dimanche 31 janvier 2016

need help

Please need help
I have many kinds of mushrooms and some SBS
In the beginning it was the best case, and now their size is too small may be shrinking or do not open I do not know what are the reasons and how can I address the situation

Salts 1023
Temperature 26 C.
Calcium 500
Nitrates 20
4 phosphate

And I use the reactor about a month ago and was the nitrates 80
Phosphates 10

Blenny, yellow clown fish and jawfish compatibility

I have a 36*24*24 90 gallon reef tank I'm setting up. It's going to be a lps and soft coral tank. The chosen fish are (Blue Assessor, pink skunk clown, 2 scissor tails, tanaka's Pygmy wrasse, yellow headed jawfish, yellow clown goby, and a rainfords goby. Okay so a few questions...I know the yellow clown and rainfords are okay together...however I was wanting to possibly consider adding a 1 spot foxface and or lawn mower blenny or a stary blenny. I have been told that once the foxface is full grown that my tank will be too small for the foxface seeing as how the tank is more tall than long. And as far as the lawnmower blenny possible problems with the jawfish or trying to eat the rainfords or yellow clown and or aggression problems with the yellow clown, rainfords and jawfish. Here is the deal folks...I'm really just looking for an algae eater...however I'm new to this and if proper procautious are taken is this "algae" fish even nescssary? Also this algae fish would probably be a lastly addition...or should it be after or before the yellow clown and rainfords goby IF compatible.

LFS closing.. Had to buy

Our LFS closed their doors today so we had to take advantage of the sales! I had pre purchased a RBTA, it's pair of black and white clowns, cleaner shrimp and sand sifting star fish from their DT. I also scored an awesome mushroom rock with about 20 shrooms of various sizes. Got quite a few of other frags and mushrooms too. So happy to see the anemone adjusting. Everything is open and the fish ate well. More pictures to come for sure!

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Swollen mouth on bta

I have several BTAs and have seen them with swollen mouths b4, but I've got one with swollen mouth that won't go down. It's been almost 2 weeks. I've fed it and it eats fine and hasn't tried to relocate. It's not excreting anything from the mouth either. Water parameters r all wi range.

has anyone experienced nem w swollen mouth for 2 weeks or longer?

First fish

Evening everyone,

I am researching the purchase of my first fish for my reef tank. I have been looking into a few choices.
  1. Sailfin/Algae Blenny, what type of algae do they eat?
  2. Blue/Green Reef Chromis
  3. Cardinal Fish
I'm looking for something that eats the flowing algae (looks like hair?), and a sand sifter to work with my substrate. I was looking at Tangs, but everything says 75 gal or more, is this accurate?

Twitcher21 setup

45 gallon tank, aqua clear 110 filter (500g/hr, sponge, 3lbs of LR), Hydor 450 external canister (Bio balls), Aquatic Life Mini Skimmer, 50 lbs LR, Live sand substrate, 2x 650gph power heads, Fluval T5HO quadx39W. Water parameters, 78 degrees, 1.023sg, DKH 12, Ph is 8.0, nitrites and nitrates both zero.

Bulkheads and Sump Return

I have a 90 gallon with an offset center overflow and I need to buy and install bulkheads. I measured the holes. I have a 1.75" and a 1.5" hole. What is the standard setup for the return bulkhead and what size return pump should I use? Also, what size bulkhead should I use for the 1.75" hole?

White wormlike covering eye of Tang. HELP!!

Hi All,

I have been battling some infection/disease/parasite with all of my tangs. I originally purchased mimic tangs, naso tang, and powder brown tang. I eventually lost all four over a 3 week period. They all started out fine with each one grazing well, eating mysis and bloodworms, and the occasional seaweed sheet. Eventually they all developed white clouding and what appeared to be a wormlike protrusion from their eyes. They all eventually died and i scratched my head not sure why.

I also have a bi-color angel, three clowns, 2 bluefin damsels, engineer goby, sleeper gold head goby, three stripe damsel and a two stripe damsel. I have had most at least 5 months and a few 11 months. My aquarium has been up and running for almost a year. None of these fish have been affected by the issue the tangs have had. After the last wave of Tangs died I started dosing the food with a vitamin dose (Vitality by Seachem) every 4 days and a Medication (MetroPlex by Seachem) every 4-5 days. I tried this to see if I could get rid of anything hanging around from the last issue. I waited about a month before introducing any additional Tangs.

I also think it important to mention that I have many clean-up crew members, a sea hare, and banded coral shrimp. I also have a small colony of blue mushrooms.

I added a powder brown Tang 14 days ago and of course I have the white in the eyes thing happening again. I have attached several pictures of the tang and the issue. I am hoping that someone will be able to help me figure out the issue and a treatment option. Unfortunately I do not have a quarantine tank at my disposal. If anyone has any info and suggestions i would really appreciate it.

150 gallon, Coralife Turbo Twist UV Steralizer, Marineland reef led strip light x2, Marineland advanced led strip light x 2, Coralife Super Skimmer 220g. Two-Fishies Phosban Reactor 150g.

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No bucket water changes. How do you do it?

I am curious to know how you guys do no bucket water changes. I have been keeping fish for five and a half years and carrying 5 gallon buckets around bothers my back, and it also makes me really tired. The time it takes when hauling buckets is also a pain and I want to cut my water change time in half if not more. I plan on buying a python siphon for my freshwater, but obviously with saltwater you can't just connect to the tap to fill the tank back up. So I want to know how you guys do your water changes without buckets with your reefs? It will definitely make maintenance easier for me.

Emperor Angelfish not eating

My emperor angelfish is not eating. I've went out and purchased some cheap zoanthids in hope he'll eat them. I suspect he's picking at the rocks but I have yet to see it, but I've seen him hover face in the rock like he'll pick at it. I've owned him for 4 days, and on the third day I saw him chew at some seaweed floating around. I've changed the water in hopes it'll help. The angelfish has some whitish blotches on him but he hasn't lost or gain any weight. He gets kinda bashed around by my pump so I've ordered a weak pump. He might have been stress since on the 2nd night he got too close my puffer while he was sleeping and caused the puffer to take a chunk of of his tail. I've ordered some Seachem Entice and Garlic extreme. I've tried mysis, formula 2 flakes, Omega one garlic flakes. I've yet to tried bloodworms, NlS, and brine shrimp. His breathing is normal but to white splotches are worst on one side then the other. Any suggestions on how to get him to eat? The sg is 1.021 btw.

Bristle Worm or Anaconda

So I new I had these Alien critters in my tank but saw one a swear was an eel with spikes. This thing had to be 1/2" around and a billion feet long. I don't care how good they are for the tank I want him and his relatives evicted. Do those traps work that well???

Lighting for 10 gallon nano

I have just recently set up a 10 gallon nano reef tank. I have a pair of Ocellaris clowns, a scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp, emerald crab, hairy mushrooms, 2 zoas, and a waving hand. I want to add a hammer or frogspawn. I have the aqueon economy hood which takes two of the 50/50 daylight/bluelight mini compact fluorescent lights. They're not very big, 10W. The box says that it has 50% 10,000K daylight and 50% True Actinic Bluelight. My tank is only about a foot tall. Is this sufficent light for either of these types of corals? And would it ever support a small bubble tip with this lighting?
Thanks for any responses.

Need some advice

I have a 55 gallon reef tank that has been up and running for 5 yrs.
I consistently have problems with brown crap that forms on my live rock and substrate. I do 5% (sometimes10%) water changes weekly and before I do I "turkey baste" my live rock to get all the crap off of it before vacuum it. Within seconds after settling down the brown crap is back on my live rock and substrate. I have Orbit Marine LED's and I just recently (2days ago) added T-5"s My perimeters are:
PH 8.4
Salinity .0124
Calcium 520
Nitrates 0
Nitrites 0
Phosphates 0
How can I finally rid myself of this??

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Skimmer for Biocube 29

Hi all! I would like to purchase a skimmer for my coralife biocube 29. What suggestions do you have for it? I am fine with a HOB or one that fits inside the chamber. I know most people say that a skimmer is not necessary on my tank, but I would like to get one. So, what suggestions do you have? Thanks!

To fish or not to fish, that is the question

Sooooo..... I have 1 fish, a Snowflake Clown that I currently have in QT. His tankmate died unexpectedly several weeks ago and he has decided not to eat anymore. I am suspecting a parasite and have treated him for it, but all is not looking good.

Sooooo..... I am trying to decide, if he dies, should I have corals only or try again with fish.

29 gal Bio-cube with LPS and Zoas. Several crabs and snails and 1 Cleaner Shrimp. Aragonite sand bed and the tank is full of copepods.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Criticisms? I'm open.

Tank water testing much higher in calcium than fresh mixed sw.

