dimanche 30 avril 2017

Riddle me this, riddle me that, where the heck are my phospates at?

SO I have a bit of a question / dilemma on my hands.
My tanks runs very high on nitrates . 25-50 ppm.
My setup does not include filter socks .
I have short runs of pipe with full siphon
huge skimmer for the tank. 100 gallon total volume
my live stock are 2 small clown fish.
rox .8 carbon reactor
bare bottom (so its not the sand acting as a sink)
and that is it. totally basic.

I dose 4 ml of n04po4x daily on a dosing pump .5 ml at a time.

heres the catch. my glass needs cleaning about ohhhh. EVERY TWO WEEKS!

My phospates are at 6 ppB. yes that billion.

tank is about 90 days ish old.

ARE my phosphates so low as to inhibit the carbon dosing method for heterophic bacteria from working?

ive posted some photos of the tests below. I have tested my source water after mixing to rule out any chance of a bad batch and it comes up 0 not even when viewed sideways is there any touch of pink in it.

I am assuming ( i know , not the scientific method) that my phosphates have been driven low enough by the carbon dosing to be limiting.

I can not for the life o me think where all these nitrates are coming from . I do a weekly water change of 25%.

what are your guys thoughts on this?

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29gl Stocking suggestions

OK So I feel like I finally have a set up that I might actually work. I have had mixed success with saltwater in the past. And my reeef keeping has been not so good. I blame this entirely on being poorly equipped.

Well now I have a 29 gallon that I feel is doing well and I want to begin to stock it with a few things. But I want to do do it with stuff that will work for a small aquarium.

First what I have.

First I have about 15 pounds of live rock and 15 pounds of dead rock that I can see is being seeded. I have a 3" deep sand bed with the top layer being 10# of natures ocean live sand. I have two algae eating snails of some sort and I used to have two other snails in the sand but I haven't seen them in a long time. I also bought a piece of live rock that had two different kinds of macro algae on it and a couple of either anemones or corals. They are not apistas ( I know what those are) Can't really tell what they are but they are pretty cool little things. I also have a very small humbug damsel, a blue damsel with yellow fins, and a Morse Code Maroon clown.

Equipment wise I am using a HOB filter, a in tank skimmer, and a SB Reef 16 inch LED light and a powerhead just moving water.

I was/am having a nitrate problem. It was well over the 160PPM mark but now is at 40PPM. I have been dosing with .2ml of vodka for 8 days. I have hair algae and green micro algae in addition to the two macro algae.

As the nitrates continue to reduce I want to start looking to stock the tank mainly with some inverts/coral. Maybe a fish or two if I can get away with it. I know we want a bubble tip anemone for the clown. And we would like some inverts like hermit crabs or shrimp for cleaning detail. And maybe a few corals. For fish If we can a blenny of some sort and a dwarf angle like a coral beauty or flame.

Now these are the wants. I know we need to contain the algae but how much of a concern will that be once the nitrates are gone? I was thinking the blenny for algae eating or is there another small grazer that would be good for a 29. Hermit crabs for algae and other leftover stuff. Can I get away with adding an angle also.

And finally what kinds of coral could work if any.

I am open for any and all suggestions as I know this is a small tank so I know I need to lightly stock and keep them small.

Back at it!

Have a 75 gal. With refugium, octo hob classic 90 skimmer, compact fluorescent lighting by current, 2 power heads, live rock,crushed coral substrate. And just started up the hobby again after a 7 year break. Currently have 2 anemones, 2 clowns, 3 banghai cardinals, 2 damsels, scarlet shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 hammer coral, 2 blue cestipularia corals,crabs,snails,watchmen goby(yellow)

20 gal long nano tank, brand new, NEED HELP

So I'm starting a brand new 20 gal nano tank and I need advice and details on the best way to get it cycled and stable.
What supplies will I need? Do I need an actual filter if I have a skimmer and refugium? I'm going with live sand and rock to start off, show I do a deep sand bed or a shallow one? As time progresses I would like to add coral and anemones as well. I'll cross that bridge as I come to it ha.
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated

20 gallon long nano tank! brand new, please help!

