jeudi 21 septembre 2017

The first Thursday of fall

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY THURSDAY....FALL! Though with near on 85 deg days it's tough thinking falling leaves and the count down to the first snow fall. Like Jeff said, Indian summer is definitely upon us around here. Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee, and lack of pink milk...sniffle sniffle this morning. :( Had a boat to haul out yesterday morning.....I drove it into the lift well, got off and was going to jump up on the lift to pick it up, when I notice 3 guys just standing around not doing anything to help. Like hold the boat centered in the lift well with the high winds we had.....adjusting the slings where they needed to be, ect. Climbed back down off the lift and asked the boss, 'What;s up?'. We had a flood tide, and access to one side of the lift was blocked by about 6" of water....REALLY! A boats going to be damaged bouncing around in the lift well, not to mention guys just standing around DOING NOTHING......don't these guys take showers, or go swimming.....IT"S ONLY WATER! So of course Hack goes over there and get's the lift adjusted, AND NEVER GOT MY FEET WET. Walked on the lip of the lift rails, and hanging onto the lift for balance, and climbed back up on the lift and got her out. And the boss gave the international signal for :doh:, and the rest of the day he refereed to the Three Stooges. :D Rant over. Hope all have a super cool day, and all the best,

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