samedi 30 janvier 2016

Tank Stress!

Arrrgh! So I decide to help introduce my little cousin into the aquarium hobby, worked thru FW and brackish and now here we are ready 4 his 1st saltwater aquarium. (I myself have experience so don't freak out if you see some crazy "expert-only fish.") 35g FOWLR tank with 2-inch sandbed, CUC is 5 bumblebee snail, 1 turbo snail and 2 Christmas Island Red hermit crabs. This is his so-called "wish list."
Ocellaris Clownfish (x2 if possible)
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish
Flame Angelfish
Emperor Angelfish
The only thing that's really freaking me out is that he insists on keeping both angelfish. I know large angels can live w/dwarf angels, but I suck at fish compatibility. HELP!

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