vendredi 15 septembre 2017

Stubborn SPS Polyps

Does anybody have issues with like one or two SPS coral that will not extend their polyps? I have about 25 pieces of SPS in my tank and have two that will not extend their polyps for anything. I have tried to move their location around, changed water flow speeds, and did minor changes in the lighting. They are the only two that will not for the life of me extend.

I have 5 wrasses in my tank and no sign of pest on any of the coral. Alk has been rock stable at 8 DKH, Calc has been 410 to 435 and Mag is stable at 1400.

My last idea is to couple of coral dips for the next few days to see if something is only brothering them. I don't have no fish picking on any polyps. I don't see much grow out of these corals either, one is a pink lemonade and the other is a pink millipora.

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