mardi 30 septembre 2014

The History of Reef Keeping!!!

This video is a must see and I think might be sticky material!!! It is the history of reef keeping and how the hobby has changed over the years. Mike Paletta is awesome! Didn't realize I had his book until I watched this video!

Dying reef

I have a 55 gal reef tank. For years, all the corals have been lush and growing. All of a sudden, things are starting to die off. Any suggestions?

Ernest Builds a Reef

Hey TRT members,

I have been here a while and finally got around to doing an intro thread. I joined the Army right out of high school in 2006 and have been in since. I did a year in Korea and Iraq and am now a recruiter in La Crosse, Wisconsin. I am switching into the army reserves to teach my job to incoming Soldiers.

I work as an EMT for an ambulance service and will hopefully be working for the city fire department soon, but still have to go through the interview process. I will be going to school for a BA in Public Administration, get certified as a paramedic, and live happily ever after.

As far as my experience with fish, I started in January 2012 when I got a freshwater tank. That tank turned into an extremely successful planted tank and then I turned to the dark side and built a reef tank. Now I have a 46g bowfront reef tank going smooth since January of 2013. I have a 75g reef ready tank sitting in the garage waiting to be set up but I am waiting to move.


I've heard different things about lighting schedules.

How many hours should I have my Actinic lights on and how many hours should the t-5 HO lights.

As of now, here is my schedule:

Actinic: 12 hrs. 1 hr on before the HO and 1hr on after.

T5 HO: 10 hrs.

Moon lights (LED): 3 hours.

No corals yet. Only fish and inverts.

stuck on lights. What should I get?

I got a 155 gallon bow front and I am stuck on what lights I would need/ want. I definitely want to get leds and plan to grow coral. The cover for my tank is sectioned off in 3 22" sections. Should I get 3 smaller units to cover each section, out should I get a 4 foot unit? I have been looking at reef breeders photon series. Would the 48" be enough for my tank? Or should I get 3 16" ones? I was also looking at aqua illumination 52s but dint know if one of these would be capable of doing my tank. It is 6 foot long, 2 foot wide, and 2 foot deep. The tank came with a 48" green element fixture but heard it is not good for coral. I am new to salt water and really need some advice before I spend all this money. Let me know what you guys think. Thank you

Ammonia in R/O water after a few days w/ circulation

Hey everyone,

I've had a saltwater tank for over a year now and I've had a very bumpy ride along the way. This problem I'm speaking of currently is driving me crazy and its costing me more than I can afford. I currently have an RODI system (bought at the same time as setting up the tank, I make 50 gallons a week from it)which I just recently replaced all filters except the membrane. I found out that my local water supplier uses a large amount of Chloramine in the water which breaks down to ammonia, so I decided to get a good carbon filter to do the trick of removing the chloramine to process the ammonia better in the DI filter. My filter seems to be doing the trick, however after the water is in my Brute trash can with a pump to circulate flow, the ammonia content increases slowly from 0 up to about 2ppm over the course of a week. I also have another can I use for storage, a Blue Hawk 32 Gal. which shows the exact same readings. I thought maybe my ammonia test kit needed replaced so I went ahead and bought another kit which I'm still waiting on arriving. But I don't believe that is the issue either, since I can test the straight RO water and get 0 ammonia. Now getting to my tank, it has ripped a hole in my wallet severely, I've lost a lot of beautiful corals because of this and I've been spending money to try to combat the problem and I've had no luck. Prime is helping to transfer the ammonia to a non toxic form but its not a fix by any means.

I only have three small fish(clown, devil, cardinal) in my 37 gallon with a 20 gallon sump, and my ammonia will not go below .50 because of each time I add water to counter evaporation. Water changes help because the water is taken to the tank within 24 hours of being filtered, but still not doing the trick. Another thing I should add is I have 3lbs of DeNitrate and multiple other anti-ammonia media to combat it. Reef Octopus Skimmer seems to be working fine also and my nitrates and phosphates are under control. The filter sock and filter media in my sump have been cleaned in the past month but at separate times to keep bacteria growth constant.

Please help me with any information, I'm fighting a giant here.

Clean Up Crew for 60 Gallon Solana

So I was wondering if this would be an adequate cleanup crew for my 60 Solana Cube that has been cycling for 27 days. I found a recommendation for and checked them out and this looks like it would be good for my sand substrate tank.


Shipped for free via Express Mail you will get:

74 Dwarf Ceriths - small cleaners that get to the nooks and crannies. Feed on diatoms, cyano, algal detritus, and film algae. Nocturnal cleaners that leave the sandbed at night to search for food.

20 Nassarius - scavengers that will eat leftover food and some fish waste. They will stir sand, but can also be kept in bare bottom tanks.

17 Florida Ceriths - small cleaners that get to the nooks and crannies. Feed on fine hair algae, diatoms, cyano, algal detritus, and film algae. Nocturnal cleaners that leave the sandbed at night to search for food.

16 Small to Medium Nerites - We are currently offering the longer lived and quite hardy Antillean Nerite. (Nerita fulgurans). It grows to a nice size,and consumes a good deal of diatoms, cyano, algal detritus, and film algae. It will also consume some fine hair algae. A nocturnal herbivore that will feed more often at night, they tend to need some time to adjust to the limitations of the aquarium during their first week.

15 Assorted Hermits - A mix of smaller to medium hermit crab species, including red legged, left-handed, jade, white claw and blue leg hermit crabs. A nice variety of empty shells for them to move into will be included. These hermits are omnivores, that will feed on leftover food, filamentous (hair) algae and some species of cyanobacteria (cyano).

Since I have no live rock, and all of my LFS LR is infested with majano and aptasia and I refuse to buy from them, I was thinking of throwing in a bag of copepods to seed the tank. Would anything else be needed? Should I add some bristle worms? Sear Stars? I' not really sure what to add to help set the tank up. It will ultimately be a reef tank and will have corals before any fish are added if that makes a difference.

advice please

I'm not getting fish or anything I'm still waiting since I have this time to wait. When I do start buying fish. Do I need a QT for my fish before adding them to my DT like is it a must or can I get away with just accimalteing them then adding them to my DT right off the bat. I here mixed things from different pet stores. So any advice or methods I can use to get away with out using a QT?

My 29 Gal Biocube

I want to hear honest opinions and suggestions on my tank and what i can do to improve it overall. Im very young to be in this hobby (only 14) and its extremely hard to find anyone even romotely interested in saltwater fish. Always getting a laugh when i tell my friends im going clean my tank or at the Lfs. Definitely saved up for a while to get my tank. Definitely worth the wait. The tank was all me funding,setup, and maintnence. Since theres no one around to talk about this with I always come on here and read threads and ive gained so much information and just want to hear some suggestions. Ive had my tank since May so 5 months. Everything in my tank has just been running fantastic and I havent run into any problems. Its all stock Biocube (Power head,filter,pump) the only thing i have added is two white LED bars. Lights and filters are really the area im clueless on. Dont know what to add or change,any information on that would help immensely. Stock- 2 Extreme Snow Onyx clowns, peppermint shrimp,2 hermits, and 3 trocas snails.I plan on getting a longnose hawk (I know itll most likely eat the shrimp) and possibly an assessor and ill be done with fish. Fed twice a day and water change every other week. And for Corals- frogspawn, cabbage, starburst, zoas, kenya tree,clove, and an encrusted gorgonian. Also ive seen an Alevopora and a Flowerpot coral id like to get in the future.

Any information on anything would help so much. Thanks in advance!!

The life of bulbs

We had our lights sit in storage for ~ 5 yrs before we got he tank installed. This includes 8 T-5's & 2 400wMH's.

So we're 3 1/2 months into our display.

My concern is that the bulbs lose their 'par' proper colors and intensity, even if they are not being used. I'd love to think that the lighting that sat idle for ~5 years started off like brand new when we fired them up.


Is it really this easy?

So my tank has been up and running for 40 days. Started with 50lbs reef cleaner, 8 lbs of live rock, a piece of raw table shrimp and some ammonia.

I've got two ocellaris clowns, a royal gramma, a sexy shrimp, a cleaner shrimp and a $10 frag of zoas. Despite the run in with mild ich so far, no issues. I've got my diatom bloom and now bright lime green algae is forming that is tough to remove and is the base for coraline if I'm reading this stuff right.

