samedi 4 octobre 2014

What unsusual hitchhikers do you have? (post pics!)

Hello, all!

Hitchhikers are something that definitely interests me in the reef tank hobby. I like the unusual, bizarre looking creatures, which even at times we're unsure of what it even is. It seems to bring more excitement to the hobby when you delve into the unknown, and notice something a little more peculiar. Of course, though, I'm new the hobby, so I have little experience with hichhikers. With that being said, I want to see your more unusual hitchhikers. Maybe they don't have to hitchhikers, persay, but I'm curious in your more unusual sea critters! Please, post pictures and show me the unusual things that host in your tank!!

I know, Bristle Worm are considered overall bad, and I hear mixed reviews regarding them, in fact, I've considered seeding my tank with a couple of them simply for observation purposes. Any strange worms are welcome to this thread!

Edit: Felt it necessary to state that I'm LESS interested in unusual inhabitants which can destroy a tank. If it's up in the air with mixed views on the species, I'm definitely still intrigued(case and point with the bristle worm)

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