So I'm starting a brand new 20 gal nano tank and I need advice and details on the best way to get it cycled and stable.
What supplies will I need? Do I need an actual filter if I have a skimmer and refugium? I'm going with live sand and rock to start off, show I do a deep sand bed or a shallow one? As time progresses I would like to add coral and anemones as well. I'll cross that bridge as I come to it ha.
Any help will be GREATLY appreciated

Clown nipping at my feather duster

One of my clowns keeps nipping at my feather duster. Not sure why this has started.

2 Clownfish

I have a 29 Gallon Biocube and got two new clownfish from a tank full of them at a fish store . They are doing well but the issue I have with them is that they'll fight when near each other . I had them for two days now . One is about .5 inches bigger than the other . The bigger one will dash toward the little one , look like it'll try nipping at it and the smaller one will wiggle its tail at it , than the bigger one swims away . Sometimes they can be with each other . Is this normal ?

It's a beautiful Sunday!

......("Well except for being cloudy and 30 degrees cooler than yesterday.") Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SUNDAY! House full of snores at the moment, but will be getting everyone out the door before too long for church. I know the cookies and milk will be missed, but we do have DFunkin Donuts to go with our coffee and pink milk today. Got to have our first bonfire of the season last night.....ahhhhhhh, that was nice and relaxing after a hectic week. Brother Bob will be here shortly for our Sunday morning coffee tradition, so will check back after bit. All the best,

Zetlight, Kessil, Radion, SBreef, or ReefBreeders?

Hello all,

for those that are not following my 210g build, I am stuck between a rock and a hard spot!! So I need your help!!

I have gone from 3, to 5. :doh:

Zetlight, Kessil, Radion, SBReef, or ReefBreeders?

What I plan on doing: mixed reef and SPS some time way down the road.

Apex compatibility is a HUGE plus.

They will be over a 210g tank that is 7'x2'x2'.

What I have come up with:

Zetlight ZT-6800A is Apex compatible. I'd have to get 2 for coverage and still be 4" short front to back and 2" short on either side. All for around $1100.

Kessil A360W-E I would need 3 of them at the very minimum I believe. Even with 3 I would be 6" short on either side. But penetration is phenomenal I've heard. This would run around $1200. These are also Apex compatible.

Radion XR30 G4's. I believe everyone can imagine where this is going. WOW :nuts: Apex ready, but still 6" short on either side. Price tag is a real kicker at around $2400 for 3 of them that I would need.

SBReefs: Elite 30" which has built in ramping. For these I would run 2 in the front and 1 in the back, as I would have about 3" over either end if I ran them in a straight line. At 327W I would need 3 at around $1200.
Pro 32" only has a built in timer. This light is 363W. For 3 of them it would run around $900. I would also run 2 in the front and 1 in the back.
Basic 30" runs at 327W but has 3 cords, one for each channel. Again, I would need 3 which would come in around $800.
Now for all of the SBReefs Mike had said that you can make them Apex compatible, which I have the wiring for. Now I know he also said on certain ones you won't be able to ramp with the Apex, so I'll have to call him again about these.

ReefBreeders: Photon 24 Not Apex compatible. I would need 3 of these which comes in around $1050. I have the first generation on my 30g reef now and had great results with it.
Photon 32 & 48 obviously neither is Apex compatible. I would only be short 2" on either side. Both of these together would run around $1225.

Hopefully some of you can shed some light here. I'm really interested in finding out more on Zetlight. I'm even willing to consider a mix and match of the above lights.



samedi 29 avril 2017

Duncan coral help

I am having some issues with my Duncan coral that I got last Saturday from a frag show. This is my first time with corals, so I am unsure how to approach this particular situation.

I currently have 6 corals in the tank: pulsing xenia, torch, duncan, toadstool, and two zoas (sunny d's and smurfettes). They are all doing fantastic, besides the duncan. I knew the torch would be a harder coral, but it is doing the best of all of them.

I have had many issues with my Duncan. I could not get it to open fully for a while, even though all of my other corals had opened. I finally found a spot where it was happy, and it opened up and looked great. But, I have really sucky emerald crabs that keep harassing it, but they only go after the Duncan coral. They pick at it, and have total knocked it into the sandbed over ten times this week. I am not always home when this happens, so it can be left in the sand for a few hours.

Then the Duncan fell off of its frag plug. I tried to put it in the same place as before, but it was less secure. However, it was happy and opened up fully again. Then it got knocked off three more times.