I've been doing weekly water changes for almost a month now of 10 gallons every Monday and testing on those days. I'm consistently at 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 0 phosphates, 8.2 ph and 5-10 Nitrates. I clean my protein skimmer cup each week and top off almost each day with some RO/DI water.

I know this isn't anything new to anyone here, but am I in store for some kind of "uglies?" or surprise? Everything is healthy, thriving, and water is nice and clean. Seems to good to be true!

Cleaning Protein Skimmer

Well take has been running for a good month and a half and i've decided its time to clean the skimmer, if anyone knows its a Esshopp psk 100 HOB protein skimmer, the intake vaule has a bunch of brown algae, pretty easy to clean, theres sand in the chamber sitting at the bottom, so a good rinse in Ro/di water should be needed, my question is whats a good way or easy way to clean the skimmer, i plan to do it once a month, would love the advice?

Piggy's BarBQ and the 2014 BBQ Bash in St.Louis

Whellllll they finally posted the results and we didn't do too terribly bad. there are obviously some issues on what tastes good with some judges. in quite a few categories we got great scores and plenty of perfect scores from all but one or two judges which is plenty to keep us from getting an award. we came in 30th overall and last year we were either 34th or 36th I cant remember. I tried to call them just now to ask about the chicken wing scores to see how I did and they said they didn't keep any of the information on that category since it was a winner takes all event so ill never know how I did :( but in my heart and my customers eyes my wings are #1. here is a picture of them :)

as well as both of our bbq pits, the black one went with us since we thought we couldn't use the newer one. they snuck in a rule change this year and didn't tell anyone (or at least not us lol) and quite a few people had one like the big silver one. computer controlled temperature, convection oven style smoker that is weather resistant and mostly ran by propane instead of wood (wood is used as a smoke source instead of a heat source) with a ton of insulation and a working thermometer (thermometer on our black smoker needs to be replaced). the one we took, the black one, that is 8 years old now, no insulation, a heavy drizzle of rain could cause traumatic problems (last year was cold steady winds of 10mph all weekend and rained half the time (still came in 35ish place overall hehe) by putting out its only source of heat which is a few logs on fire controlled by me to be kept between 215-225 degrees, wind also has to be accounted for, too much wind can pull air through the pit feeding excess O2 to the fire causing the temp to go up, no wind can stall the fire out by suffocating it of O2. Incorrect dampner settings can also cause a stall or excess heat situation and you also have to adjust the smoke stacks so wind doesn't pull air out or push the smoke back into the pit and out through where the wood is on fire causing a blowout.

Needless to say running the black pit takes a lot more talent, thinking and understanding how fires work (HEY just like our wonderful hobby here :). the bigger silver pit you just put the food on, set the temp, throw a few logs in the ignition chamber and go take a nap until your food is done. makes it great for the restaurant but really makes me mad when those kindve pits are used in competitions. it really takes all the talent out of cooking a good cut of meat in my opinion. plus propane is for grills, wood is for smokers.

okay sorry had to rant. I just wanted to express to you guys my thoughts on that.

im sorry you went through that, have some Salmon :)

that was our Chefs Choice plate. can you believe it came in 35th place instead of the top 10??? with 2 out of 5 judges giving us perfect scores. we were marked a point down by the other 3 judges for taste (I told my boss beforehand it needs a little zest).

unfortunately I was too busy to get any other pictures besides those. so here are the rest of the scores.

scores were scored down to the 0.0000 number

Ribs as you know were 3rd with 3 perfect scoring judges and about .76th of a point off of 1st place, one judge marked off for appearance and taste and another marked off for taste and tenderness

77th for brisket (I noticed when I went to wrap the brisket in foil when it reached 160 degrees they were upside down. I blame this on myself for not double checking everyones work and whomever put the briskets on upside down -.-)

our chicken plate (this is always a tricky one) came in 55th with great scores coming from 4 judges and 2 judges just completely bombed us. had only one judge bombed us and the other one givin us a good score we would've been in the top 20

chili was next with another high place of 61st, 3 judges thought it was very good and 3 didn't think so. its hard to please everyone in these trickier categories

Our Food Supply guy joined us this year to do dessert, he did better then any desert entry we have ever had coming in 18th with 2 perfect scores, it was his first time doing anything like this, combined with the pressures of his companies name contributing and not knowing anyone he was there with besides me and my boss (there are always about 10-15 friends and family we invite to help since were basically competing in a competition AND running a restaurant at this event) and because of the stress's and being his first time his desert didn't come out quite perfect. the other 4 judges marked only one point off for appearance and he got perfect scores for everything else, had his pie had a few more minutes to cool and set correctly before cutting it he would have gotten 1st or 2nd place from the way the scores are, poor guy... we will definatly have to bring him back next year so he can get his redemption! (plus it was a butter sumn or other pie with CANDIED BACON! C A N D I E D B A C O N, bacon that tasted like candy!!!! )

we took 21st place in the pork category with 2 perfect scoring judges and 2 judges that just didn't like us. had one more judge givin us a better score we would've been in the top 10

and last but not least is porksteaks! this one was 34th place with 1 judge giving us a perfect score 3 other judges gave us excellent scores and 2 judges didn't like the taste. this is another one of those if one more judge would have givin us a better score we could've easily been in the top 10.

Well there it is! except for the brisket mishap and judges just not knowing what good chicken tastes like it was a pretty solid year for us (not to mention we beat our new competition that just opened up 3 bbq joints impeding on our business... the owner of that place also owns the Imo's Pizza franchise in st.louis). ill be sure to monitor how stuff goes on the grill more closely next year and hopefully our chicken guy can come up with something new and schnazzy next year. our chili came from the main owners best friend and I have some in my fridge so I plan on eating it for dinner tonight to see if my mom can make better chili lol.

the hardest categories are chili, chicken and chefs choice, for some reason my boss keeps going with salmon and I don't know why... I mean it tasted great and everything, I even had one a few nights before the competition and I even told him it was good but it wasn't wow I need more right now good. i made a steak marinade recipe last year that tastes pretty good, maybe i can cook one for him and experiment with it on the smoker and get him to pull away from the salmon. or maybe use an exotic smoked game. i just know it needs to be something that tastes great, looks like a pile of diamonds and is not a common item to win any type of prize for that category. we are pretty much helpless with the chicken and chili tho as none of our mates are any good with either one. but maybe i can change that. perhaps something providing a little spice and something to keep everything juicy stuffed into a chicken tenderloin wrapped in candied bacon and smoked could sway the judges opinions... hmmm that sounds pretty good.. I just thought of it :) (why cant I get these ideas before the competition -.- as for the chili, someone said they had a good chili recipe so we will see. Saturday night while i was practicing making my wings (my wing turn in was sunday morning) i took my delicious hotsauce and mixed it with the sauce we put on the ribs and it turned out all kinds of sweet and spicy delicious so maybe ill smoke the wings next year instead of deep fry em and put that sauce on em and maybe inject them with a little lemon to top it off. actually im going to try that Thursday when i return to work and see how it turns out.

well i think that's about it for the BBQ talk this year, there might be a little more next year as we were invited to another competition so we might do 2 next year instead of one, but the one we were invited to isn't as big of a deal as the one we just did so maybe that will be a chance for us to really try out some different things, tastes and other meats like wild game or even some smoked eels like the alaskians love hehe.

everyone enjoy the rest of their day and feel free to contact me if you would like to share a secret or not so secret recipe. if we do use it in a competition and it wins i will do everything in my power to make sure any contributors are recognized and thanked, but that is in no way a advertisement, I just love cooking and having someone taste something only see see their face light up in amazement (I swear my wings should've won, my hotsauce does this to anyone that tries it)

ta-ta, and watch out for my Tank update as ill be taking some nice pics in a little bit and updating my build thread on how things are going. and they are going great!

help me please

Population: 1x Torch Coral, 2x Zoas,, 1x Turbo, 1x Starfish.

3 am in the morning and here i am mopping the floor sigh~ :titanic:

Old tank cracked before new tank is cycled.

Lucky it's Barcelona v PSG time. :nuts:

Anyway, i put them into the new tank. I have no other choice at the moment.

I understand when cycling, light is not recommended. In my scenario, do I switch the light on?

The cycle of the new tank is more important for me. I don't want to ruin it with Algae.

Help me please with any suggestions. Thank you.

15% off ALL AquaticLife - Ends @ Midnight!