So im wondering what could be bringing the calcium of my tank so high, 3 days pf testing and calcium stays anywhere between 450-465 calcium, alk around 8.5-9. I use salinity by aquavitro and test with red sea foundation pro test kit.

My question is could it be the test kit? My batch results on my bucket show ~400ppm calcium and 8.5 alk. I recently added rocks to my dt that were cooking in a bin of instant ocean salt, but could retained water within rock spike calcium? Should i only dose alk until cal drops? And what would be the perfect cal/alk ratio at an alkalinity of 8.5-9? If any of you advanced chemists out there could answer that last one.

Thanks for the help/info

Repacking Boyd Chemi Pure in Small Bags

Wanted to get more Boyd Chemi Pure Plus since it seems to work well for my tank. Trying very hard to keep phosphate down, etc. Problem is that Chemi Pure is priced horribly. If I want to get the 3.1 ounce size container it's like $8. Twice the size is either the same price or $1 more. Four times the size is like $13. I don't know why you can't just buy the large jar, open the bag, and then repackaging the chemi pure into manageable bags. I see Boyd sells its own filter bags. Anyone do this? It's cheaper to even buy their bags and repackage their own product.

How to Bring Down Salinity

The salinity in my 65 gal tank (about 2 months old now) runs consistently at 1.028. I'm losing about a gallon a day to evaporation and replace with fresh RO/DI water which brings it down to 1.026. By the end of the day, it's back up to 1.028 (I'm assuming because of evaporation).

I've been using a plastic hydrometer and getting the consistent high reading, so I thought it was very possible the hydrometer wasn't accurate. I bought a refractometer, calibrated it, and sure enough the salinity is running at 1.026 - 1.028.

I've been doing water changes with RODI that tests at 1.024 consistently, so I'm not adding water that has a high salinity...

Here's my question: How do I safely get the water down to 1.023 so that the "evaporate/salinity goes up" cycle stays in the safe range?

I'm afraid to lower the salinity too fast by doing a water change with a significantly lower salinity...does that make sense? In other words, I don't want to mix salt and fresh RODI water to produce (for argument) replacement water that is 1.020. I worry that it will be too drastic a change for livestock (mushroom corals, zoanthid corals, 4 fish, green hammer coral, cleaner shrimp & coco worm).

I'd love some advice...

Zoanthid identification

I picked up these zoanthids at the LFS yesterday and no one seemed to know what kind they are. They caught my eye because they have a nice purple hue with an orange ring of tentacles. Hording zoanthids has become my new interest. :)

Got any ideas on what they could be?

Sunday wakeup

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Scrambled eggs with cheese, potatoes O'Brien, nanners and oranges.

George - Sorry about the long drawn out dental stuff going on with you :(

Hack - Luckily, the only thing I did at the retreat was attend.

Dave - Hahaha on being rescued by Nancy some 47 years ago. :funny:

Gotta run.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

Ideas for Splitting my Tank?

Hi guys!

I'm thinking about purchasing a 6 x 2 x 2 tank and would like separate it into two sections (2 feet to keep seahorses and 4 feet for corals and general marine fish). Any ideas as to how I can do this?

Thanks in advance!

Help iding this green like weed and removal

I have this dark green wiry weed growing in my tank, it grows rapidly and is spreading on live rock also on walls of tank. Is there a fish which will remove it? Or any other way. Thanks

samedi 30 janvier 2016

My clown fish keep dying!!!! Please help

Hi i bought my daughter a 16 gallon salt water fish tank for christmas. Since then i have lost 5 clown fish. I bought 4 fish to begin with a clown fish, dascyllus aruames, yellow tail damselfish, sphaeramia nematoptera. I have right lighting, have live coral, salinity is right, all fluids test right except too much nitrate. I was feeding twice daily and have changed to 1 time everyother day. I have plenty of water flow too. Just habe no idea what im doing wrong. The clown fish i buy are from good stores not big corporates but still they only last a week. What could be going wrong. My daughter keeps telling me all the changes nemo is going through ;) just tired of replacing them. Please help.

First build, 180g, NEED ADVICE!

So this is my first big setup and I'm definitely going to need some help with it. I have a smaller saltwater aquarium so I know the basics pretty much, but I'm going to need help with this one because I plan on going all out! I have a 180 gallon all glass aquarium with dual over flows and drilled with a orbit t5 light fixture. I'm going to build this setup a little at a time to keep from hurting my bank account too bad. I'm thinking my first step is getting a sump set up, any advice on what size will be good or should I buy a pre-manufactured sump setup or what?

1700 Gallon "Sea Monkey" Reef

I made a video on the details of my 1700 gallon reef tank on the main floor of my house.


Shrimpy Stuff

So here's the deal. I end up deciding to go w/ my very first SW aquarium shrimp. Which one?

Tank Stress!

Arrrgh! So I decide to help introduce my little cousin into the aquarium hobby, worked thru FW and brackish and now here we are ready 4 his 1st saltwater aquarium. (I myself have experience so don't freak out if you see some crazy "expert-only fish.") 35g FOWLR tank with 2-inch sandbed, CUC is 5 bumblebee snail, 1 turbo snail and 2 Christmas Island Red hermit crabs. This is his so-called "wish list."
Ocellaris Clownfish (x2 if possible)
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish
Flame Angelfish
Emperor Angelfish
The only thing that's really freaking me out is that he insists on keeping both angelfish. I know large angels can live w/dwarf angels, but I suck at fish compatibility. HELP!

150 gallon FOWLR set up

So I have a 6 ft 150 gallon and the stock I'd like to have is
6 firefish
4 clownfish
1 foxface
1 hippo tang
1 yellow tang
1 flame angel
So far I have the firefish and 1 yellowtail damsel in the tank and they've been in there for roughly 2 weeks.so far they seem to be fine. So are these fish ok in my tank compatiblitly wise ?

What type of coral is this?

I noticed this fast spreading coral in my tank. What is it and is it good or bad?

h ttp://s1060.photobucket.com/user/tlr54/media/IMG_1796_zpsiuqjrhzu.jpg.html?o=0

(you need to delete the space in between the h and t it just wouldn't let me post a link bc I am a new member)


So i am planning on adding a few more small tangs to my 100 gal (48x24x30)
And i was wanting some Ctenochaetus tangs and i know people say don't keep tangs with the same body shape, but i have heard that if you keep enough they will dispurse the aggression, would anyone tell me what type of tangs would be good? i currently only have a african flameback angel and a pair of clowns and a golden dwarf eel

54 gallon corner set-up

54 gallon corner
Eshopps RS-75 sump
Eshopps PSK-100 skimmer
Rio 2100 pump
200 watt heater
Reef Breeder SuperLux light
Jebao RW-4 and a Petco brand 700

Wondering if I should have more flow?

Marine Orbit LEDs

I have a standard 55 gallon aquarium. I have (1) Orbit Marine LED strip light on my tank. I recently had a fish jump out so I made a bicarbonate cover that the strip light sits on top of. Is this enough light to support soft corals and a BTA?? The specs are:
46 watts
LEDs: 48-445nm/48-460nm
I do have another Orbit strip light should I put that on also??

Sunshine SATURDAY!

Good Morning, Everyone! :)

Sunshine and 60 today. Quite a change from last weekend's snow and ice.

Pillsbury biscuits fresh from the oven with bacon to go with some Folger's. Eggs are past their 'sell by' so someone else will have to do the scramblin'. :D

"Mary Poppins?" My daughter holds my umbrella as we walk about the square in the rain outside Cedric's Tavern at the Antler Hill Village. Antler Hill Village is about two miles from the main Biltmore House but is part of the vast estate.

I hope your Saturday is sunny!


Help. Ph levels

Hi. I've got a seneye in my marine tank. It's showing a ph reading of 8.32 if this ok or way to high. I can't find any help anywhere where it explains the two numbers after the decimal.

vendredi 29 janvier 2016

Spring Clearance - 60% off Bulk Carbon!

"Dust" On Rock

Hey everyone,

I am new to the hobby and I needed a little help with something I've noticed in my tank. For the past few days I've been noticing a buildup of what I thought was algae on my dry rock. Today I noticed it looked darker and grey. I haven't heard of any type of grey algae and it occurred to me to try to blow it off with a turkey baster, which I did. I noticed that small particles that were being blown away from the rock and when I was done my water looked slightly murky. It basically looked like "dust" had settled on the rocks.

I have a 46 gallon bowfront tank with about 30 lbs. of sand and 40 lbs. of dry (white) rock. I followed my lfs's advice and am running 2 HOB aquaclear 70 filters, one with the basic items that came with the filters and the other with calcium reactor media they suggested I use (still don't know what it's for but they suggested I just leave it there). I have one koralia powerhead facing towards the surface.

