samedi 16 septembre 2017

A sunny sea shore Saturday

Good morning to all our TRT Friends, and....HAPPY SATURDAY! Looks like a pretty one out there today.....and hoping it lasts into the night so we can be out there enjoying it. Let's see, a floor full of sleeping kids...hummmmm, that means there's Dunkin Donuts around here some where to go with our coffee and pink milk. Though it may involve some tip toeing to get to them. Hey George, to continue yesterday's thread.....there's something that is actually 'an hour north' of you? I thought perhaps the Arctic fell into that category.:nuts: I know in the grand scheme of things our state ain't all THAT's just that when they put that black stuff on the roads, and then lines.....and then have more than one set of ruts going in both directions it confuses my horse. :nuts: And no, I don't get paid 'travel time' when I have to go back to work....that's just a part of my job. And in this case I had the option of sitting there for 5 hours, walking in circles pretending to do something when WE KNEW there wasn't, or head home and accomplish something, including a wonderful quiet cup of coffee in a refreshing cool breeze with my wife. Got back to work just in time to see our 2 o'clock haul out turned into a 4 o'clock haul out, and instead of a simple prop change turned into a bent shaft that needs to be pulled....AND decided, maybe, to spend the winter. So, guess what awaits me this morning. And let's see....Doug, they're already trickling out for winter storage, but doesn't turn super wacko till the mid of next month. Hope all have one of them days fantastic tales are written about, and enjoy the pijeepers out of it,

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