Hey AquaticLife fans: Everything is on sale!

Save 15% on all AquaticLife products with coupon code AQUATICLIFE

This 48-hour sale ends TONIGHT (9/30) at midnight!

Don't miss this opportunity to pick up a RO Buddie, AquaticLife light fixture or nano protein skimmer.

User Blogs

I was wondering, how many of you guys use the 'user blog' feature?

Glass Holes Return Kit. Which one do I get?

I have a 40 Breeder that I am getting the 700 gph overflow from Glass Holes. I can't decided on what return kit to get. I want to have a duel return ( one on each corner of the tank) Overflow in middle. Should I get the 1/2" or the 3/4" return kit?

I think I will be getting the Jebao DC6000 return so keep that in mind as well.

Final Stock list for 40B

Hello everyone, so I have finally finished my 40 gallon stocking. I have 2 occ. Clowns. 1 green Mandarin, 1 firefish, 1 mystery wrasse and 1 cherub angel. I have only soft corals in the tank as well. Before anyone gets upset over the mandarin I put in pods from my lfs at least once a week. It is expensive but worth it. Please let me know what you think of this set up? I know I am really pushing it but I have 40lbs of live rock, a protein skimmer and and a aqua clear 110 HOB filter.

Wimpy Ignitus Anthias

Well, I've had this Anthias for a few weeks now and he's the biggest wimp of a fish I've ever seen. He's the only fish in my 29g Biocube at the moment and he basically still hides all the time. I can see where he's hiding, but he never really comes out in the open, and if he does, it's usually to pester the cleaner shrimp to give him a scrubbin'. Once he catches sight of me back to his hiding spot he goes.

He is eating a bit better now, as he'll approach the turkey baster I use to shoot the frozen brine/mysis shrimp into his area (otherwise he won't venture out to get good). Does anyone have any suggestions/experience on how to pull this fellow out of cover a bit more?

I'm planning on rounding out the tank with a Cardinal and a small Clown.

Class testing

Hey team,

I am going to be getting some test kits for my classroom to track both short term and long term changes in the aquariums. Looking for feedback on test kits. I know that the Hanna checkers are pretty user friendly, but a little spendy. I pulled down a small grant to help cover the cost of some of the test kits and hope to make it count.

Please respond with specifically what test kit you've used(high range, low range, phosphate, nitrite, nitrate....) , how accurate it is, how easy to use it is.

Currently I am of the mindset that the old school color charts would be best, that way they can see the reaction taking place, rather than assuming something majic is happening inside the checker........ but..... I would guess we could still see the color changes in the checker solution......

So let me know what you think!



Star Wars VII can we talk?

Do any of you have info on that, what's true or false, i've been reading sooooooo many rumors and stuff .I'm posting with an image or poster of the incoming movie.

It would be nice if you could too , it would make the thread really something nice and interesting, take a minute. Thanks.


What do we know?

What don't we know?

And what is going to happen with this franchise ?

I write big for my iphone friends

Hello from the UK


I've always wanted a marine tank but I've always been told I'm not allowed one.

After having an empty tank stuck in the shed for over a year I've finally convinced my mum into allowing me to have a nano marine tank but I've since seen her lurking online at larger tanks lol (Just in case she decided we needed a tank for the kitchen)

Doing as much research as possible so I make sure I do everything correct so thought this forum would be the best place to start. :read:

Happy birthday bdial438 on 9/30!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......


Tuesday Coffee !

Good Morning !:dance:

Coffee is ready,

Getting ready for another good day at work.

Have a Great Day!:banana:

lundi 29 septembre 2014

How much rock is necessary? (for bacteria)

I am looking at removing some of the rock I have in my I was wondering how much rock do we really need and how much is just taking up space?

Also what's a safe way to remove? Would removing 10% and waiting a week be OK or should I dose some bacteria to help?

130gal stocking list

Planning out my livestock list for my 130g tank it has a 2.5”DSB, 120lbs of LR, 55gal fuge that I plan on putting chaetomorpha in, bubble magnus skimmer rated for 180-240gal, and tremendous flow.

I put the maximum size next to each fish some I want two/three of which I also put next to them. All of them are reef safe on paper and with the exception of a few they are peaceful, and most of them small. I would love to hear anyone’s advice on what to add or subtract from the list, what order to add them to the tank, and just any advice at all would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance


  • Firefish x2(ms 3”)

  • Purple firefish x2(ms 3”)

  • Diamond watchman goby (ms 6” sand sifter)

  • Green chromis x3(ms 3.5”)

  • Sleeper gold head goby(ms 5.5” sand sifter)

  • Snowflake clowns x2(ms 3”)

  • Green mandarin x2 (ms 4”)

  • Whip fin fairy wrasse(ms 3.5”)

  • Yellow fin fairy wrasse(ms 3’)

  • XKuiters leopards wrasse(ms 4”)

  • Princess anthias(ms 3.5”)

  • Yellow tang (ms 8”)

  • Purple tang(ms 10”)

  • Powder blue tang (ms 9”)

  • Flame angel(ms 4”)

Total fish=21

Total maximum inches=90

Clean up crew

  • 50 nassarius snails

  • 25 asterea snails

  • 25 turbo snails

  • 20 blue leg hermit crabs

  • 20 red leg hermit crabs

  • 5 emerald green crabs

  • 2 fire shrimp


  • Musrooms

  • Zoas

  • Green star polyps

  • Montipora

  • Flowerpot

  • Clams

  • Rose bubble tip anemone

  • Toadstool

  • Lobed Brain coral

  • Frogspawn

  • Fire torch

2014 Mountain West Reef Fest Coming to Salt Lake City - Sat Nov 15th!!!


The Intermountain West's Largest Marine and Reef Conference is celebrating our 5th ANNIVERSARY on Saturday, November 15th with the absolute BIGGEST AND BEST Reef Fest yet!


The Mountain West Reef Fest will feature 6 incredible guest speakers -

* 2014 MASNA Aquarist of the Year Rich Ross!

* World - renowned Reef Lighting and Design specialist Dr. Sanjay Joshi!

* Atlantis Marine World NY's own Joe Yaiullo!

* Cuttlefish expert and ReefGen owner Laura Birenbaum!

* ReefOn! Aquatics owner / Scheels Western US Aquarium Curator Jerry Ohrn!

* University of Utah Marine Biologist and former MASNA Board Member Adam Blundell!

PLUS - a spacious Vendor Room with exhibits from many of the Hobby's top equipment / dry goods manufacturers AND over a DOZEN Coral and Livestock dealers from all over the United States!

PLUS - a HUGE Raffle with HUNDREDS of great prizes!

PLUS - an Aquascaping Contest, A Kid's Coloring Contest, Sponsored Workshops & Seminars, Surprise Guests... and MORE!

The best part... General Admission tickets are just $10!!!

Wait a minute...SIX SPEAKERS FOR 10 BUCKS???



And our EXCLUSIVE VIP PACKAGE, which includes our famous Friday night "Salt Mixer" Party - featuring a very special Guest Speaker "Meet & Greet", priority check in for the Reef Fest, AND Early Admission to the Coral & Livestock Vendor Room... is just $20!!!

The 2014 MWRF will be held at the spacious Red Lion Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City:

Red Lion Hotel Salt Lake Downtown

161 West 600 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Tel: 801-521-7373 | Fax: 801-524-0354

For more information, including hotel discounts, MWRF tickets sales, VIP packages and more -

Please visit the MWRF website:]

reef/marine tank newbie

Hi guys im looking at makeing a reef tank with clown fish and blue tangs, but I want to make it as close to their environment as possible ive been researching it on the ned but not having muck luck:( so im wondering if you guys have an idea im looking for the fish/coral and clean up criter species! And and any help or info would be great! The tank will be 4-5×2×2.

Monterey Bay mini hermit crabs

Can anyone ID this little guy? I saw hundreds of them this weekend at Monterey:

some sort of worm

Okay so i bought a pulsing xenia the other day. When i disinfected a couple things fell off. I put it in the tank and another thing fell out. it was a worm of some sort it had a top like a feather duster, like a crown. It was wiggling and floating its way through the water until i captured it. It was brown in color and very small. About a millimeter in length. i discarded it, but does anyone know what this might be? Harmful? I have no pic, i was focused on looking for more and getting out of my tank at the time.