The tank has been running for about a month and has been cycled for about 2 weeks. I am just now starting to see what I think are diatoms. I have one cleaner shrimp, one peppermint shrimp, and one coral banded shrimp, and I've switched to feeding them about a third of a cube of brine shrimp per day.

I have added pictures if it helps. If anyone could help me figure out what this "dust" is that settled on my rocks it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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How to tell if corals are stinging

I've tried some internet research and found a lot of information on corals stinging/spreading toxins into the water/competing for space etc.
But I haven't really been able to find much information on being able to tell that this is happening?

I'm a first time reefer, so I'm just trying to get it all right.

Basically I have corals I suspect may be fighting for space but they're both doing fairly well so I don't want to move them unless it is necessary.

What are some WARNING SIGNS that the corals are fighting?

cannot get rid of haze on front glass HELP PLEASE!

I just bought a used 180 gallon tank and I've got most of the coralline scraped off but there is a haze on the front glass that I cannot get to come off! It almost looks like a window that fogs up. I've tried vinegar, razors, dawn and vinegar, toothpaste, and lastly turtle wax rubbing compound. Nothing will touch it so far. I've been trying to read on things that will work but I've had no luck with what I've tried so far. Some people suggest 2000 grit sand paper or maybe some type of acid that will take it off. I cannot afford to buy another 180 gallon aquarium so I really hope I can get this stuff to come off, if not then I will have to deal with it, I'm not sure if you can still see it when the tank is full of water. There is some places that I can see scrape marks from the razor so that tells me it can't be that deep in the glass, somebody help please!

apex basic for sale

Ok so I decided to sell my Neptune Apex Controller Basic system. It has been mounted to the wall but never used with the exception of the monitor for PH and Temp. 3 months old and still have all the original packaging.I also have a brand new WXM module so for everything I need $500.00 plus shipping if needs to be shipped.$450.00 for the system and $50 for the module. PM me or text 440-406-2736 if interested and thanks.

Is there truly an advantage of changing vortech flow modes throughout the day?

Hello, I'm new to the forum and apologize if this question has been addressed a lot already.

I have Ecotech Vortech pumps and would like to get the Reeflink controller so that I can program different pump modes to come on at various times during the day. For instance, usng Reefcrest early and Tidal Swell late in the day with a period of Nutrient Transport once a day to clear out debris. While it sounds like an awesome way to get all the advantages of the different pump modes, I'm wondering if anyone has actually verified that this is a good thing for the reef tank. I worry that this could actually do more harm than good if corals prefer stable conditions. Any thoughts?


Known issues with Marineland 93 gallon rimless cube tank

Hi Folks:
I was looking at a "Cube" tank page (another forum).
A couple people said most of the 93 gallon rimless cubes by Marineland are defective.
Is this just a couple peoples opinion or is there a real problem with them?
It could be a long convoluted story but my situation boils down to this:
Bought a house 20 years ago that could house my wife and I, along with her mother and her husband.
Her mother passed away, and house was immediately too big for us.
I had a 200 gallon with a 75 gallon sump/fuge.
When downsizing house, tank had to downsize also.
Bought a new construction home that took 8 months to build. In that build time I bought a Marineland 93 rimless cube, built a stand, and started buying equipment to support it.
Had problems with the hardwood floors cupping in the new house so tank set up was on hold.
Guess what, more equipment was purchased while floor problems were solved.
It is finally time to set up the tank, now I may not be safe setting up this tank if known manufactures issues exist. Do they?
I am now up to almost a year since buying a tank that has never been wet.
Do I have a known issue with this Marineland tank or should I go ahead with setup?
Looking for honest input, have had enough problems with the hardwood, don't need a tank flood to start them all over again (at my cost).
Please be honest, after what I have gone through in the last year I need to know real answers.
It's the tank in general I'm asking about, not the fact it has been dry for almost a year.
Thanks for any input provided:

Eggs or what?

These egg looking fellas showed up in the corner of my overflow wet but out of the water... Any ideas?

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Sicce voyager 2

Hey guys i have 2 sicce voyagers 2 and they both do the same thing with my wavemaker. They turn on once and once theyre off they wont turn on again unless i,open the ph and. Move the propeller to kick start it, i bought them,both used but have the same,problem . anyone use these before and have a solution,for,it ?

plan for a 20gal Caribbean macroalgae tank

I have a chance to build a SW tank (I'm not really a marine person), and it's been a while. I have a cousin the FL Keys who likes to snorkel and has offered to collect and mail me some plants - from what I've read most macroalgaes can live for 4-5 days during shipping. Once the tank is going, I'm going to drive down and do some collecting.

This is based on my previous Bathroom Tank: 10gal, filtration is a HOB filter with no media, but the intake is covered by a seafan skeleton completely covered with Caulerpa. One 15watt 10,000K bulb. Live sand, chunk of live rock, barnacle skeleton and aragonite sand. Denizens: two hermit crabs, a brittle star and a mated pair of blue damsels (Mr. and Mrs. Bathroom Fish) - the male, I think, set up his krib in the barnacles and spent his life tried to coax his mate into them - for all I know they spawned all the time. Care - top off with well water, nothing else. Water quality - perfect and utterly stable.

Bathroom Tank 2.0 proposed setup: 20gal tank, lighting - 2x15watt 6500K, lighting - fixture from 10gal tank with two sockets for incandescent bulbs, filled by 30watt CFL, (I'd like to simplify this later). Circulation: Sunsun wavemaker JVP-110 (note, if you look, you can find a deal on these - 4 for $25), substrate - aragonite, collected live sand, 1/3 of the tank is behind a rock barrier and deeper, 3" with mud underneath.

Stock - Seagrass - Halophilia engelmanni, whatever else I collect, - Caulerpa mexicana, Chaaetomorphia, Halimeda, Penicillus, Botryocladia, Halimenia floridininsis, Padina, Gorgonians - Briareum, Plexaurella, Brittlestar

Fish possibilites: royal gramma, chromis limbata, cocoa damselfish, cherub angelfish. I'd like to have at least two fish...not sure which would work.

Golden Hammer coral Sweeper tentacles

Hi all,

This might be a dumb questions..

My golden wall Hammer coral is been in my tank for about 6 months now ...

for the past couple of weeks his sweeper tentacles was always visible throughout the day and night.

The only change is i moved him from his original place to a different place and glued him to the Liverock about 5 to 6 weeks back.

Note: He had a fight with golden torch and lost a portion that has grew back now(After moving him a bit).

This is bothering me.. is he in need of food? I use to spot feed when i got him but after a month i stopped and none of my corals doesn't seem to have affected.:confused::confused::confused::confused:

Mold Growing in Cabinet!! Ventilation Ideas????

I have a 55 reef with a sump in the stand's cabinet. I've got heat from the electronic components as well as H2O, obviously from the Sump.

As a result of the heat and moisture, I have some black mold growing on the doors and interior walls of the cabinet. I'm gonna clean it all up, but is there any damage that's been done by the mold???

I am NOT good with electronics, so I have no idea what would work in terms of installing a fan....ANY IDEAS would be much appreciated!!!

THIS was my only idea ...

As always, THANKS SO MUCH for all of your help!!!! :)

Add a refugium to improve biological filtration + grow pods for feeding!

Give your tank a biological BOOST

Add a refugium to improve biological filtration + grow pods for feeding!

All About That Sump - No Clutter

Q&A Series #4: What are the Benefits of a Refugium?

VIDEO: New to the hobby? Here are 3 steps to success…

Q&A Video Series #10: “I am new to the hobby. Where should I begin?"

If you are considering starting up your first reef aquarium, the simple 3-step plan outlined in today's video will help you get started on a path to success.

Shop Reef Tank Packages >

The Best Ways to Cycle Your Reef Aquarium

When to add coral.

I started with my saltwater tank a couple years ago. Things were going pretty until a heater failed and killed all the inverts in the tank. At the time I was busy and work and put off proper maintenance........ Fast forward to green algae everywhere.

About two months ago I recommitted to the tank. Water change, levels checking, cleanings, GFO and carbon. Phosphate are gone tank looks better and green algae is brown and pulling off the rock. We still have spots of (now brown algae) but it is on its way out. The rocks are starting to purple up and my kenya and Xenia couldn't be happier. Changed over to twin 16" LED lights from SB Reeflights.

The question is when to start adding in coral. Would like to put a mat of GSP (love the look) and hammer corral in the tank. Should I wait until all the dead algae is gone? Or ok to add back now?

Remora Shark ?

Hello I had a quick question to anyone that has a remora shark in there tank. My fiancé saw him and wanted to add him in our 220 gal aquarium but there isn't that much information out there on how they do in a tank setting. I have a 220 gal aquarium non-reef, with a humuhumu trigger, spiny puffer, clownfish, damsel, yellow tang, and sailfin tang. I was wondering what they are compatible with and if they are a expert care or not?

