mardi 26 septembre 2017

Can I dose magnesium itself?

I imagine this might be a dumb question,but I cannot find specific information on it.i am wondering if I can just dose magnesium to raise it.i am unsure if adding this will cause a change in my calcium and alk which seem ok.i know people like to know tank info so here it is:

75 gallons,20 gallon roughly 85-90 gallons
Tank up for almost 2 years,20% water change religiously every two weeks using reef crystals salt.
My parameters are currently 8 alk 460 calcium 1160-1200 magnesium
I use kalkwasser in my top off,at 1 tsp per gallon
Corals include gsp, Duncan,Kenya tree,some zoas,alveopora,mushrooms,birdsnest,frogspawn
I also have a goniorapora which hasn't opened up in some time.all the rest seem to be doing fine.but I have lost some corals,and because of this I am hesitant to buy more until I figure out what the problem is.every time I check nitrate and ammonia,they read the same,what I assume is 0.if it matters,my lighting is 4 bulb is generally on the low side,7.8-8

Basically I'm just wondering if I can boost magnesium without having any negative side effects

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