vendredi 29 janvier 2016

Distance of live rock to top of water

I have a small pico tank - 10" X 10" X 12" tall. I put in about 5.5 pounds of live rock which looks good and functions pretty well. My live rock has been moved away from the back sides because I've found snails will fall behind them, not right themselves and then good luck trying to turn/remove them. As a result, I have a rock or two that extends up to about 2/3 the way up the tank, perhaps 7" from the bottom. It is at least 3" off the lowest the water line gets, if not more.

Hair algae seems to accumulate rapidly and it is extremely difficult to contain (yes, I have low phosphates, feed very little rarely such as a literal drop or two of marine snow once or twice per week.) Algae typically grows closest to the light but, in my tank, it seems to grow wherever it wants. Will it make much of a difference in reducing hair algae by removing the rock or trying to fit it on the remaining sand? I see so many with rocks piled up in the back at least as high if not higher, close to the surface of a tank.

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