jeudi 25 septembre 2014

do i have anything to worry about?

as most of you know, i have no sump, and no canister filter i didn't need it, so i just run my HOB protein skimmer and 2 powerheads (look at picture below to see where there placed and give me advice if should move them or not please?)

Pictures water looks a little cloudy cause i just cleaned my sandbed but bare with me, my POLYS do they look ok, there little arms(whatever there called) looked like they been burned if you can tell by the picture, idk why there doing that or looking that way, as all my levels are good, i can only think of 3 things, the 5 gallons i added was 1.030 and that made them act funny but after wating an hour, salinity is at 1.024, 2nd reason, there not getting enough flow look in the picture there on the top left, you can see them, or 3rd reason, there getting to much flow, they don't get a constant flow, like the way my powerheads are set it it gives the polys burst of waves then stops and so on. So if anyone can help me out or tell me if i should move my powersheads a different way?





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