It has not opened up in the past day, and has lost some color (although it is hard to tell because its a pale purple and I can't see the green mouth/ stem when it is closed up and in the rock.

Im sure its halfway stressed to death- thats certainly the cause.

Is there anything I can do to bring it back? How do I tell if and when it dies? I might be getting rid of my emerald crabs. I honestly hate them. They trample and pick at the other corals and fight with my flameback angel.

What should I do? I currently have it in the same spot as it was this whole week and where it was the happiest. We shall see what tomorrow brings.

WTB: TLF Phosban 150 Reactors

Looking for two of these, preferably with pumps and hoses. Thanks!

Need Advise

HI All, So last night my Fluval 306 running my 44 gallon upright failed for the third time. Only this time i lost 4 gallons on my floor and took about 1/2 hour to get it started again. I replaced the half the media right after my cycle and once again a week ago. I've cleaned it entirely twice already and it's only been running since February, so I know it's not dirty. But I can't take the failing... So...... I've looked into setting up a sump. I only have enough room in my cabinet on one side of it for a 5.5 gallon tank to act as Sump. My tank being a Fluval freshwater tank it's not drilled. So I'm thinking of doing a DIY over flow into the 5.5 tank. Now I want to use a filter sock then have it flow through bio balls then through carbon then through a sponge covering the 450 gph return pump. So.... My question is... is it feasible to run my reef on a 5.5 gallon sump? In my set up you'll see there's not much room behind the system so I've only got the compartment that I've shown.. And I also do not want to tear it apart to start over that's for sure because my corals are doing very well and don't want to wreck that!! OR Should I get the Fluval FX4 which is overkill to run it??

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New to the Hobby, Hello everybody!!!

We are the Motts and are from Texas. We will be setting up a Red Sea max 250 complete system. Should make a nice little reef tank.

overflow box

I have a 40b with a sump. In the past, I have been Using two pumps to pump form my display to my sump and back to the sump. I flooded my house 5 times. I am adding an overflow box to my set-up. Does my pump have to be the exact size (in gph) as my overflow? Or can the pump be 100gph if the overflow is 150gph? Also, does anyone have recommendations for a good cheap overflow and/or pump?

A close to hot Saturday

Good morning TRT Friends, and.....HAPPY SATURDAY! Shhhhhhhhh, everyone just finally went to sleep. I'm going to have some nice quiet cookies and milk....chocolate chips, and also peanut butter cookies to go with our coffee and pink milk. Going to hit near on 90 today for a high with sunshine......now then folks at work will complain about it being 'too hot', rather than 'too cold'.:rolleyes: I've long since PICKED ONE and run with it....,I'll take heat over cold.:thumbup: Heading into work, and thinking a whole day but fingers crossed for a 1/2. Also Bay Fest is happening there today, and potentially with that mob scene an 'interesting day at work. Hope all the best for all,

Newbie with a possibly repetitive qstn

I have noticed little white swirls of dots on my tank glass and am trying to find out what they are and if I need to get rid of them?

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vendredi 28 avril 2017

500 Freshwater Gallons/issues and a bit of help please

So as I moved to our new house, that gave me chance to get a new aquarium. I gave up my 120 gallon, traded it and all it had in, and started to look. This was a few months ago by now, and in that time I found the store of Aquatics and Exotics here in Ohio. Bit of a drive for me, but there, I found a once in a decade find.

Someone paid to have a 500 gallon aquarium made, that is eight foot long, four feet deep, and two feet tall. Apparently the guy who wanted it put a payment down on it, and he was going to put Piranhas in it. He eventually backed out though for reasons he never revealed. Since he lost his deposit, this aquarium, which should be like 4500$, was only for sale for 3000$ and possibly cheaper because the store really wanted to get rid of it as it took up a lot of space.

Welp, I'm that guy who bought it. I had to take out loan to do it, but I did. It bought it, and he even drilled it and put in an overflow box for free. I also paid to have a 75 gallon sump built, which barely fits under the stand.

Now its been some time since I bought it, so I done plenty of things already. To start with, I got substrate in the form of Caribsea Sand, I got some rocks, one piece of driftwood, and the water is in the aquarium.

