jeudi 28 janvier 2016

Bleaching sps coral?

Hello. Quite a new keeper as I have only had my tank around 3 months. I have a sps coral that was very orange when I got it. I have had it for over a month now and it seems like it is starting to lose colour. I have a 200 litre tank with a cone mushroom and a forgspawn coral that seem to be doing well. It came from a shop that uses led lights. I use the lights that came with the tank what are 2 tube lights one blue guessing for the uv and I have recently got 2 28 cm led lights that are on as well. The led lights are not strong enough to keep the other corals open so are they just really weak? Or am I bleaching it? My ammonia and nitrite are 0 and nitrate is quite high around 80, could this also be causing it? I have been trying to get my nitrates down, I have a long black spiked sea urchin,a lionfish, 4 red crabs and 2 blue crabs as well as a brittle star so though that should ha e been enough of a clean up crew as the is not really that much to clean up but I do have quite a lot of live rock in there.

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