dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Sunday's early bird

Hello again all of TRT. Good early morning (not that I've slept since 3am yesterday morning) but I hope you all are having a restful morning.

Briaket's and pork butts are on the grill, our dessert, pork steaks, chefs choice (salmon) and ribs were turned in earlier today. All came out wonderfully. We hope the judges think the same :)

The noon hours will be filled with brisket and pulled pork turn in's as well as our first attempt at chicken wings. I made a great mild-hot hot sauce a few years ago that I have heard all my customers say they love when offered a sample. The other night, to complete the recepie, I created a delicious breading to go along.

To top the night off we had a fireworks show (that was interrupted by us having to put pulled pork on the smoker) I'm in charge of running the smoker and keeping the temp correct for the food we are cooking. I'd post pics but I have few in the busy hours we have had and can't post from my phone.

Unfortunately I fear my wings will not be up to par as my fryer sucks. I did a few test runs tonight and I can only cook about 6 at a time in 20 mins and I need 50. Good thing all the wings will be eatin cold.

Welp time to get back at it. I'll let I guys know how we do when I find out,


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