Now I'm at a standstill on one or two things. The biggest issue thus far is getting lights that are big enough to light up the whole aquarium. No one really carries a light that can cover an 8 foot aquarium. Four foot lights, and even 72 inch light strips, but this got tricky.

So now i'm looking for a solution to my light issue. I plan to maybe get plants at some point, so I need lights that can do that.

I'll be sure to get pictures at some point too, to show this thing off.

Quick (ideally!) nano advice needed

Evening all, normally when I join a forum I'll go through a more friendly and traditional route of joining and introducing myself but the need for a bit of advice has catalysed the process straight into asking for a bit of help.

I've had fish tanks for years, started fresh then went tropical then marine. I did go brackish for a while too (five tanks on the go at that point) but after downsizing my living quarters I've just got a nano marine now. It's 48l in Brit terms, I think that's about 12.5 gallons for you guys across the pond.

Anyway, it's been running for about 6 years without ever having any significant issues; odd loss of life occasionally but few and far between. I'll be open and honest and say I haven't maintained it to the highest standard over the past six months (maybe a bit more), a combination of health and family issues have taken priority and I've had no time to think about much else. In that time it's only had one clown swimming around in it bar clean up crew, it was actually the first fish I ever put in so was a decent age before it croaked a few days ago. Relative to its size the tank has a lot of live rock and a live sand bed about an inch or so deep. Bit deeper if anything but certainly not more than two inches.

Seeing as there were no fish I thought I'd do a thorough spring clean of the tank and rescape the layout with regards to the LR. Out came all of the rock (only mushrooms on it coral wise) and into a deep bin with a heater keeping it at a stable temperature but at present no powerhead keeping the water flowing round it. CUC are bagged and floating on top. Looking forward to getting it back to its best over the coming months with livestock/coral additions as a pleasant distraction from more serious matters.

Now here is where I got a bit cavalier in my method... Very thin film of algae was covering most of the glass and the sides of the tank had a lot of coraline covering them so went to town getting rid of it all. Plan was to then syphon out the remaining water with all the mess in it and replace it with fresh water (saltwater obviously!). The remaining balance of water needed to fill the tank up would be (is) the water the LR is sat in. The cavalier part was suddenly deciding I missed having the bright white sand the tank had when I first started it. Without giving it too much thought and before I syphoned out the 'dirty' water I gave the sand a thorough (very thorough) stirring and turning over in the hope that the sand below the surface would look a lot brighter and cleaner. After doing that I sucked out the remaining water (left about 1cm above the sand bed). I thought doing things in this order would mean anything nasty I stirred up from the sand bed would be removed with the water. Alas the sand doesn't even seem that much brighter!

Next step was putting in the fresh saltwater and here is where I need the advice. The water is unbelievably cloudy since I did all this approximately 4/5 hours ago and doesn't seem to be improving at a noticeable rate. There is also a very fine layer (almost silt like) of sand sat on top of the regular sand, didn't expect that to happen but it is what it is. I've turned on one of the powerheads thinking that a bit of current would sort that out but no joy. I prefer the aesthetic of not having the silt like sand but if it's doing no harm then I won't lose any sleep over it either.

Right now it's 3am our time and I'm going to need to get some sleep soon but that can wait until I've followed any advice you guys have!

Main questions are:

1) Has turning the sand bed over caused the cloudy tank in the guise of anything more serious than fine sand in the water (bacterial bloom or something?)?

2) Can the LR with mushrooms and CUC go in or does this need waiting out? I'm worried that my hand might be forced into it regardless dependent on the answer to the next question.

3) If I need to wait it out, how long is too long for the LR and CUC to be sat in the bin considering there is no water movement? CUC is bagged so I'm sure they'll be fine but don't want stuff in the LR to die and then cause a spike in the tank.

Feel free to chastise me for acting rashly with regards to stirring the sand, I'll take it constructively rather than personally. Any advice will be very much gratefully received :)


Thinking of New Ideas

So its been awhile. My 55 gal tank broke and I finally just broke everything down..... But I so miss it. I am looking to get a new 55 but I don't want to do the regular fish/coral tank that i had before. I was thinking of doing just a coral tank with a crew such as shrimp, crabs, starfish.... Is that something anyone has done? Is it harder to maintain I know that the bioload won't be as much since there wont actually be fish so just wondering. I was also thinking of down the line of having a couple of Seahorses I know they like the hard corals that they can attach to but can they also live with the zoos and the hammer corals things like that?

