dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Blenny, yellow clown fish and jawfish compatibility

I have a 36*24*24 90 gallon reef tank I'm setting up. It's going to be a lps and soft coral tank. The chosen fish are (Blue Assessor, pink skunk clown, 2 scissor tails, tanaka's Pygmy wrasse, yellow headed jawfish, yellow clown goby, and a rainfords goby. Okay so a few questions...I know the yellow clown and rainfords are okay together...however I was wanting to possibly consider adding a 1 spot foxface and or lawn mower blenny or a stary blenny. I have been told that once the foxface is full grown that my tank will be too small for the foxface seeing as how the tank is more tall than long. And as far as the lawnmower blenny possible problems with the jawfish or trying to eat the rainfords or yellow clown and or aggression problems with the yellow clown, rainfords and jawfish. Here is the deal folks...I'm really just looking for an algae eater...however I'm new to this and if proper procautious are taken is this "algae" fish even nescssary? Also this algae fish would probably be a lastly addition...or should it be after or before the yellow clown and rainfords goby IF compatible.

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