Possable new way to enhance Blackworms

As I have been mentioning for decades I feed my fish live blackworms every day and IMO is the reason all my paired fish are spawning, I have never posted on a disease forum and I don't have to quarantine. I think I have found a way to make a great food even better. I have been experimenting and discovered that the live worms can live even if covered in fish oil instead of water. I really don't see how they breathe in there but I have kept batches of them alive for seven hours so far and think they only die if they dry out as they do overnight. When I study them through my antique microscope, the oil infused worms have much darker insides which I "assume" is from the fish oil penetrating the worms exterior or being ingested by the worms. I really don't care how the oil gets into the worms but I always want fish oil to get into my fish so I have been doing this every day to a portion of the worms I feed my fish.
After I soak them for a few hours I need to rinse the worms off or the oil will form a layer in my tank and the skimmer will stop for an hour. To remove the oil I put the worms in fresh water and wait for the oil to rise. Then I pour it out and re fill it. I do that a few times and then feed my tank. Remember, this is only an experiment.
I love it. :rolleyes:

fish recommendations for 37g? 30x12x22

I've had my 2 clowns and six line wrasse in a 20long for Bout a year Nd just upgraded to a 37gal, essentially doubling my height. Any cool fish ideas that what would fit nicely in the 37? Maybe even something that's not a fish. I also have a skunk cleaner and several hermits and snails.

Tank is bare bottom.

Thanks again!


Hi I am new to this site as I was wanting some answers to my question and found this site

I discovered this morning that I have bioluminescent plankton in my tank or at least I think it is when I disturb the water it flashes in different locations but all over this is in my sump

I am wondering if this is bad to have in my tank or does this mean that my tank is doing good ?

Distance of live rock to top of water

I have a small pico tank - 10" X 10" X 12" tall. I put in about 5.5 pounds of live rock which looks good and functions pretty well. My live rock has been moved away from the back sides because I've found snails will fall behind them, not right themselves and then good luck trying to turn/remove them. As a result, I have a rock or two that extends up to about 2/3 the way up the tank, perhaps 7" from the bottom. It is at least 3" off the lowest the water line gets, if not more.

Hair algae seems to accumulate rapidly and it is extremely difficult to contain (yes, I have low phosphates, feed very little rarely such as a literal drop or two of marine snow once or twice per week.) Algae typically grows closest to the light but, in my tank, it seems to grow wherever it wants. Will it make much of a difference in reducing hair algae by removing the rock or trying to fit it on the remaining sand? I see so many with rocks piled up in the back at least as high if not higher, close to the surface of a tank.

Let it begin! mixed_madness 93 cube build

Hello everyone my larger shipment of goodies has arrived and I figured I would
start the build thread :thumbup:
I must say aquarium depot canada was great to deal with!!! Spoke with the owner and got a large discount for buying in bulk with free shipping, great people to deal with.

My equipment so far is as listed with more still in the mail.
93 Gallon rimless cube
Eshopps S-150 snow cone skimmer
Eshopps RS-100 limited edition sump
AI Hydra 52 HD
AI mount
Eheim compact 3000
Hydor smart level A.T.O
2 boxes of caribsea south seas base rock
3 "120 lbs" bags of caribsea seafloor special grade

More goodies coming next week and stand build starts on saturday!
More pics to come heres one for now.

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Happy birthday to tims on 1/29!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing......


FRIDAY, Finally!

Good Morning, Everyone! :)

Temps bouncing around the freezing mark this morning and then 43f this afternoon as a prelude to 60's and sunshine for the weekend.

Sipping some Folger's coffee this morning while waiting for one of our TRT chefs to fire up the griddle.

Busy workday as usual to close out the week.

Helen's neighborhood taking another hit with the highway collapse after losing two fishing boats to the storm. Rough times. :(

"Double Trouble". Two sets of bucks simultaneously fighting one another on a cold Winter morning in Cades Cove.

Have a Fabulous Friday!


Bulk Coral

Hey guys my Buddy is an Indo coral dealer in Central Florida that usually supplies only wholesale but if interested in buying by the box (25 pcs approx) it's a monster savings and a quick way to add to tank. Some people get together and split a box and the cost. Anyways if interested look them up on the Facebook link below and tell him I sent ya!! I can probably make it happen in the Cleveland Hopkins Airport area also as i delivered 10 boxes for him just yesterday to a few local to cleveland lFS.Imagine how hard that was for an addict to have all those corals sitting in my truck at ones,haha!!!PM me for a list as it changes weekly.


salt mixing

So when using the Coral Pro (black bucket) of salt for water changes it states do not mix more then 4 hours..Generally I mix my salt a few days prior and leave a power head in it to keep it moving a few days prior to use.. Does this product require you to use it right away or can it sit and be mixing a few days?????

jeudi 28 janvier 2016

I found something beautiful and fascinating

Had this LR for a total of three days. Came home from work today and found something amazingly beautiful growing. I havve no idea what it is, and can't find anything similar to it. Does anyone know what it is? What looked like purple veins actually turned out to be vents.

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I dropped mine on the cement floor. Does anyone locally have an extra? I don't trust this one any more.

Recommended mid size all in one Aquariums (30-45 gallon).

Hello, I currently have a 60 gallon cube tank with cichlids planning on taking this tank down very soon and selling the stand, current usa led light, and fluval 406 filter. My first question is whats the best way to sell old equipment its only been running for just now one year.

I also have a biocube 14 saltwater reef that Ive been running for about 16 weeks. And am wanting to get a new all in one tank about 30 - 40 gallons. What are some recommended tanks? I was looking at the IM Fusion 30L and the JBL 45 rimless.

How to get lionfish to eat frozen food?

Thanks for all the grate advice I have had on here but yet again in need of more advice. I have a lionfish and have had him around 3 months now. I got him when he was very small and is still quite small. I always feed him live brine shrimp but have tried to feed him frozen food and he is not interested. First I tried frozen chopped mussels to try and change his diet a bit but he did not eat it then the shop where I get then from didn't get a delivery because of ice on the road so I got some frozen krill what look very similar to them and he had not eaten for 4 to 5 days and I had been advised to wait around that long anyway before changing his food because it will make him more likely to eat something new. It would be good to get him to eat new things to change his diet and incase they miss a delivery again. I have a brittle star that went crazy for them do why won't the lionfish eat it? I have a 200 litre tank.

Bleaching sps coral?

Hello. Quite a new keeper as I have only had my tank around 3 months. I have a sps coral that was very orange when I got it. I have had it for over a month now and it seems like it is starting to lose colour. I have a 200 litre tank with a cone mushroom and a forgspawn coral that seem to be doing well. It came from a shop that uses led lights. I use the lights that came with the tank what are 2 tube lights one blue guessing for the uv and I have recently got 2 28 cm led lights that are on as well. The led lights are not strong enough to keep the other corals open so are they just really weak? Or am I bleaching it? My ammonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrate is quite high around 80, could this also be causing it? I have been trying to get my nitrates down, I have a long black spiked sea urchin,a lionfish, 4 red crabs and 2 blue crabs as well as a brittle star so though that should ha e been enough of a clean up crew as the is not really that much to clean up but I do have quite a lot of live rock in there.

Coral Placements: Toadstool VS Torch!

Hey guys,

Pretty straightforward one here.
Got a 6g nano reef. Had a torch coral in there for some time and he's doing great.
Recently got a nice toadstool coral to add to the tank.

In regards to placement, the torch is in a good spot and is going to be staying put. The toadstool on the other hand I'm a little bit iffy about at this point.

I COULD move it to the other end of the tank, but to be honest it's just aesthetically pleasing at this end.

Now my question to you is: Do you think there is enough space between them, or are they going to be stinging each other at night?
More to the point - what would be the result of them stinging each other? I'm aware it would most likely release bad chemicals into the water, and be generally bad for the corals health.


^^^ That's a pic of them at the minute. The toadstool was originally standing real upright and now he's facing a little towards the torch which I would take as a bad sign?

Cheers :beer:

Ideal Lighting Preference for 90 - 125G?

What are everyone's thoughts on their ideal lighting they would go with if they were starting a new 90-125G tank?

My friend is getting into the hobby and adealer is steering him to LEDs. I have a 55G and I am running the 48" Coralife Aqualight Pro, Metal Halides with T5 Blue Actynics. He really likes the look of the halides, and I have had great growth. However, the LEDs have some cool programmable features and it seems you can get decent coral growth.

His main item he wants to eventually have in his tank are anemones. Will LED's support that? My bubble tip is thriving under my metal halides.

If you would go with LEDs, what is the best brand? Pros/Cons of LEDs?