10% OFF JBJ Aquarium Chillers

5 gal to a 20 gal long! Stocking help needed

Hey Y'all!

So i've recently gotten into the Saltwater hobby and loved it! Started with a 5 gal tank i got for free; and kept 5lbs of live rock, a ocellaris clown, blue damsel, and 4 hermit crabs. The tank was a little over stocked, but the water was turned over 20-25 times an hour with weekly water changes. Everyone said it cant be done, well, I did it. Ran great and fish were always happy, but it was time to upgrade!

Side note: I assume I got lucky with the damsel, as everyone says they are horrible fish. This one is a little ski-dish, but him and the clown are best buds.

I bought a 20L tank, and am running the Marineland Penguin 350B (17.5 turnover), top fin powerhead (likely to small, but worried about going to big), Ehiem 100W heater (awesome heater, wont ever get a different one!), and a Marineland LED (plan on getting a Coralife LED soon). Stocked with 8lbs of live rock, 20 lbs of dry rock, the clown and damsel, the 4 hermits (3 red, 1 blue), small GSP frag, mushroom frag, and a zoa frag. I used two bottles of Instant Ocean Bio-Spira to speed up the cycle; which worked great!

I'm am going to give it another week or two, but its gonna be time to get another fish. I really want something that will swim around a lot. I was thinking maybe a Flame Angel, but I hear it is hit or miss with their reef compatibility. Any suggestions for a new tank-mate?

Also, would a 3-4 stripe damsel be compatible with my damsel? I love their color, but I have a feeling they will not enjoy each other.

I'll try to upload a pic, but it might not show up.

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NEW @ MD: Tunze, Kessil, & LET Lighting + HOT Deals Ending Soon!

NEW @ MD: Tunze, Kessil, & LET Lighting + HOT Deals Ending Soon!

Frag Racks & Planters, Skimmers & Filters, Retrofit & 'Fuge Lights!

Friday? Yeah, FRIDAY!

Good morning Friends, and yeah....HAPPY FRIDAY! Days are starting to blur around here. I think I'll treat us to a nice relaxing breakfast to get us started....how about some ham omelets, and of course a plain one here for Cath, to go with our coffee and pink milk. Life is a tad nutty at the boatyard being shorter handed'er than usual. Making for a worn out puppy by the end of the day. The gent will probably be out for 3 weeks or so......prime 'rush season'. That's O.K., that's what these big shoulders are for. Tomorrow is 'Bay Fest' in Somerspoint.... across the creek from where I work they shut down the street and turn the place into a tourist trap carnival. We'll have folks strolling through our yard for no other reason than because 'it's there'. Traffic? Yeah, it'll be suckie! I hope all you fine Folks will find groovy things to occupy your day, and all the best,

jeudi 27 avril 2017

Nitrate reduction

Ok so I am battling a nitrate issue. I was running higher than 160PPM. I am dong the vodka thing. In addition, before doing that I added a piece of live rock that had some macro algae (I don't know the kinds). Now I am on day 6 and I am already seeing nitrates decrease to somewhere between 160 and 80. But I am having a major micro algae bloom which I expected. And the live rock is now getting bubbles all over it.

Is what I think is happening, happening. Is the bacteria now producing nitrogen gas from the nitrates and that is what I am seeing?

Will I be able to get my micro algae problem under control when I can get the Nitrates down?

And on a final note I am seeing my PH creep up. it has gone from 8.0 to about 8.6. What can I do to buffer that?

National Prime Rib Day

Happy National Prime Rib Day. Use coupon code "meat" to save 15% on your total purchase. Now until Monday 05/01/17 at Glass-holes.com.

Rose Bubble Tip Anenome Still hiding

I got a Rose Bubble Tip Anenome Sunday night, acclimated it and then put in a spot I thought it liked. Ever since it was put in the bag at the fish store it was all the way in to a flat disk and hasn't come out of that shape since then.

After 24 hours of it being mad and showing zero signs of it coming out of hiding I tried putting a piece of shrimp on it's mouth, sure enough, it ate it. After eating the shrimp it started to be on the move a little. I thought I was golden. Then it just kind of stopped in the sand bed and didn't move.