How to set a deltec skimmer

I've been helping a friend with there tank. He recently bought a halide fixture 2 mp10s and a deltec mce 600. How the heck do you set the level on these skimmers. It's completely different than the skimmers I'm used to. I can't believe how small the collection cup are on these. Is this skimmer better than the reef octopus nwb 150 he had on the tank before. The octopus didn't go to waste it went to his other tank and replaced a coral life skimmer

do these look happy/healthy?

Do these happy, i just started running 2 1150 powerheads, theres white lines on them not sure if that's color loss or what, but i couldn't tell ya if thats how they looked before, as i never payed close attention because i didn't know that they were polys on my live rock when i bought, but im not an expert but i think they look ok to me?

CaribSea Life Rock: Now in stock!

CaribSea Life Rock is a live rock alternative infused with spored, live bacteria. Once placed in water, dormant bacteria comes to life and begins to colonize to help speed up the cycling process.

Life Rock is colored to simulate real coralline algae growth so you don't have to wait 6-8 months to have a mature-looking tank.

Completely reef safe and available in 20 or 40 lb boxes!

Free Coral. Just pay shipping.

I have 2 pocillopora coral. One is about 5" diameter and the other is huge. 7-8". Not sure how to attach photos on here but can email pics.

Little Black sacks....Need an ID

So, just got my tank on the 13th, biocube 29, completely stock as far as filtration, light etc. with the exception of adding 2 strips of LED that the hood provides slots for. I have 30lb live rock from established tank and 2.5" live sand. I have a clown fish, coral beauty, a coral banded shrimp, several snails and hermits and several small lps corals. Have done essentially nothing to the water since setting it up aside from adding a bottle of stuff made by instant ocean the LFS recommended before adding the fish. First water change will be done tomorrow (a little over 2 weeks, but haven't had a chance yet, too busy).

Here's the Q: I just noticed what appear to be little sacks in several places attached to my live rock. They are black/grayish in color and almost opaque to the point that I can see what look like little white specs of something in them. The only reason I'm concerned/curious is because I've never noticed them before and I stare at the tank alot haha. Idk if they are eggs or what? I'm a total beginner.

Thanks in advance for any insight or input!!

Freshwater clam died... Tank bomb?

Recently my freshwater clam died :( and in the few days after I lost a Molly, 2 plates, and my beloved farlowella catfish. :bawling: Could the clam's death have caused all this? Everything was perfectly fine before :(

40 gallon Breeder Reef Build

Hell everyone. I am finally moving away from my 29 gallon bicube and into a bigger system. I will be going with a 40 Gallon breeder that I would like to drill and place a sump underneath. I plan on building my own sump and stand as well.

I have a few questions and would like to see what people think about the equipment I should purchase.

So that being said for the tank I want to go with a glass holes 700 gph overflow box in the center top portion of the tank. I would like 1 return on each side with loc line returns that are drilled into the tank as well. Plan on painting the back of the tank black. Should I paint first then drill? Also what paint should I use.

I will be going with a 20 gallon long sump.

I'm not sure what protein skimmer i would like yet but I had a reef octopus nwb 110 on my 90 gallon tank and I really liked it. Any input would be great on what people have and like.

I will be getting 2 Jebao RW 8 wavemakers. These wavemakers are great and a better option than the Vortech's at this time.

Im thinking about at Jebao DC6000 for a return pump but this is where I'm not too sure. I like the ability of being able to control the return rate especially since I will have two seprate returns.

I have two reef breeder LED modules I will be using.

I also have my Reef Keeper Lite as well from my biocube.

I have the float switch for the ATO that is powered by Toms Aqua Lifter

I will move my snowflake clown and Flame Angel over to this tank and look to possibly add 1-2 more smaller fish. This is a mixed reef tank.

Please any input at all would be great. Also if you have good links to stand builds or sump builds that would be great!

Hey AquaticLife fans: Everything is on sale!

Hey AquaticLife fans: Everything is on sale!

Save 15% on all AquaticLife products with coupon code AQUATICLIFE

This 48-hour sale ends Tuesday at midnight!

Don't miss this opportunity to pick up a RO Buddie, AquaticLife light fixture or nano protein skimmer.

New list of fish

Here is the complete list of fish i plan to have in my tank, once everything is said and done, i will list them in order of adding them to my tank, would love suggestions/feedback 55 gallon.

1. 2 chromis, not sure weather blue or green haven't decided yet.

2. Bicolor Blenny

3. 1 diamond goby

4. 2 Ocellaris clownfish, one black, one orange

5. Royal Gamma

6. Neon Dottyback

7. Multicolor Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse

8. Pygmy (Cherub) Angelfish

Cat shark in 220?

For a future curiosity/plan, would any cat or bamboo shark live it's life happily in a 220 gallon aquarium?

Ich in new tank

I know I made a mistake when I decided to bring home an extra fish.

I purchased two snow flakes and I asked if it would be okay to also purchase a small blue tang. The LFS guy asked me questions about the tank. I told him it was a 75G and he said I would have to move the tang to a larger tank later. The tang is 1.5 big.

For two days, the fish seemed fine. This morning, however, the snows have ich and the blue tang is covered. I read online that tangs are more prone to ich. I've already pulled each fish out for quarantine.

My question is, will the other animals in the tank get ich (snail, hermit crabs, shrimp (coral bandit, peppermint).

Other question, I remember reading that ich dies within 2 days and will die off faster if the temperature is raised to 78-80. Do I have to start the cycle all over or will ich be gone?

Ati bulb issue

Just seeing if this has happened to anyone....

Several months ago I bought 2 60" 80 watt ati aqua blue special bulbs and they have been sitting in their wrappers since then...well I finally(2 tanks later) bought a fixture to run these as supplements on my 300

The fixture I bought is an oddysea 4 bulb unit with external ballasts and it came with 2 white bulbs and 2 actinics which all work fine but I figured the atis have to be better than the whites that came with it

Here's my issue...the whites that came with light just fine like I said but the atis only light at the ends and the center of the bulbs have those lines moving back and for like the bulb is bad??? Is it just 2 brand new bad bulbs(doubtful) or with the ballast just not fire the atis correctly??

A little more info...the ati bulbs both of them only light about 8 inches in on each end and the rest of the bulb is very very dim

What I tried...I put one of the original white bulbs in with an ati on the other side since each ballast runs 2 bulbs and the original white one lit and the ati was the same...only lit at ends...I tried this with both atis with the same result

Any ideas??


Equipment Recommendations for a Newb

Ok so I recently decided to convert my tank over to a sand based tank with new filtration etc and even more recently I decided why not go with a reef tank for all this trouble. (was going to be a cichlid tank) And I'm looking for a suggestion on a skimmer.

Here's what I have so far:

150 gallon tank

FX6 Canister Filter

Aqueon Proflex Model 4 Sump (up to 2,200 GPH)

Reeflo Dart Hybrid Return Pump (up to 2600 GPH)

CPR CS202 Overflow (up to 1,500 GPH)

Neptune Apex Controller

I planned on trying to run about 1,200 GPH on my sump and I've noticed that the skimmers are no where near that for the models I'm looking at. Am I overthinking this?

I was thinking about the Super Reef Octopus SRO-3000INT for $489. I would really like to keep it under $500.

Thoughts? It seems like it would fit the sump chamber I have though I have to be honest that I'm still unsure of how it's plumbed especially when you have the return pump pulling 1,200 gph I would think that only a fraction of that will actually get cleaned by the skimmer. Thanks for any suggestions.

I'm also looking at adding any additional equipment needed if anyone has suggestions, such as an ATO to go with my Apex.




Renee here, nice to meet you! I am obsessed with saltwater creatures. No intervention needed here!

I have recently found a complete reef tank for sale. You would think that is like hitting a saltwater lottery, but in this case its a mixed emotion between happiness & fear.

I can do a saltwater tank w/ my eyes closed. As for a reef tank w/ mixed corals...never have done!

I can do beginner & target feeding besides that, I'm lost!

Between Google, YouTube, & The Reef Tank I should find tips & knowledge that will help me save the Reef.

The Reef Cave - New channel

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to share my youtube channel with everyone.. in hopes of reaching out to anyone who is looking for help or just some info on what it takes to run a reef tank...

This is my own personal documenting on my own reef tank, just remember.. I am not a professional biologist.. so be nice... I just love the hobby and hope to share my very own stories with my reef tank adventure!