The new Spectapure 1:1 RO/DI

This thread is intended to delve into this new unit from Specapure that changes some of the primary functions and automation that I've never seen.

So here is the unit that seems to fit my needs if I were to upgrade to a new unit from my AirWaterIce unit that has served me well for nearly a decade.


My first comment is about back flushing the membrane. I have always done this from time to time, even though I was always told the process was a waste of time and only gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.
This new unit backflushes automatically....so Spectapure has seen the need to do this....to remove some of the waste from the membrane to give it longer life.

By making the flush automatic, I'd no longer have run RO @ start up to eliminate the creep. I like that.
Give it a looksee. Weigh in. :)

Happy birthday to thepollock on 1/28!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.....



Morning all! Coffee and French toast and bacon. Wonder if Hack mite call into Dave and tell what happened down at work? Some more melting today then a little snow tomorrow . Dave yyou'll have to tell how the show was last night. Enjoy all!

mercredi 27 janvier 2016

changing from smaller sump to a bigger one

Hey all, I'm going to change from my smaller 20 gallon sump to a larger 31 gallon, I'm going to bring some of the bio balls I had from my old sump. Are there any potential problems from switching? Like a new cycle? Will be putting live sand in the new sump as well. Thanks in advance

Need help with anemone

My green bubble tip is not looking so hot today. It appears that he's expelling his stomach. Everything else in the tank looks ok

My parameters (using Red Sea kits) are
Temp 79
Salinity 1.026
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate looks like 10
Ph looks like 7.6
Kh 5 - 6
Meq 1.8 - 2.1

The color changed from blue to yellow between drops five and 6

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New and eager to learn!!!

Hi, my name is Kasey. I recently had a very close friend pass who owned a couple tanks. He wanted to set them up but never had the time. So now I have them. I want to set one up for now until I get the hang of things. It is a 44 gallon pentagon tank, I have a bunch of rock, a couple circulation pumps, and some lighting that I think is too small for the tank. Can anyone help me with what else I need to get and any helpful hints along the way. Like do I really need a protein skimmer? Not really wanting to get into the real sensitive fish or corals. Also is it really worth buying saltwater for water changes instead of making it in house? Lots more questions, and all information helps. Like I said I am very new to this and do not like to just jump into things without having a strong understanding of them. Thanks

evening all im new here

Hi im based in uk but going to ask are open rimless tanks more for reef keeping as in corals
im really in two minds over the red sea reefer 525 XL for in pound sterling £1700 or a custom made tank which would 84"long 30"high 24"wide which would come with sump cabinet pelmet and glass covers hood for thr the extra length height id be paying £2000
with the red sea max yes automatic top off and plumbing but still got to buy lights pumps protein skimmer but open topand worried about fish and some snails escaping
with custom tank i get the plumbing but same as above tank still got to buy the stuff
so my question is which would be the better option and im just starting oug in this hobby
but once tank bought it will be staying with us for many years as in 10+ years
all advice greatly appreciated
kind regards

Commercial Aquarium: Looking for Rotifers

Hi, I'm a professional Aquarist,and am establishing a full live food chain in order to breed fish spawning at the aquarium. We are having a lot more difficulty ordering rotifers than expected (no established accounts w any suppliers). I'm wondering if anyone has a culture that we might be able to borrow from, in order to start our own! We could come pick them up, and offer some free tickets to the aquarium. If anyone could help out, the fish larvae (and myself) would really appreciate it!

Is it normal?

I'm still new, still actually cycling my tank. 3 weeks in. I seem to have to add water a lot. I am adding a gallon every few days from evaporation. Is this normal?

Firefish of 1.5 years not eating

Hi All,

Recently in the past several weeks I have noticed that it does not appear that my firefish is eating (2 weeks +). He comes out whenever I feed the tank, but appears to spit out most the food he tried.

In the past he was a strong eater and the food I am feeding is the same food he has eaten for over a year.

His tank mates = 2 clowns, 1 yellow tang, 1 flame angel, 1 cleaner shrimp.

Has anyone ever run into a similar issue? He is getting quite skinny and there is no way I can catch him out of the tank to QT.


Foam killed fish and overflowed tank?

I just signed up today and decided to ask this question. This happened about eight months ago. I had a 10 gallon tank and five goldfish in it. I've had them for many years. One morning, I was eating breakfast and my fish were fine. When I came home later that day, my mom said that there was foam everywhere; the tank overflowed with it, foam was on the floor, the fish were dead, and the foam even flowed onto cables and almost could've started a fire. My mom had the tank cleaned up by the time I was back, and she did not take any photos. My mom was working, so she did not put anything in the tank. My father also had to go to work, and wouldn't have put anything in the tank.

I remember one day (it might not have been the day they died) I did wash my hands with soap, and I think some soap did slide down to my wrist, and I fed the fish after I washed my hands. However, if I did get soap in the tank, it couldn't have been a lot. It wasn't a lot on my hand, and I don't think the food touched the soap. I also do not put my hands in the tank, either. I'm pretty sure I did not get any in the tank, as it wasn't on my fingers, but could that amount of soap overflow the tank that much and kill my fish? What else could've caused this?

Snowflake Eel not eating since tank rearrangement

My 2' snowflake eel we've had about a year. When we first bought him he went on a hunger strike for 2 weeks at which point we discovered that he hates silversides which was why he wasn't eating. So for the past year he's been chowing down on krill..... until a week ago. We got some new tank mates and I rearranged the tank a little to throw everyone off until the new fish acclimated. Well, since that time he is now refusing to eat the krill as well. Any suggestions for a new food? Or should I just hold out a bit. I think he's just pissed because I moved stuff around on him. :mad:
All levels in the tank are spot on.
Figures - having finicky kids wasn't challenging enough - now to add a finicky eel with attitude. LOL

Long brown floating "string" in 2 mo. old reef tank

I've seen two of these "worms" now. When I've gone into the tank to get them, they break into several pieces as soon as I touch them. They aren't yellow-ish, and there are no legs (I've looked with a magnifier as best I could) and they seem to be about 5 inches long. Any idea what they are?

The color on this photo is bad, but it's just a plain light brown.


Quarantine Tank 20 USG

Good Morning Reefers:

I originally set up a 20 gallon quarantine tank for introducing new fish into my display. It was fine for the pair of clowns and the Bangaii Cardinals I just moved over, but I am ready to adopt my next fish. I have been going back and forth on this for a couple of weeks, but I think for functionality, compatibility and the over all environment I keep going back to a One Spot Fox Face.

But my problem is the 20 gallon QT!!! Is it going to be too small to quarantine a 3 to 4 inch fox face for 2 to 3 weeks? I am concerned I will only FREAK and STRESS the poor thing out during the QT process.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


A melt out Wednesday

Good morning TRT friends, and......HAPPY WEDNESDAY! Yesterday did a pretty good job of lowering the walls on our latest snow fort, and raising 'lake levels' on edges of roadways. Scrambled egg sandwiches, coffee, and pink milk for our starters. Our friends stopped by to sing Frosty the Snowman as we watched our fort melting away....SAD DAY!:bawling: Going to head into the boatyard to remove some fallen outriggers and antennas so we can get stuff ordered. Hope all are well,

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mardi 26 janvier 2016

Tank upgrade complete

Its been a while since ive been ready to upgrade. I have a 75g rr tank and stand with 20g sump that i was planning to move my 20g long into, but since then have rescued a hermanns tortoise and will now have to use the stand from 75 and the area designated for it to house a tortoise table, unfortunate in terms of reef news but hey he's pretty cool i cant lie. So since i couldnt upgrade horizontally i fogured i would upgrade vertically. Just picked up a 37g for the 30"x12" stand. Took about a little over an hour which i wasnt expecting but i matched salinity, temp, even alk perfectly to match tank water before the upgrade. Seems i did an okay job considering all corals started to open fully and show feeder tentacles within 15 minutes. The only one who seemed to have a rough time was my six line wrasse, he fled for the hills (rocks) the molent he hit the water and i havent seen him since. Posting pic, cant see much inside tank but thought id snap a pic of the outcome, i have 50lb pr so of extra rocks to scape into tank, im thinking 1 rock every week for bacteria colonization.

Cleaning my 180 gallon aquarium

Hey guys, I just bought a 180 gallon tank from a guy and it needs a very good cleaning. I want to get rid of all the coraline algae on the sides and it also has a haze on the glass as well. Any advice on what to use to clean the tank and get it to looking as new as possible?

New tank

I have a 55 gallon tank with stand and canopy. I want to do a sump less fowlr setup. Wife says no to the sump at this point. Just wandering what equipment I need to do this right and have a very good set up. I know I need live rock and a very good protein skimmer. What else do I need

Win a Radion XR15w Pro LED Light!

