mardi 26 janvier 2016

Starting Over

I have had dinoflagellates for the past couple years and have tried everything to get rid of them that I could find online. Long story short nothing really worked. Although it kind of feels like letting the dinos win I'm taking down my tank and restarting. My grandfather has many, many tanks so he was thankfully able to store my livestock until I get my tank back up. I really want to get this 'new' tank right so I'm just asking how to proceed and what to do with my equipment (I have a 55g tank (could probably upgrade to 75 if it is really worth it), protien skimmer, sump, one media reactor, many HOB filters, 10 gallon quarantine with appropriate equipment attach, couple heaters, refugium light, etc. I know that I'm probably going to have to cure my rock, wash my gravel and equipment etc. Any steps I should know about; I've heard about soaking the rocks in a weak acid to dissolve the phosphates. Any help is appreciated.

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