few corals and 3 nassarius snails. Threw all dead creatures out, started my pumps with a generator and changed out 50% water since I do not want to lose live rock and remaining corals. Tested water today and I have 1ppm ammonia, 0 nitrite, 5ppm nitrates, 8.2 ph. I am headed on vacation to Boston/Canada cruise -14 days. (if hurricane jose behaves)
I want to know, since i have no fish, do i need to feed the aquarium (auto feeder) with food while away to sustain the live rock? I am planning on having the tank with only my remaining coral for about a month until i am sure that it has cycled again. Does coral survive without fish?
only corals that survived are a sponge, a torch, quite a few candy canes and some mushrooms.

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