Upgrade your lighting on us with the best-selling, award-winning EcoTech Marine Radion XR15w Pro LED Light Fixture.

The Radion XR15w Pro comes with a variety of preset modes to simulate lighting conditions around the world. Create your own lighting modes by adjusting color intensities to achieve the optimal look and growth for your reef.

There is no purchase necessary to enter or win. However, you must be a U.S. resident 18-years-old or older to participate.


Starting Over

I have had dinoflagellates for the past couple years and have tried everything to get rid of them that I could find online. Long story short nothing really worked. Although it kind of feels like letting the dinos win I'm taking down my tank and restarting. My grandfather has many, many tanks so he was thankfully able to store my livestock until I get my tank back up. I really want to get this 'new' tank right so I'm just asking how to proceed and what to do with my equipment (I have a 55g tank (could probably upgrade to 75 if it is really worth it), protien skimmer, sump, one media reactor, many HOB filters, 10 gallon quarantine with appropriate equipment attach, couple heaters, refugium light, etc. I know that I'm probably going to have to cure my rock, wash my gravel and equipment etc. Any steps I should know about; I've heard about soaking the rocks in a weak acid to dissolve the phosphates. Any help is appreciated.

36" T5 fixture, return pump, reef books, 75 gal reef tank

$75 - Set of reef books. All in excellent shape.

$150 - JBJ Trinity 36" x 39 watt T5HO with 3 ATI blue plus & 1 ATI coral plus bulbs. Fixture was used for around 1.5 years. In great condition & fully functional. 2 blue plus bulbs were used for 5 months for 8 hours a day & 1 blue plus & 1 coral plus were used for 5 months for 6 hours a day. Plenty of time left on these bulbs. Individual reflectors. Fixture has two cords & switches for the lights & one cord for the three led moonlights.

$150 - Little Gaint 3-MDQ-SC return pump. Brand new in box.

$250 - Aqueon 75 gallon reef ready tank. Brand new

220G Sump Help

Okay so I am working on the filtration for my 220G tank and I am confused. I have 1inch intake on the left dumping into a rubbermaid that houses my skimmer...which dumps into a bigger sump where the return pump is (3/4 inch plumbing). The right intake dumps into a 'fuge and flows into the return area.
I cant get the water in the skimmer surmp to equalize with the water in the return sump no matter how many micro valve adjustments I make. Thoughts/ Help?!
The skimmer is running on 840gph
the return is 1320 gph
the intakes are just wide open gravity run through 1 inch tubing

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My 14g Biocube

This tank has been up and running for a while, 14 gallon biocube with hangover LEDS, loaded with coral, two Darwin clownfish, a cleaner shrimp, and a purple firefish

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how many clown fish?

Hello everyone,

We previously had a 102 litre tank but have downgraded to a smaller 36 litre. Just wondered what people's opinions are on keeping 2 small clownfish in this tank?

Your thoughts would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

Multiple mandarins

I have a chubby green mandarin and a red scooter blenny. Wondering if I can get a blue mandarin or if the are territorial. Have 125 gallon tank and lots of rock

Can anyone id this algae for me?

Hi guys,

I've had this 1 leaf of what i assume is a type of algae for sometime but over the past couple months it has spread a little and wanted to see what it is. I cant seem tofind it on any of the common nuisance algae lists that i have seen so thought maybe someone with more experience could take a look.

Thanks for looking :)

Stock list for 93 gallon cube

Hello everyone as of today everything needed for my new 93 gal cube build is in the mail!!! now I only need to complete two more things stock list and building the stand. so here are some potential candidates for the new reef. the main idea is to generally have alot of small growing fish as I believe larger fish in a smaller tank looks horrible.

x1 firefish
x1 catalina goby
x1 yasha white ray shirmp goby
x1 royal gramma
x1 yellow tail damsel
x2 emerald crabs
x2 clowns
x1 flame angel

any concerns tips or warnings of anykind is welcome!

Clevers 30g Rebuild

The Back Story
The tank isn't a new setup I set it up a year ago for a frag tank but I am going to turn it into a reef tank. I had stepped away from saltwater but I found myself missing it as the weeks went on without one. I walked away because of the cost and time that my 300g system demanded. I turned my 220g into an amazon Biotope because I had always wanted an Arowana. I figure the cost and maintenance of a 30g reef tank is minimal in comparison.

The Plan
I have a few things to do to get the tank ready. I need to make a new sump. A 10g tank will fit perfectly in the stand so I will use a 10g. There should be enough space for a reef octopus INT110 (possibly a space saver version if the normal one doesn't fit but it should be fine). I always did BB because cleaning the sand in my 220g was a pain because I don't have the longest arms and it took so long to vaccume all of the sand but on the 30g I am going to put sand in. I am going to try to do something nice for the aquascape not sure what yet. Other then that I have all the equipment I need and I have 260lbs dry rock in my basement to choose from so that should make aquascaping easy.

For coral I have been thinking a few different things. I have thought of doing a pure tank like having only chalices or Zoas but I fear I will be unhappy with the diversity of shape, color, and lack of movement. I am also thinking maybe the best idea would be to do a pure LPS tank. LPS give lots of shape color and movement along with being easy maintenance. I am normally an SPS guy but with the 30g I think I am safer don't LPS as they are more forgiving.

Light - 250 MH Pendent (it may be 175w Im not sure ill have to double check)
Skimmer - Reef Octopus INT110 Classic
Power Head - Jebao RW-4
Return Pump - Quietone 3000
Sump - 10g
Media Reactor - BRS 2x Chamber reactor for GFO/Carbon
Doser - Jebao 4x pump (not sure ill even need it)
Controller - Reef Keeper Light

Pictures will be posted as things move along. I will be working on the Aquascape this week to get the cycle going while I wait for my Skimmer to come in.

Maxspect Razor R420R 16,000K LED for sale

Hey gang, as you may know I've taken my BC29 down and moved into a 100g and I got the 48 inch version, so...my Maxspect 20.5 Inch Razor R420R 16,000K LED Light Fixture is for sale. I am the second owner and the original had it like 6 months and I had it running about 6-8 months.

I have - (everything it came with)
Ballast and wiring
Original box
Hanging kit
Mounting legs

These sell new for about $359-429...so I'm thinking $225 obo and buyer pays shipping. I can take Paypal.

I know the new owner will love it like I did.

Sump Help!

I am setting up a 110 gallon reef tank. I was getting ready to do DIY sump with a 40 gallon tank below when I realized (thankfully before i got it) that i don't have enough room below for the tank. Issue is the tank base is only 17 inches deep. Suggestions?

Back to school Tuesday

Good morning TRT Friends.....HAPPY TUESDAY! Our schools were closed yesterday, so was like a nice long weekend to play in the snow....but back to school for Nate today. Buttermilk waffles to go with our coffee and pink milk for help getting out the door. Going to head into the boatyard to see what the storm did to us....travel looks like it will be safe going now to get in there. Hope all are safe and warm,

Is the wandering anemone reef safe?

Hi guys,

I've just been offered to keep some of my friends marine fish and anemones. I haven't accepted yet, but I thought I'd get an opinion on something first. I'm familiar with a few of the species he has, but I hadn't seen the anemone he has previously. I've ID'd it as a wandering anemone (swimming anemone/baked bean anemone/beach ball anemone). The link to the details of this particular beasty are here. http://ift.tt/1Vnkqhd

I was just wondering if this is safe to keep in a tank, and if anyone has one or could give me advice on the best way to keep them.


How much filtration is too much filtration?

I have a 35 gallon bow front salt water aquarium with a deep sand bed, live rock, 1 power head, a CPR BakPak 2 protein skimmer, and a Penguin Bio Wheel 200 filter. My levels are all good and the tank is ready to have fish introduced. I plan on getting 2 corals, two anemones, an urchin, a max of 6 fish and a handful of inverts. Is there such a thing as too much filtration? Or is it the more the better? I'm worried too much filtration will cause more harm than good to the species that thrive on picking up leftover food and waste.

lundi 25 janvier 2016

Tube Anemone Help

Tube anemone looks pretty sick. We've had it in this location since last Oct, but it just recently stopped opening up during the day. Now it doesn't open at all. Read that we should b feeding every couple days, so 2 nites ago, gave it a sm piece of krill.

Also noticed that it had a lg pineapple sponge stuck to the side and tried to pluck it off, but it was stuck pretty good. Only removed pieces of the sponge. Can't see in the pic, coz its on the far side.

Has anyone seen this b4? Any ideas on wat we can try next?

Parameters are good, although nitrates are running around 10 right now.

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I'm a new guy - Bad or Good?