The next day I moved it to what I think is a much better spot for flow/lighting and it still is in hiding. I fed it another piece of Mysis shrimp on Tuesday and it ate that thing hole. Even saw the tail sticking out of its mouth. I have went ahead and left it there since then and it just kid of sits there. It hasn't tried to move at all and overall it's a wider disk than it was on Monday, but it still seems really pissed.

Are they known for coming out of their shell slowly?

I tested my water parameters and Phosphate/Nitrates are at 0, but who knows if something else isn't just eating it all up. Tank has been running since November. I do have a chemi-pure elite phosphate remover sitting in my filter sock. I have a refugium(relatively new) with Chaeto algae in there.

I at least know that it's still alive because it's eating and will move, but it will not open up it's tentacles lol.

Thursday, WAKE UP!

Good morning TRT Friends, and....HAPPY THURSDAY! Cloudy, but heading to 70. Sorry, but Pop-Tarts still need to be thinned out some, still lots of great flavors left to go with our coffee and pink milk. Just too whooped in the evening to come out and play lately by time we get back from seeing Pop, and dinner, and 'home stuff'. Hope all have good things ahead of them today, and plenty of time to fit it all in, and all the best,

mercredi 26 avril 2017

Xenia coral dying?

My Xenia has slumped over 2 days ago after staying total 3 days in the tank.

Its head has fell off from it ,the body has a split like someone cut them

what should I do? will it come back to life?

Tank info:
6 Gallon
Salinity : 1.025
LED 9x1 watts reef lighting beamworks
Light schedule 6-6PM (blue light 1 hour before turning off)

Are your spaghetti worms more hassle than beneficial?

i started seeing spaghetti worms popping up everywhere about a year ago in my tank, and this was right about the time that i started getting algae issues on my rocks. i notice that whenever blowing off the rocks with a baster, any spot with spaghetti worms sticking out is like a gigantic eruption of detritus.

i've also observed that for the most part, the worst spots of algae in the tank are located directly where there are big numbers of these guys, and now im starting to wonder if they are stealing the show from my mechanical filtration and instead are digging fish waste and food deep into the pores of my rocks.

this thought alone makes me want to find a predator of these guys, i hear copperband butterflies do the trick but my tank is too small to keep one happy long term, there was a snail with big flappy looking sides that i thought ate them but i forgot the name of it.

thoughts on spaghetti worms in a bare bottom or very shallow sand bed setup? i see their purpose in a dsb but since im bare bottom at the moment i feel the skimmer and my filter sock should do most of the work for me.

Fish Facts with Quality Marine, Episode 2 - Dragonets

Fish Facts with Quality Marine, Episode 2 - Dragonets

Scooter, Red Scooter, Ruby Red, Green and Red Mandarin, and Spotted Mandarin!

To dose or not to dose?

I have two SW biocubes and have a difficult time keeping corals. In my 29 I do have good luck with cabbage coral (too much), mushrooms and hammers. I tend to run high with nitrates probably due to feeding too much. Recently a friend came over to test for more than my usual testing and found the phosphates were 2.5, alkalinity 6.2 and calcium 320, the magnesium was fine at 12.80. His suggestions were to use GFO, magnesium, phosphate and Reef code A&B from Brightwells.
My 14 BC tested magnesium 780 and calcium 370, it also tests fine for PH, ammonia, nitrites but high with nitrates. I've never dosed my tanks by adding chemicals. I do water changes on both tanks 7-10 days with my own RO water and use Instant Ocean at 1.026. Needless to say I'm nervous.
Are chemicals the way to go? Thank you for comments

Possible sick dwarf?

I got my dwarf sea horses in today. They are all in the tank and there are 8 of them. 6 of them are moving around and exploring. 1 of the other two is showing eye movement and moved spots once. But the second one is just hitched in the same position and has not moved since I put it in there. It's also not moving its eyes at all. I was wondering if there could be something wrong with it.

Zoa ID

I got a Zoa frag and I'm not sure what it is. It has a bright orange and black striped skirt. yellow in the middle with what looks to me like a human eye shape. Thanks for your help Zoa experts!

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Anyone up for a Wednesday?