Thanks!!! subscribe and share if you want :)

stay in touch :)

*onday and rainy

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Oatmeat with nanners, chopped pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon. Apples to take with you.

Oh yeh, I'm sure George will share some of his birthday pizza cake that the birthday fairy posted in his BD thread ;)

Jeff - Hats off for your rescue band wagon.

Dave - I'm glad your weekend turned out better.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

Happy birthday to Loverotties on 9/29!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus to sing......


Fire Shrimp


I purchased 2 very health ones over the weekend. Acclimated them the right way, watched them swim out of the bag and have not seen them since. I have a 180g reef tank with about 200# of live rock so there is PLENTY of room to hide. But I have yet to see them since Saturday early afternoon when I put them in. Do they ever come out, or do they typically stay hidden?

No email

Hi :wavey:,

Just joined up but still haven't received an activation email :help: lol

I've checked my junk/spam folder too :)

dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Phosphates finally under control!

Well for the past 6 months I've been battling a phosphate issue. I started washing my frozen foods, switched to only feeding every other day, stopped feeding my corals, running large amounts of GFO etc etc. I noticed that every water change seemed to make the problem worse.

I finally figured out the brute trashcan I was using for salt mixing was the culprit. I removed that and bought a 60g food grade container. I think the lady said it was used for celery or something like that. Anyways I setup my new salt water mixing station and busy making a lot of new saltwater.

I'm pleased to say that after 3x40g water changes this week my phosphates are now in check. The cyano is having a hard time staying alive and I'm finally getting my tank back.

A positive side effect of this whole ordeal is my nitrates are at 0. They were always pretty low but from the stoppage of feeding my corals and feeding every other day I guess it just destroyed my nitrate levels.

clean up crew help

Hey everyone, well just wanted to get advice on a clean up crew package on what and how many to get for my 55 gallon, 55lb rock. That i plan on adding in a few days

So far i have 2 peppermint shrimp, used to have 11 blue leg crabs and 10 snails but sold them to a friend, since i toke them out to see if my new rock was going to cycle which it didn't. But here is a list of things i see people most commonly added to a tank, my tank at least for the first year is just going to be fish only. So here it is, please add how much of each list.

Blue Leg Crabs: ?

Red Leg Crabs or scarlet red leg crabs?

Snails not sure what kind or how many?

Cleaner Shrimp ?

Thanks in Advice

Tunze 3155 ATO on 5 gal pico question

I picked up a brand new but older version of the tunze 3155 for my wifes pico tank on this forum from a member. When it kicks on it way over fills. The tank is a fluval spec v, I have it located in the filter/sump compartment. After about 1/8 cup evaporation it kicks on and fills back a little over 1 cup. This doesnt have the dial in the control box like my newer one on my big tank has.

I thought of adding a tee with a valve on one side to "meter" the amount of water that actually goes to the aquarium and the rest back to the storage container.....Any suggestions?

Figured out a way to stop worrying about parameters

I'm thinking of running a waterless system.

Thoughts on LED intensity

Well I've learned that there are no solid answers in this hobby, there are always people doing things differently and getting great results. But I would like to hear some ideas on what people think I should eventually be running my led lighting at.

I've got an AI sol blue on my 30 gallon cube, 14 inches above the tank and 32 inches above the substrate. I've been slowly raising the led levels and I'm currently at 40% on each color (white, blue, royal) for about 8 hrs at full.

What should be my target intensity for my lighting? I'm pretty sure I'll never need the full 100% on this tank but I'd like to know how high I should go for optimal softy and LPS growth.

Time to replace bulbs, looking for opinions

I currently have a 75 gallon tank with an Aquatic Life T5 HO 54w light. It has the stock bulbs...1 10000k white, 2 420/460 nm actinics and a purple bulb. I'm not overly happy with how the corals look...they look ok just not as colorful as I'd likeso I'm looking for opinions on replacement current frags are torch, australian blastomussa, galaxea, zoa, duncan, discosoma mushrooms, kryptonite candy cane, and a toodstool. I also have a rbta...Thanks

Anyone tried these?

Sorry if I break any rules posting a link

Has one tried these overflows?

Happy birthday to cvolkers on 9/28!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing......


Sunday's early bird

Hello again all of TRT. Good early morning (not that I've slept since 3am yesterday morning) but I hope you all are having a restful morning.

Briaket's and pork butts are on the grill, our dessert, pork steaks, chefs choice (salmon) and ribs were turned in earlier today. All came out wonderfully. We hope the judges think the same :)

The noon hours will be filled with brisket and pulled pork turn in's as well as our first attempt at chicken wings. I made a great mild-hot hot sauce a few years ago that I have heard all my customers say they love when offered a sample. The other night, to complete the recepie, I created a delicious breading to go along.

To top the night off we had a fireworks show (that was interrupted by us having to put pulled pork on the smoker) I'm in charge of running the smoker and keeping the temp correct for the food we are cooking. I'd post pics but I have few in the busy hours we have had and can't post from my phone.

Unfortunately I fear my wings will not be up to par as my fryer sucks. I did a few test runs tonight and I can only cook about 6 at a time in 20 mins and I need 50. Good thing all the wings will be eatin cold.

Welp time to get back at it. I'll let I guys know how we do when I find out,


samedi 27 septembre 2014

Green Hair, GFO, Phosban, or both?

So I'm in a heated battle with green hair algae, the evil fast growing monster that it is. I'm a little tired of digging my rock out of the aquarium to brush it with a toothbrush, just to have it all grow back within 3 days. Which means I wasted countless hours of my time performing such a task. My sump will be up and running here shortly.

I do have a Coralife Super Skimmer arriving Monday. I bought primarily for price and it's ability to be HOB until my sump is running in another two weeks(Yes, I've slipped in time, becasue of various set backs with piping). So my plans are to have my sump running sometime around the beginning of the month after I get paid. Here is my question... Once the sump is running I am buying a dual reactor for BRS. Should I run GFO and Carbon, or Phosban and Carbon? Would one would be more ruthless in combating this plague? Should I run both Phosban and GFO? Have the Phosban maybe in a filter sock or something?

aquascape honest feedback required

Be brutally honest please...

What is good about this scape?

What is bad about this scape?

Blastomussa not growing

Hey guys. I got a blasto about 2 months ago. Just has one head. It hasn't grown an inch since. It does fully open though so I assume it's happy. It's about halfway up the tank. T5ho lighting. 79 degrees. 430 calc. 1180 magnesium. 9.5 alk. It's kind of near a gorgonian. Maybe 5 inches away. Flow is probably low-medium. Vortex power head so it's not consistent. Any ideas?


Randalls Assesser

Hello, I was thinking about getting a Randalls Assessor and wanted to know if anyone has any experience with one. I was told they look very similar to the yellow assessor and were more yellow than blue. Has anyone seen one and know if they do look blue?

Powerhead Safety

I had two incidents with my new nano powerhead in the past two days. First I apparently put it too close to the colt coral and it sucked a branch in - luckily it was just a little bit and it was fine. Then, today, I come home to find my new little clown goby had been sucked into it and died. :( The gap for suction was only about the size of a pencil eraser, but apparently that was big enough for disaster.

So, my now I'm looking at all my powerheads as death traps. I recently heard of putting panty hose around them, anyone tried this? Any other tips for fish/coral proofing the powerheads?

helps! cracked panel

So I was picking up a 220 gallon tank today and on the way home some how it cracked! The back panel cracked corner to the bottom. Is there anything I can do to fix it? Any repair ideas and experiences will be appreciated

Acro and monti frags?

Want to try my hand at some cool acro's and monti's. Does anyone have or willing to cut some frags?

epoxy live rock?

Has anyone had good results using JB water weld. the epoxy was not sticking on my rocks, at all. my rocks were a bit moist, but according to the packaging, this thing is suppose to work even underwater... any suggestions?

Finally got a pair of clowns for my new tank.

I'm 4 weeks in. A few days ago I picked up these two. They should pair up. They seem very happy and already go to the top of the tank for food when I come by. The larger is showing dominance. I noticed she keeps the smaller guy in the corner with her in the morning (appears while they are still sleeping). My water is good and keeping up with everything. Ammonia and Nitrite continue to be zero. Nitrate was less than 10 after my water change.

Sorry about the crappy cell pic.