Hey guys,

New to the hobby and after cycling my 8g tank for a week or so, all my levels are just perfect, but I noticed some stuff on my LR and I can't get a for sure ID on whether it's good or bad hitchhikers.. maybe not the best pics but I didn't feel like breaking out the good camera tonight so phone pics for now... Some of the rock has white bumps, they look almost like tiny barnacles all over them and the other things look like long white worms for lack of a better description. Any ideas to shed? CUC is coming in in about a week - I want to make sure there won't be issues.

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Dino or something else??

Started getting hair algae and along with it this brown nightmare. Is it the Dino I hear of or something else? Had scrubbed it off and returned a day or so later. Having a rough go of my first month reefing. Any advice would be great

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What is this clear and purple egg looking sack?

I just got some new coral and i cannot figure out what this clear membrane with a clear ball in it is. Is anyone here that might be able to point me in the right direction? After mindless hours of google and forum searches i decided to just return to my home forums and ask if anyone knew what it was. Thank you in advance for any help!

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Oceanic now part of the Coralife family

Seems Coralife bought out Ocenaic - http://ift.tt/1Sg7c6F

Flow pot over extending?

Hi guys, new here and to reef hobby. Very helpful place to get information from all the experienced reefers :beer:

Here is my very first post and question: I got a frag of flowerpot a week ago, it has been very "open" since day one with all the tentacles out to an unbelieveable length... However, it makes me wonder if it is actually happy?? Or it is simply a sign of something wrong? :doh:

The tank is 3-month old, with one goby only, and one small torch after cycling (2 months ago). Minor algae that can be taken care of eaisly with weekly water change, water parameter is on check with slightly high on calcium (500 ppm, in process of lowing it via water change).. I haven't fed it yet because I don't want to overkill before I figure out what I really need for it.. any idea? Or I am just paranoid about the over-extending?

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Sol Woman's (Leigh) 65 Gal Tank Specs

65 Gal Red Sea Max, 46 lbs. live rock, 1 inch aragonite sand bed, 2 Jebao powerheads, 2 Firefish, 1 Tribal Blenny, I Dragon Goby, 2 zoanthid corals, green hammer coral, mushroom corals, montipora frag, coco worm, scarlet cleaner shrimp. Have had it about 2. 5 months in Jan 2016.

Seahorse Q and A

Hello all
I am thinking of getting a seahorse for the first time in my nano reefer aquarium. Could you suggest a hardy, easy-to-feed, and inexpensive seahorse? The suggestion can fit one or more of the requirements.

Cynarina help

Anyone want to help with giving me some advice with my cynarina. Its in a low flow area. Its in the bottom of the tank. And its just getting worse and worse. Calcium 400 magnesium 1500 . alk 9. Ph 8.2 nitrates 5ppm 0 nitritis and 0 ammonia. I was feeding it shrimp n reef roids twice a week. Only major change ive done is upgrade tanks 3 weeks,ago. But every other coral is fine except this one

Id this coral?

I bought a few frags this weekend and can't remember what the guy said this coral is called. Can someone help me identify this guy?


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Fish Dying Biocube

I have had a biocube 29 up and running for about 2 months now. I had a pair of ocellaris clownfish in there for a month. I recently ordered a RW4 Powerhead and added it to the tank to help with the circulation for my corals. The very next day one of my clownfish had died. My guess would be is that the powerhead stirred up some of the sand and it released toxins into the water that caused the fish to die. I did a water change and everything seemed fine but now my other clownfish has died a couple of days later and I can't figure out what is going on. I cycled the tank for about a month with 15-20lbs LR and about 20lbs of LS. All of my parameters look to where they need to be. Ammonia and nitrites are at 0, PH is at 8.2, salinity is 1.025, Phosphate 0, Nitrates are about .5 and my temp is around 79. My Alk is also looking good. I am currently using a self made media rack out of eggcrate with filter floss and chemipure elite.

Does anyone have any suggestions on what could be causing the fish loss? I have a star polyp, torch coral, frogspawn, and a zoa that all seem to be doing fine. My CUC consists of 1 peppermint shrimp, 4 hermit crabs and 5 nassarius snails which now are the only things in the tank.

Any suggestions would be great. I am obviously going to hold off getting anymore fish for right now until I can figure out what is going on but I dont know where to start since my parameters seem fine.

Ol' anemone blues

I am planning to have percula clownfish for a nano reefer, what kind of anemone would be best?

Next Fish for 120

So i have a 120 gallon thats been up for about 2 months. I transferred rock and everything from my 65 gallon so the cycle was not much.

I just want peoples opinions on some fish to look into. It is a LPS and softie reef tank. Right now I have the following fish

Clown fish
6 line wrasse ( has been very peaceful and really almost scared of the other fish)
3 green chromis
yellow tang
Royal Gamma Basslet

I am planning on getting 3 cardinal fish this weekend but then after that i am not sure what i want to get.

any opinions from anyone. Would prefer the fish to be non aggressive and obviously coral safe.

New tank

Well I am gonna do it. I am going for my first salt water reef tank. I will post pictures as I get things in. Wish me luck and any advice is welcome.

Pink snail good or bad?

Hello all,

Noticed what appears to be a small pink snail in our tank today. Hubby and I are having a hard time determining what it is and whether it's a good guy or bad guy. We got live rock from Florida gulf-- any ideas what this little might be? Any help would be appreciated!

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E5 lamps in stock + BIG biological filtration deals

E5 lamps in stock + BIG biological filtration deals

Upgrade to power-saving LED without changing your entire lighting system

Your T5 will never be a T5 again!

Biological Filtration: Grow Beneficial Bacteria for a Thriving Ecosystem

Getting back into it. I walked away but couldnt stay away.

Hey guys, I walked away from the reef hobby because I didn't have the money or time to really make the aquarium I wanted. So I took my 220g and turned it into a amazon Biotope and I really like it. My other tank the idea was to do a high tech planted tank. I went out. got the soil. got the equipment for it and decided I just wasn't into it. I couldn't ever get it started and found my self missing saltwater more and more as the weeks went on. I would go down and look at my 220g and see the 30g cube (was my frag tank) next to it that I was turning into a planted tank and thought I should just make that a reef tank.

I debated and debated but decided I am going to go for it. All I need to make the switch is some new sand and a Skimmer and add some baffles to the sump. I have loads of rock from my 220g because I never got rid of any of it so I will start working on a nice scape for the 30g. As far as coral I am not sure what I want to do. I may just do something easy and simple like some LPS with a lot of Zoas. I think that would look nice and be easy on me. I was wanting to do SPS but that may drive me nuts and id like to stay away from it for now. Maybe some time in the future I will go SPS we will see.

Just wanted to let you guys know whats been going on and that I am back. The one thing I have learned about this hobby is your love for it never goes away. It may fade from time to time but you cant shake it.

ISO Quality Skimmer for a 30g Reef

I am looking for opinions on a skimmer that will get the job done on my 30g Cube. The tank has a 10g sump so I will need it to fit in there. I am just trying to find a decent one that doesn't break the ol' bank. I don't want HOB or anything like that I want an in sump skimmer. Shoot me some ideas.

My Water Parameters

Just thought I would run past you my water parameters to see what you think...
Carbonate Hardness...16kh
I have been blasting this with a power head, two large airstones and ofcourse my fx6 filter system, I havent added anything to the mix yet and the only thing that seems stubborn is the kh reading...I have heard of the old marine keepers trick of adding distilled white vinegar but as there is no live rock in the tank until tomorrow I was holding off on that.
I have no access to roi water and used our basic water which comes through chalk which I suppose is the reason for it's high reading.
Water has been cycling for over a week now and it has been treated to remove any heavy metals etc.
These tests are through an API Reef Master and Saltwater test kits except for the salinity which was done with a Refractometer.
What do you think..am I on the right track.

Good *orning, *ONDAY!

Good *orning, Everyone! :)

Warming up to 50 with sunshine today. I doubt there will be snow today. ;)

Congrats to Peyton Manning & the Broncos, heading to Super Bowl 50! :banana: VOLS well represented on the Broncos with Peyton, Malik Jackson and punter, Colquitt.

Busy workday with a 30 mile commute.

Big Buck saunters nonchalantly across the road after showing off his fence-leaping abilities.

Have a *arvelous *onday!


Hello All.

Hi, yet another nebie here.
I am planning to share with everybody my Tropical to Marine tank conversion with pictures.
I will of course be boring the heck out of you all with my mundane questions so please be patient with this old man.

Setup info about AI Prime LED light and my 16 gallon tank

I have a 16 gallon Dennerle tank. It is running for 2 years now. I had to move it last weekend so i changed the rock work and corals a bit to give them more space and light. I'm still using original Dennerle Reef Light 2:2 - 36W. Corals are doing ok, some better then others.
I'm turning the light on at 3.00pm and turn off at 10.00pm, so 7 hours turn on time. Not enough?

But now i decided to buy AI Prime to have more control and power. Is this a good light for a 16 gallon tank?

