mardi 30 septembre 2014

Ammonia in R/O water after a few days w/ circulation

Hey everyone,

I've had a saltwater tank for over a year now and I've had a very bumpy ride along the way. This problem I'm speaking of currently is driving me crazy and its costing me more than I can afford. I currently have an RODI system (bought at the same time as setting up the tank, I make 50 gallons a week from it)which I just recently replaced all filters except the membrane. I found out that my local water supplier uses a large amount of Chloramine in the water which breaks down to ammonia, so I decided to get a good carbon filter to do the trick of removing the chloramine to process the ammonia better in the DI filter. My filter seems to be doing the trick, however after the water is in my Brute trash can with a pump to circulate flow, the ammonia content increases slowly from 0 up to about 2ppm over the course of a week. I also have another can I use for storage, a Blue Hawk 32 Gal. which shows the exact same readings. I thought maybe my ammonia test kit needed replaced so I went ahead and bought another kit which I'm still waiting on arriving. But I don't believe that is the issue either, since I can test the straight RO water and get 0 ammonia. Now getting to my tank, it has ripped a hole in my wallet severely, I've lost a lot of beautiful corals because of this and I've been spending money to try to combat the problem and I've had no luck. Prime is helping to transfer the ammonia to a non toxic form but its not a fix by any means.

I only have three small fish(clown, devil, cardinal) in my 37 gallon with a 20 gallon sump, and my ammonia will not go below .50 because of each time I add water to counter evaporation. Water changes help because the water is taken to the tank within 24 hours of being filtered, but still not doing the trick. Another thing I should add is I have 3lbs of DeNitrate and multiple other anti-ammonia media to combat it. Reef Octopus Skimmer seems to be working fine also and my nitrates and phosphates are under control. The filter sock and filter media in my sump have been cleaned in the past month but at separate times to keep bacteria growth constant.

Please help me with any information, I'm fighting a giant here.

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