Good morning TRT Friends, and welcome to the middle of the week. Ain't calling for rain today, but doesn't look overly promising out there though, and temps in the mid 60's. Family is home from the hospital, since they moved Pop into rehab, and of course first thing the Mrs. did was pass out for the night. They'll be going down to rehab at 8:00, so will be heading out to breakfast when they get up....so bachelor breakfast on tap.....Assorted Pop-Tarts to go with our coffee and pink milk. Looking forward to working in dryer conditions at work today, but am sure laying in mud puddles to move boats are probably on my slate. Sometimes it's just tough to get motivated to lay in a cold mud puddle in April. :rolleyes: Hope all have fantastic things lined up for their day, and enough left over to share with others that really, REALLY need it. All the best to all,

mardi 25 avril 2017

Anyone know what this is....

Have noticed this growing on a piece of live rock I've had in my tank for over a year.. only noticed it over the last week or so... any ideas ? Good or bad ?

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Biocube LED 32

Is a biocube LED 32 gal supposed to have a leak from chamber 1 to chamber 2 through the bottom of the division that separates them? THANKS!

Cheap and decent t5ho 24in option

Well im trying to figure out what i wanna do for my lights and as im exploring my options, i cant seem to really find much in the cheap t5 area.

Any suggestions on 2ft t5's that would sustain a anemone in 11in of water? Ideally i want to go with 4 bulbs and 20 leds. I have a bunch of leds and drivers so if i cant do the lighting all under 200$ ill probably just use the leds i have a make a new light but i have been very interested in running a t5/led combo, i just cant find anything under 300$

Protein Skimmer Questions

Hi everyone! I am considering setting up a nano reef (10 - 20 gallons is all I have space for) and wanted to find if I needed a protein skimmer because they are expensive. I am new to saltwater but have done tropical freshwater just wanted to know some thoughts on this. Also are gobies considered low-bioload fish? I know they are kind of like catfish and stay at the bottom of the tank.

My yellow watchman gobby is hiding now :(

Hi everyone,

I am having a yellow watchman gobby for around 1 month and it is my favorite fish so far. Given that watchman gobbies are usually shy and always hide (just like my previous one used to do), this one is the less shy fish I ever had! He constantly moves around and even swims at the middle-top together with the clownfish! Such a great thing to watch!
Until I got a tiger pistol shrimp... I heard they are good mates with the yellow watchman gobby, so I gave it a try. The shrimp started digging tunnels and it seems like the gobby is a guard at the entrance of these tunnels and the shrimp hiding inside them. Sometimes the gobby hides in the tunnels and I cannot see it anymore.
I know the fish looks happier now, but I feel sad I will get to see it less...

SPS, make your pack...Great Pricess

Most all are healed few months. Some maybe a week or two. I can do fresh cuts unmounted if preferred. Most all are like 1"+ unless noted. Tons of great feedback!!

UPS overnight in styro. Standard Live Arrival Guarantee with pics in bags of DOA’s within 2 hrs of delivery.

Take all 19 listed for $325 shipped
Or if you want a smaller pack
pick 10 for $230 shipped.....
pick 15 for $290 shipped…..

1.) ORA Borealis:

2.) Pink Birdnest:

3. Chili Pepper Monti

4. Rainbow Pocillopora

5.) Green Stylo

6.) Sour Apple BN

7.) Purple Tipped Acro

8.) Waynes Reef Acro

9.) Thin Bushy Blue Tip Acro

10.) ORA green BN

11.) Tri Color Granulosa

12.) Teal Tip Acro

13.) Purple Digi

14). Purple stag/ silver polyps

15. ORA Geko Green:

16.) Orange Cap

17.) Steve Garrets Stylo:

18.) Monti Spongodes

19.) Appleberry Undata

Grab the umbrellas Tuesday!

Good morning TRT Friends, and welcome to a WET WEDNESDAY! Gene Kelly would be singing his heart out! Got some ham omelets to go with our coffee and pink milk this morning. The Mrs. and Jr. spent the night with Pop last night. Walked yesterday for the first time! Well on the way to being ready to be moved to re-hab. A smidge of a set back at work yesterday....our mechanic broke his hand over the weekend. So now it's just me, and, and......hummmmmm, now it's ME! Going to be a LONG spring! :doh: Hope all are doing well, and are surrounded by some of Cath's perpetual sunshine,

lundi 24 avril 2017

Maxpect Gyre?