What would be the best setup of lights in my case? I don't know anything about setting up lights? How much % of light should i use, how many hours, what about the turn on time...?

Just how easy is it to clean a barebottom tank with a settling tank? Take a look!

Hi, today i have a few videos of me cleaning my 20g long sps tank with 20g high settling tank. Its pretty easy imo. I can usually do it within an hour and thats with a 20-30 minute break. In the first video i outline my equipment i use, the second is the first part of the cleaning. Gotta take a break to let things settle and eat dinner then i finish up in the third video. My dinner was a little long, usually im doing something else but i was a little short on time to get all this done plus eat before i headed off to work. I hope you enjoy!

Ill try to embed these when i have some more time.
Video 1

Video 2

Video 3


dimanche 24 janvier 2016

Maxspect 150 or 130? Help new setup

Hello everyone! I am building a another reef setup "93 gallon rimless cube" and ordered everything besides the powerheads. I been going crazy between two maxspect gyre 150's or 130's :freak:

Heres my take
Gyre 150
1. 12" long greater horizontal water spread
2. More powerful=Lower settings=Less stress= longer life expectancy?

1. More expensive
2. Takes up more room
3. two 150's might be to strong for the aquarium on the lowest setting?

Gyre 130
1. Takes up less space
2. Best of all less expensive
3. should be able to run two without worries

1. Higher setting=More stress= Less life expectancy?
2. 10" long less horizontal water spread
3. Two 130's might not be enough?

Now I might be over thinking everything :lol:
but I dont want to make the mistake of to much power and not enough.
Now to get some helpful opinions from some reef junkies before tomorrow night so I can get my new order before Friday :thumbup:

Pairing my single Banggai Cardinal.

So I have a single adult Banggai Cardinal that I would really like to pair, but I am unsure of how to go about it. I originally had two, but one ending up getting sick and dying from a disease outbreak soon after introduction (that is now taken care of). That was about a year ago. Recently I bought a little tank raised banggai in hopes of it growing and getting a pair, or at least a couple individuals that would get along. However my current one chased it off and my blue jaw trigger decided to make a snack out of the poor thing so I wasn't able to find out if the aggression would get better. So I am wondering what to do now. It doesn't seem as simple as pairing clownfish, and it's not helpful I don't 100% know the gender of my current one. Should I buy another baby or two (the triggerfish will be taken care of in the mean time), or should I try to find some adults? I guess however if in the end if nothing works out it's fine. I just like seeing these fish in pairs. Thanks.

Reef Octopus NWB skimmer noise level

Hi, curious question...

In the quest to decrease sound levels from my tank, by far the loudest thing now is my skimmer. I have a NWB 150, and it has the two hole silencer on the air line, but man this thing has always been loud.

It occurred to me that I don't notice other people's skimmers when I check out their tanks.. So do others who have this skimmer hear it? Say if the stand doors are open can you hear it sucking air in another room?


Time for my blue-moon post! Ya know, cause I hardly post here. Shame, really...

Anyway I figured I'd bring up a thread about one of the most curious group of marine animals, the Cephalopods. I know that some people do keep Octopi as pets, usually sold as Assorted Octopus. I also know that they usually don't live very long. Most species have a lifespan of a few years. I think even larger species only live about five years.

But what about Squid? And Cuttlefish? I know I heard of Cuttlefish being kept before, but not very often. What about squids?

Let this be a thread for open discussion about these critters.

Emperor Angelfish

My 500g FOWLR aquarium (live rock, live sand, fake coral, CUC and all) is finally conditioned! I ordered an emperor angelfish juvenile, will be coming in a few weeks. While we wait, what fish would make some good tankmates? I know that they're peaceful w/dwarf angelfish but I'm good at keeping fish alive, not calculating their compatibility. Any suggestions?

Suddenly losing fish...

I can't figure out what the hell is happening in my tank. Today, I very suddenly lost a purple firefish and three blue/green chromis. The corals looks great though.

Tank has been up and running for 125 days today, all params are spot on. The firefish suffered from fin rot from first being introduced around thanksgiving and never really fully recovered but the chromis have me stumped. At first I thought oxygen levels in the tank were low because two of the chromis kept hanging out at the surface. We're in northeast PA and got slammed with that blizzard so the house has certainly been shut up tight the past couple days. Between the return and the skimmer, there's plenty of surface agitation and should be enough gas exchange. I opened the windows for a bit just in case.

Other than that, the only thing I can think of is my tendency to overfeed or some type of infection. I don't QT (I know I should, and I'm very likely going to after this) but inspecting the dead bodies, I didn't see any glaring signs of ich or fungus or anything out of the ordinary, other than on the firefish. That still was showing fin rot symptoms (tail gone, white spots on its one pectoral fin).

As for the overfeeding, after blowing off the rocks and shallow sand bed for the water change today, the water column is filthy. I'm going to not feed for a few days and see if I can salvage the rest of my pets, but I'm not terribly optimistic I'll see anything swimming by morning. Any thoughts or suggestions? This very much sucks. I feel like I've done everything right, but clearly I went wrong somewhere.

55 gallon with 20g sump
55 lbs live rock
3/4" aragonite sand bed
reef octopus 150int skimmer
two koralia 2 powerheads on a wavemaker controller
reefbreeder photon 48
spectrapure refurb RO/DI
instant ocean salt mix

Two purple firefish (minus one now deceased)
Six blue/green chromis (minus three now deceased), introduced to DT 10 days ago, no QT
1 Yellow watchman goby
1 pistol shrimp
8 trochus snails
2 astraea snails
6 nassarius snails
6 cerith snails
4 nerite snails
green mushroom coral frag
candy cane coral frag
pipe organ coral frag

Fishyfood from LFS (blender mush)
mysis shrimp
brine shrimp
Frequency: alternating daily

Sal: 1.026sg
pH: 8.02 currently
temp: 79.8F

Using red sea test kit
NH3: 0
NO2: 0
NO3: 2
dKH: 9

Using salifert test kits
Ca: 405
Mg: 1210

Weekly 10% water change
Monthly 20% water change
Dosed calcium for the first time yesterday using Randy Holmes-Farley recipe #1 (prestone driveway heat calcium chloride - 1 cup dissolved in 1 gallon ro/di water) - dosed 8 oz to bring up Ca to 420 from 380

Can I keep multiple puffers together

Hello, I apologize in advance if this question has already been asked. I was wondering if it would be possible to put a porcupine and golden puffer with my mapa puffer in a 150 gallon tank. Other tank mates include, a clown grouper, a unicorn tang, a blue tang, and a grunt. Theses are all 3-4 inches.I also have a california stingray, who is 10 inches, a marble shark who is 2 feet, and a snowflake eel who is a foot. Please let me know, I do not want to cause a problem in there:lol:.

5 gal nano reef help

I have a 5 gal nano tank with a clownfish, a snail, and 2 hermit crabs right now. It has been running for about 3 months now. I have about 6 pounds of live rock, a lot of live sand, a power head, and a bad light. I also have the api saltwater master test kit. Can anyone give me a boiled down answer for what I need in terms of lighting, water tests/supplements, and whatever else I need to put some coral in it? I am thinking of just doing soft corals but if there are other options that are as hardy please share.

HELP - protein skimmer smells of poo or a sespit.

For my new tank upgrade my wife has demanded that I turn my protein skimmer off as I have been away on several work trips and the house stinks of ****, From the skimmer.
My old 300 litre reef tanks skimmer never smells, but the larger skimmer on my new 1000 litre setup really stinks.
At the moment she is willing not to divorce me if I keep the skimmer off, however I really don't want to do that.

I understand that I can add carbon pads to the air outlet and also turn down the amount of oxygen going into the skimmer and this will minimise the smell. However I am really on my last chance with the wife, so wondered if there is anything extra I can do to stop the smell.As I reckon one more stinky house and the tank will be moved to the garage.

Any help will be welcome....

skimmer is a TMC 1500 DC skimmer, on a 1000 litre 3 month old tank.
I also run biopellets so need the skimmer for that as well.

How to lower kH?

Hey guys,

I just did some water tests and my KH seem pretty high honnestly... i addded 14 drops before the water color changed??? it gives something around 140 mg/L

how can I lower it? Do I have to buy some stuff or just do some water changes??


Is this setup worth the price?

I am looking to upgrade from my 40 gal breeder. There is a guy with a 90 gal breeder used with a overflow and sump in it. The tank is glass. The sump is plastic. Thin pvc about 30 to 40 gal. It has a bio wheel which I doubt I will keep. And stand that needs work on appearance. And a stainless steel pump. He is in landscaping and pond business so it has an oasis of something pump. He is asking $175. The tank doesn't have the bottom black trim instead it has 2x4s for a surround.

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