Two-part dosing question

First time using 2-part, and first time using dosing pumps. I am wondering how much everyone doses per day. BRS says .2 ml per gallon (20 ml for my 100 gallon setup) is a good starting point. But talking to a friend in Portland he tells me he doses 144 ml per day for his 90! Now, I know to start slow and test weekly to determine my usage, but I am wondering how many ml per day/ gallon you ended up with as the final number. Any input would be helpful.

Thanks as always,


Feed your seehorses all day with a $2.49 prop without stopping your pumps

i think its time

Well, i added 2 peppermint shrimp last night, and my levels have been the following:

Ph. 8.2

Ammonia 0

Nitrates 10 or less

Nitrites 0

ALK 13.5

Salinity 1.024

My question is it ok to add 2 green chromis a day after adding the shrimp? are my levels ok? And heres what i used to acclimate my shrimp and its going to be the same way i do the fish, drip method, 2-4 drops a seccond, let water double then empty, repeat process, then net fish in, but here's another issue, i used a small gallon to gallon and half container to hold the shrimp, will this work for the chromis as well? or do i need a bigger bucket or container?


Xenia not doing well.

It's been thriving for 3 years but now has shrunk back to 1/6th it's size. Water checks all good. Nothing new in tank. Any ideas?

Can i put a baby clown with an adult?

I currently have an adult Ocellaris and my LFS just got a large order of small/young ones in and I'd like to get him a friend. Will it be ok to put the big one and small one in together? or will the big one bully him too much?

Just bought a cleaner shrimp yesterday and my yellow dottyback promptly killed him. I'm taking the dottyback back to the store, just want to make sure I don't waste more cash on the small clown if the large one isn't going to get along with him.

Good Morning It's Saturday!!!

TRT Members,

It's Saturday morning, :banana:

What are your plans for the fish this weekend? Any maintenance, spot cleaning, or club meetings going on? I know I have a BRS GFO and Carbon Reactor on a fedex truck somewhere in Minnesota. Excited to install that and kick some phosphate butt.

Enjoy your weekend and reef happy!

A very competitive saturday

Hello all of TRT,

I thought I would start the morning off. Random snacks, coffee and Togo breakfast wraps for breakfast.

Today marks the 10th annual home fires bbq competition. If your traveling or are around the wildwood, mo area we are set up here with about 200 teams. Aiming for all our cat agonies to place in 10th or better this year. I feel we are better prepared this year.

Everyone enjoy your day and remember to smile :)

Need help adding a signiture

Hi, I can get to the point in my control panel to where I can see the 'signiture' I want including my image, but the only options I'm given is to (save) or (preview). I hit save, but does not go onto my posts? Thanks in advance,



Now when I just hit 'preview' this post my signiture showed up at the bottom? Confused. I'll post this, then go see if it shows up. So sorry if this winds up being an unneeded post.

Toadstool health?

So I've had this toadstool for about 2 months now. He started off under 3 kessil lights and loved it. I then upgraded to 3 AI Vega's and ever since he has not been happy. I've turned down the intensity to half and slowly moved up from there but he still only comes out when the lights are around 15-30% or at night. (This picture was taken with the lights at night setting)

I put him on the sand bed for about 10 days but he kept closing up so I moved him from the sand bed to some LR a couple inches up and turned the lights back down a bit.

Planning on doing a water change this weekend but the past water changes have done little to help.

Any ideas?! :help:


Temp 80

PH 8.15

Salinity 34ppt

Calcium 390ish

Alk 8-8.5

Sand Moving - what is the solution?

I thought this is only happen because i don't have any rocks but i was wrong.

sands at some small spots are slowly moving and becoming completely bare bottom.

Wavemakers are all pointed to the surface.

what may have caused this and how do I fix it?

don't want to keep moving it manually every time. :angry:

vendredi 26 septembre 2014

What do you use...

to test your levels? I have an Apex for the basics and I picked up a Red Sea CA/KH/ALK test kit. I'm curious what you guys use for?


Instant toadstool solution?

I've seen a lot of posts on here about toadstools not opening. Four times now, after noticing my toadstools closed for a few days, I added Instant Ocean Bio-spira...and within seconds they began opening. I have no clue why this works, but maybe others have an explanation or similar experience?

Frag Pack Recieved

My new list of corals delivered today....

Green Slimmer

Granulosa Candlestick

Strawberry Shortcake

Red Dragon

Rainbow Stylo

Hot Pink Cats Paw Stylo

Blue Polyp Stylo

Sour Apple BN

Pink BN

Rainbow Pocillopora

Orange Digi

Jason Fox Gold Meister Chalice

Tyree True Undata Monti

Sunset Monti

Assorted acans

Greenbay Packers zoas

Armor of God Zoas

Electric Grren Palys

Coral Dip advice!!! LFS worm infestation - home depot insecticide?

Does anyone know of special methods for dipping corals, or parasitic worms?

I visited one of the local LFS (which shall forever be known as "SaltMart") to purchase a pump. I ended up (against by better judgement) walking out with a few soft coral frags that none of the other LFS in town carry.

I went back an hour later and I overheard them saying something about dipping the corals, and having a worm problem in their breeder tank. There was some mention about a pesticide from Home Depot, but I couldn't catch the rest of it.

The "SaltMart" employee refused to answer any questions about their "pest problem" and now I'm left with a few softies in a quarantine bucket wondering what I need to do to salvage the situation.

What kind of worms do you think are in there? And does anyone know of any "home depot" insecticides that are used for dipping corals?

I'd return them, but they only do store credit and there's no way I'm ever going back there.

Film on liverock preventing corals to attach

So, I have had this hardly noticeable film on my liverockfor a few months now. You cant really see it unless you are looking for it. It makes me liverock feel slimey to the touch. I believe that thjs film could be preventing my leather corals and zoas from growing off their frags onto the rocks. I never really had this problem nor have I read about anyone having a similar problem. My nitrate and phosphate levels are undectBle on an API ( directions followed word for word). Anyone have any idea what may be going on? By the way, the liverock was actually previously dead liverock that I reseeded with some lfs biorubble. I didnt cook the rock before putting in my tank, i just rinsed it off in a bucket of RODI.

pH and alkalinity

Is there a way to raise and buffer ph without raising alk. I was using the kents superbuffer dkh or something like that. my alk is extremely high and my ph is low.

Alk 15 - 16 dkh

Ph- 7.8

I want ph to around 8.2 and alk at 8-12

Its not a heavily stocked tank right now, coral wise. Im sure putting more in would lower the alk a bit, but im having a problem with my small zoa colony so I don't want to put anymore coral in the tank till I get these levels right.

One unusual advantage to Metal Halide lighting.

Hey so I have a lot of MH light over my 20 G long and I have a heater, and a fan to blow away the heat of the bulbs, but I thought of an interesting yet obvious advantage to MHs over LEDs in the winter. Both my house heaters are broken so if it gets really cold in my house in the winter I'll sleep better and when I'm awake just wear a jacket, but my tank should have no problem staying at 80 degrees regulated by the heater but also the MH bulbs if I just turn off the fan. I may even save on my electric bill with no house heating, so long as my tank stays warm that's all I care about.

Paly vs Xenia?

I picked up a small frag with some xenia on it as well as a few lime palys. It looks like the xenia is trying to stay away from the paly, so will they kill each other?

Next question, I know many avoid either one of these corals due to them spreading like weeds. Should I cut off the palys, separate them on separate frags, or just get rid of the whole thing? I like the movement of xenia, but if it spreads will it damage other corals?


Emergency help!

plese help. a powerhead fell onto the ground and blew my sand everywhere. my tank water looks like milk. whats gonna happen? doesnt it realese hydogen sulfate?

Where to buy Coral Online? I'm a little scared to...

Have any of you guys had consistent good results ordering from any online stores? I've read some threads here, but all are old. I'm considering Blue Zoo Aquatics.

Thanks very much!!

Feeding Coral

Hey guys. I have a few zoa frags, mushrooms, maze brain, and a torch. I haven't fed any of them anything. Should I be feeding? and if so what? is there a food that is good for everything? Should I feed a couple times a week? thanks in advance!

progress videos from day1 for noobs like me

Just thought I would through out there videos I have been making following my experience with my reef setup. Thanks and tips and tricks are encourage.

Annual Fall Sale: Up to 50% off!

We just kicked off our Annual Fall Sale this morning, so we thought we'd share some of these REEFTACULAR deals with you!

