mercredi 27 janvier 2016

Foam killed fish and overflowed tank?

I just signed up today and decided to ask this question. This happened about eight months ago. I had a 10 gallon tank and five goldfish in it. I've had them for many years. One morning, I was eating breakfast and my fish were fine. When I came home later that day, my mom said that there was foam everywhere; the tank overflowed with it, foam was on the floor, the fish were dead, and the foam even flowed onto cables and almost could've started a fire. My mom had the tank cleaned up by the time I was back, and she did not take any photos. My mom was working, so she did not put anything in the tank. My father also had to go to work, and wouldn't have put anything in the tank.

I remember one day (it might not have been the day they died) I did wash my hands with soap, and I think some soap did slide down to my wrist, and I fed the fish after I washed my hands. However, if I did get soap in the tank, it couldn't have been a lot. It wasn't a lot on my hand, and I don't think the food touched the soap. I also do not put my hands in the tank, either. I'm pretty sure I did not get any in the tank, as it wasn't on my fingers, but could that amount of soap overflow the tank that much and kill my fish? What else could've caused this?

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