I am thinking of investing in an XF230 for my 45G tank.

I've always struggled with flow. Right now I have a maxi jet circular flow jet as well as two other small powerheads. Iys hard to get the maxi jet set right so that my corals aren't getting blasted because of the direct force- seems like flow would Be more spread out and even with the Gyre.

Does anyone have any experience with these pumps and would you recommend them/what has your experience with them been like? If you do not reccomend them what would you suggest instead?


Solid White Indicator on AI Hydra 26 HD

I emailed customer support, but they told me what i have already tried and has not worked.
The light indicator light is solid white. I have tried to hold the button on the back of the light for five seconds. Nothing. ten seconds nothing. Unplugged light and then while holding the button plugged the light back in, held button for five seconds, the light rapidly flashes blue/green, then starts to blink blue, then a few minutes later it turns solid white. Ten seconds with same method. same outcome. solid white indicator light. Anyone got any help please? I really like this light, but if i can not figure this issue out, I am gonna return them and get something different.

Problem with 1 year old reef tank

I currently have had my tank up running for just over a year now and for the last few weeks I have been battling a spike in hair algae and now some sort of slime algae.
I have a 65 gallon tank with Radion gen4 leads and reef octopus skimmer. I also started running gfo about 2 weeks ago. When the algae got bad I began doing a water change every day for about 2 weeks straight and the tank started looking great again. I slacked for about a week and did a water change and the tank started getting worse. My normal water change schedule was weekly.

Starting a few days ago the hair algae turned into slime covering everything. I have done two 10 gallon water changes the last two days but all of my corals are closed up completely. I have mostly LPS and a few polyps.

Water parameters I tested yesterday all looked good.

Ammonia =0
Nitrate =5

I did not check Calc and mag since I think something else is going on and those levels should be fine with the frequency of water changes.

I was fine battling the algae but now all of my corals are closed and losing color. Should I shut down the gfo or is there another issue?

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Your fish are hungry!

:goldfish: Your fish are hungry! :goldfish:

10% back rewards on Rod’s Food, 10% off canister filters, and 10% off ESV!

Crab identification

Anyone know what crab this is?

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EcoTech Radion XR30w PRO Gen3 + ReefLink

Selling for a friend:

Gen3 Radion XR30w Pro, In excellent condition. Manufactured in March 2016 and used for only 7 months since. — Asking $500 Shipped

ReefLink — Asking $85 Shipped

Accepting Offers! Just PM Me. Feel free to ask any questions.

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VIDEO: Canister Filters on Reef Tanks? Never Say Never!

VIDEO: Canister Filters on Reef Tanks? Never Say Never!

Speed up cycling, deep clean, or start a quarantine tank!

My Fluconazole treatment for bryopsis (with pics!)

So i finally got my order of Fluconazole from Thomas Labs, this will be my post tracking day to day progress of the treatment in my 37 gallon tank/10 gallon sump system.

Attachment 154482

so on a positive note, whether this works or not...got myself a $50 tootsie pop...Score 1 for me right?:dance: (not sure why this came in package, maybe there's a fish doctor somewhere tapping his foot waiting for this post).

they came in 100mg dissolvable tablets.. i was hoping for capsules with dry powder but i see the functionality of this way since its made for fish and not humans.

Attachment 154490

i calculated my system volume to be ~40 gallons give or take a sip or two. most people that have had success were dosing 20mg/1gal of Fluconazole to their tanks and getting results. so i dosed 800 mg (8 pills) into a cup of Rodi water and slow dripped it into DT/sump. Now only time will tell. Heres a couple of pictures that i will keep using as reference points for the days coming... Thanks for reading :read:

Attachment 154498

so this is the worst rock in tank, has bryopsis all over plus grape caulerpa that found its way into system and GHA. this will be the best reference for the bryopsis die off i feel.

Attachment 154506

this rock has mostly GHA and Turf algae on it.. so this will be a good rock to see if Fluconazole works on turf, ive already heard of it killing GHA but not turf yet. same goes for the caulerpa, although if i see the GC dying i might manually remove as much as i can and just leave the runners to die off, to keep nutrient levels lower.

Attachment 154514

not sure whats on this one but maybe someone could ID? its a long flat macro algae but is too small to really see any true structure yet.


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