Don't forget to check out the new AquaMaxx S-NANO, CaribSea Life Rock, VIV Glass Inflow and Outflow Pipes and the other new goodies we just added to the store.

Looking for ATO for a new tank

I'm looking to get a 6 foot tank, found a few that are 100-150 gallons. My current 75 gallon loses quite a bit of water a day, but I can usually manage filling it up manually a few times a week. With a tank that large tho, I think it would be best to get an ATO. What is the best looking set up that won't break the bank for a set up like this? The tank WILL NOT BE DRILLED so there won't be a sump to pump the water into. I have seen a few and tried to do some research on my own, but I'm not sure if the larger tank means I will need a different type of ATO or just a larger pump. Thanks for any help you guys can give me!


Uneasy Friday...

Today will be a nerve-racking day for me! Last night at about 7pm I decided to go out and cut down a half dead tree that sits about 10 ft behind my polebarn. I've been wanting to cut it down since we moved in but every time I think about it, it's too windy to do it safely. Now I've cut a few trees down in my day but I'm no expert by any means, but I had sized up the tree and decided it was something I could do on my own, so I went out and got the chainsaw out and started cutting a notch in the tree and the first thing I realized is the chainsaw is too small to cut all the way through the tree... I didn't think it was too big of a deal so I continued cutting on the notch.

I spent about an hour cutting on the notch (my saw chain needs replaced because it has been sharpened one too many times I think). I still did not have the notch cut out when it started to get dark. I finally decided I had to give up for the night and buy a new chain for the saw today... so I have a mostly dead tree that has one cut half way through the tree, and another angle cut almost down to the initial cut, but I'm not home to finish felling it. I am very anxious about what I'm going to find when I get home... I decided to get out all of the log chains I could find to hook to the tree and hook to the back of my truck and fingers crossed if the tree decides to come down it doesn't hit my truck, so I had three log chains and a chain fall that gets my truck pretty close to being far enough away to not get hit, but I can't really tell for sure if it is out of danger or not... then I went and found another wire cable as well as my dog wire cables for when we take them someplace away from home, and then a few ratchet straps (that of course are going to snap if the tree wants to go a different direction since they are only rated for 750lbs) and I tied those off to a smaller pine tree to again, hopefully coerce the tree to fall in the direction I want it to if it decides to come down while I'm not home...

really nerve racking night last night / day today!

New Sand

Hi everyone. This is actually an update with some questions. After getting help here it was determined that my sand was phosphate loaded beyond help. Last weekend I changed out a 24" section of sand. My tank is 72" long. I used the Caribsea Seaflor Special Blend. (Dry sand) Here are my questions. Because it is dry sand, I am putting my rock on it to help it become live. If my rock has cyno on them which some do, will that get into the new sand and give me the same problem of brown stuff again? Question 2. When I would mix up my old sand to get rid of the brown, it would be back very quickly. I was happy to see my new sand not doing that but last night I noticed a very slight discoloration in the sand making me nervous. Will the sand do this like a new tank does? I know a new tank will cycle and sand will get brown etc... Will just a section of new sand take on the same properties of a new tank?

Thanks for all your help. I will keep you posted as next week I will probably do the next section of sand.


Glasscages / Mandalay Bay Building Fire

Saw this posted on another forum last night... Glasscages building burned down yesterday, no one was injured, but there was also Mandalay Fish Facility in the same building in which 6000 tropical fish died, but they were able to save the marine fish apparently...

found some pictures in this blog...

really sucks... was planning on buying my 240 for my upgrade from them in december... hopefully they can rebuild and get back in business quickly!

oops i put bay not fish facility in the title if someone wants to fix that =) thanks

jeudi 25 septembre 2014

What is this on my rock?

First of all, let me start by saying I bought all of my rock from an established tank. The guy was tearing his tank down to move, so I took it off his hands for cheap!

Well, I've had the tank up and running for a couple of months now. Battled certain algaes, still battling hair algae in my tank. I bought 5 turbo snails, and 5 hermit crabs at one point. The hermit crabs killed most of the snails and stole their shells. Or at least I THOUGHT they killed them. I haven't noticed any worms, or hitchhikers for several months and I always look in my tank for anything unusual until TONIGHT

I flipped the tank lights on real quick just to observe for anything strange that likes to come out at night. On one rock, very lacey with many holes on it I noticed several worms, one which appeared to be a bristle worm of some sort. They all hid and went back into the small holes on the rocks very quickly before being able to make any identifications. I went back a second time, and noticed 2 what appeared to be snails on two different rocks. They immediately flee'd for hiding when the lights flipped on abruptly. I managed to get a picture real quick though. What the hell is this?

how to catch a golden head goby

I need help!!!, my sleeper golden head goby is sprinkling sand all over my coral and im trying to catch it. I tried bottle fish trap and it doesnt work, it just hides under my rock works. Is there a better way to catch the sleeper golden head goby?

do i have anything to worry about?

as most of you know, i have no sump, and no canister filter i didn't need it, so i just run my HOB protein skimmer and 2 powerheads (look at picture below to see where there placed and give me advice if should move them or not please?)

Pictures water looks a little cloudy cause i just cleaned my sandbed but bare with me, my POLYS do they look ok, there little arms(whatever there called) looked like they been burned if you can tell by the picture, idk why there doing that or looking that way, as all my levels are good, i can only think of 3 things, the 5 gallons i added was 1.030 and that made them act funny but after wating an hour, salinity is at 1.024, 2nd reason, there not getting enough flow look in the picture there on the top left, you can see them, or 3rd reason, there getting to much flow, they don't get a constant flow, like the way my powerheads are set it it gives the polys burst of waves then stops and so on. So if anyone can help me out or tell me if i should move my powersheads a different way?





New 75G Reef Ready Tank

TRT members,

I hate to rub it in, but I picked up a steal off of craigslist! The list of what I got is as follows:

Aqueon 75G reef ready w/ black oak stand

Aqueon Proflex Model 2 Sump

Marineland NJ3000 return pump

2x Hydor Koralia Evolution 1150GPH pumps

4x newer Kent Marine Supplements (Coral Excel, Strontium, Essential Elements, Chromoplex)

3x used (half full) Kent Marine Supplements (Chromamax, Marine C, Zoomax)

and a very eager dream to have room to set it up!!! I couldn't pass on this deal and bought it knowing I don't have the room to set it up. Super excited to develop a build plan for a new tank.

Thinking SPS dominate with mix of LPS, shrooms, zoos to fill the gaps.

I have no idea what to do anymore...ammonia is irritating me

So I found out what caused ammonia mixing bucket. I buy a new mixing bucket. No more ammonia pre-mixing salt. Post salt mixing = somewhere between 0-0.25 ammonia. I used a brand new pump that I have only used to mix salt with. This thing is seriously annoying!!! What is going on!? I should not be having ammonia in my tank after 6 weeks running!!! nitrite and Nitrate are at 0! and have been since always.

Should anemones be quarantined?

I've been thinking about buying a condy from Petco. The tanks look clean and everything appears healthy but I don't want to take any chances. Should I quarantine the anemone? Is there anything bad that could come with it? I do have a quarantine tank that has been up for about 6 months. It currently has a diamond watchman goby in it that will be going into my tank this weekend.And if it should be quarantined, other than overall health, what should I look for?


Picked up a red head fairy last month. Just what my flame wrasse needed. Not a big fan of the newbie. He sure changed into a fantastic looking male in about 2 weeks tho after being in the tank close to a year.


if you plan on doing more of a sps dominated tank should you use a calcium reactor or do a two part dosing method?

Diatom Bloom

Hello TRT

I have a 40 gallon breeder, about 14 months old. I keep SPS, LPS, zoa, etc. I run gfo and gac constantly, use RO/DI water, and do a 10% change(at least) every 1.5 weeks. I also top off with RO/Di. Run a protein skimmer and have a refugium, albeit with no macro right now. I currently have a diatom bloom on the sand. Goes away at night comes back during the day. I keep two perc clowns and I have a black molly that I raised from a fry, not overstocked. Corals growing like crazy.

No phosphate, silicates, ammonia. Nitrates at 10.

Dka 8.5


Mag 1450

PH about 8.2

The only chnage I have made is in lights. My 4 bulb t5ho front two lights blew. Now I'm running only 2 actinic (420 nm) and running a Fluval LED with White and Actinic. I'm thinking of switching out the Actinic in the t5 with 10ks but wanted to see what the forum thought first.

Thanks to all.

EcoTech Marine Reeflink now ONLY $99!

EcoTech Marine Reeflink now ONLY $99!

YES! You read that right, EcoTech Marine has permanently dropped the price on the Reeflink from $199 to ONLY $99!

Now, you can get access to the world of EcoSmart live at half off!

Shop today!

Hurry! Don't miss out! Coupons ending 9/30

Don't miss out! Coupons ending 9/30

20% Off AquaticLife 48” T5 HO Light Fixture w/ 4 Lunar LEDs

Use coupon code 48T5HOLEDS

25% Off Continuum Aquatics Bio-Viv HUFA, Bio-Viv Garlic and Micro Blast Food

Use coupon code BIOVIV25OFF

25% Off Select Kent Marine Supplements and Food

Use coupon code KENTMARINE


LAST CALL: 20% off Koralia Powerheads

Hydor Koralia Nano and Evolution Powerheads are all 20% off until midnight, no coupon required!

Small little white things on glass

So I came home today and I have a ton of small white things on my glass. They move a little and everything so I am pretty sure they are alive. Does anyone have any idea what they could possibly be ?

small issue i have

all my levels are good, and im adding 3 pepper mint shrimp tomorrow, and i tested my Alkalinity and it's 14 dkh/5meq, should i be worried, as its suppose to be 8 to 12 for shrimp and fish? im doing a 5 gallon water change tonight not sure if that will help or not?

food choices for the leaf eaters?

I'm thinking of a One Spot foxface, but also a Kole Tang. In talking to the LFS they have some sea weed that is about the same as Nori as far as I can tell. My problem with that is it is chopped and pressed.

I am assuming it will fall apart if left on a clip for long, and add a lot of uneaten detritus.

I've seen Romaine used. My LFS used Romaine but said it must be soaked overnight in vitamins they sell. Well my thought on that is that there is absolutely no way a vegetable is going to absorb any new vitamins through the cellulose. Heck, we can't even digest the fiber. Maybe just a coating of vitamins?

Anyhow what else can be fed? Any sources for seaweed sheets that aren't chopped and pressed, but actual leaves (if that's what they are called)?

My tank has 3 leeks on the front glass

I think I will make soup

cal. mag. lvls droping

I am having trouble keeping my calcium and magnesium levels up to par. I do a 10% water change every two weeks but still have declining levels. I do not have any dosing set up but I have mix in supplements for these any thing I can do to help with the levles. Also on a side note my s.g. is falling too. I have a ATO I DONt KNOW IF THIS IS CA US ING THE TO FALL please let me know if you need any other info on the tank. Thanks

Government looking out for you?

I know that political stuff is frowned on but this is a real threat to America and needs correction. IF they get away with pressuring gun shops, what is next ?

Red Sea Coral Pro Salt


I am making the switch from Reef Crystals to Red Sea Coral Pro Salt! It is basically the same price, get buckets, and the quality is proven and prefered by most.

salinity change

Alright so im picking up 3 peppermint shrimp on friday, and doing my water change tonight, so the water should be not so cloudy after cleaning a portion of the sand bed as im only doing 5 gallons, my question is and forgive me if i already asked this question. My Display tank is currently sitting at 1.023 or 1.024 using my refractometer and i calibrated it with solution, and i made a 5 gallon batch of saltwater sitting at 1.031 because i wanna raise my tank just a little for the shrimp to be ok, how will that 5 gallons of 1.031 affect my tank with what i have now.

55 gallon tank


Ph 8.2

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 10 or less

Salinity Currently 1.023 to 24

Re-Mixing Salt Mix Powder (?)

It's a known fact that the salt mix powder in our 5gal buckets tend to allow certain elements like calcium to fallout and settle to the bottom of the bucket.

Looking for ways some of you might re-mix the powder to allow the elements in the salt mix to be consistent.

> do you roll your buckets around?

> do you using some sort of electric powered mixer, like a mortar mixer?

> any other methods?

Looking for the most effective way....

A naked Urchin

I have a Black Hatpin Urchin ( Echinothrix diadema)

At the begining he was very nice and seemed happy but because of my rock sculptures that i made, with lots of caverns he quicly lost his spines they broke.

And he never grew them back. Now in bulding my sculpture i did use some foam that i know he eate. But that was 5 months ago if it had damaged him he should already be dead no?

So this week i've put him in my macroalgae growth tank, its actually a storage tank for excess macro and my pod farm as well , he should be like a kid in a candy store in there lots of fresh algaes, lol. Maybe thats what missing. we'll see. Because during all that time he kept going strong anyway.

Anybody have any suggestion as to why he wouldn't regrow his long spines.

I write big for my iphone friends

PetCO $1 / gallon sale! 9/28/14-10/11/14

just saw this on another forum... ready set GO!


Originally Posted by Gametheory (Post 6726553)

Just read from slickdeals , Petco will be having their sale again!

It starts this Sunday!

Look in the flyer for a $5 off $50 coupon!

Thursday peepin', in...

Goooood mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready for early risers, and some ready to be started a little later.

Oatmeat with chopped apples, pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon. Nanners to pack in your lunches ;)

Cool-ish again today, and chiming back up. This weekend is the Greek Festival and that's always fun.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

Canister filter clean sandbed?

I find that cleaning the sandbed involves way too much work and knowing myself I will eventually start to slack off on doing it. The biggest issue is I can only siphon up a little bit of the sand bed before the 5g bucket is full. I then have to haul the bucket to the sink and dump it out. I was wondering if I can make my own canister filter attach the inlet to the sandbed cleaner and the outlet back into the tank. Technically I can but is there a way to remove all the crap that is pulled out of the sand or will most of it just flow through the filters?

With that being said is it better to siphon like 1/15th of my sandbed once every week or every other week or build one of these and siophen say 50% of the sand bed. Even though the filter wont remove 100% of the detritus I think since it will allow me to siphon more of the sandbed it would be more beneficial.

What are your thoughts?

mercredi 24 septembre 2014

Nice green growth on LR

Getting some good green Growth on my LR after dosing with Kent Marine Purple Tech for about 2 weeks. Green is all throughout the LR in the tank.

Attempted Murder by Powerhead

So for the last week when I have the pumps off for maintenance my Royal Gramma likes to creep inside the grate into the powerhead and play hide and seek. I know this and am aware of him at all times.

So just now I was feeding them and acclimating a shrimp for an hour. Having a brain fart, I reach under the tank, flip on the power strip, realize I don't see the RG and shut off the power.

I look in the powerhead and see a glimpse of yellow. He slowly swims out and darts down to his home before I get a real good look but one side looks marked up. He's currently in hiding and it is now a waiting game to see how he does. Either he comes out to eat to heal up or he dies under that rock.....I feel really dumb but just goes to show how easy mistakes happen.:mad:

Am I over skimming?

Well I've been reading about people over skimming. Didn't know that was possible. I have a 20 gallon long with coral and 2 fish, 5 snails and. 1 pep shrimp. I have a nano coralife skimmer that I've been running all day and night. I empty the cup once a day. Am I over skimming?

Diatom bloom? Pics

So it would appear my tank has finished cycling. Added cleanup crew and it seems I have a good diatom bloom going. Nitrates are 5.0ppm. Doing water change tomorrow. Wanted to double check with you guys. See pics. Also I ditched the eheim 2217 canister filter and I am running a reef octopus bh2000 with powerhead. I've read many just use a skimmer and heads. Can't do a sump as of right now.

Coral bandit week 4?

Hey guys, I'm on week four of the cycle. The salinity levels have been great these past few days. (Going from 1.04-->1.024) I was wondering if it is safe to add shrimp in yet? I was thinking of adding a boxer shrimp for now.

I currently have a turbo snail, pretty big in size, and two red claw hermits, and a Sally longlegged crab. They have been in there for a week. One of the crabs has been there for 2 weeks. It's a smaller crab. I haven't fed any of them yet. They are most of the detritus and algae.

Irradiated seaweed?

Not sure if this belongs here, but I didn't know where else to put it.

I stumbled across this story canadian-10th-grader-radioactive-imported-seafood

Short version for those that don't like to click:

10th grade girl decides to test for radiation in common foods for her school science project. Finds surprisingly high amounts in some foods, mostly seaweed from China.

It has me wondering if I should buy a geiger counter to make sure I'm not feeding my Tang radiation.