lundi 29 septembre 2014

Little Black sacks....Need an ID

So, just got my tank on the 13th, biocube 29, completely stock as far as filtration, light etc. with the exception of adding 2 strips of LED that the hood provides slots for. I have 30lb live rock from established tank and 2.5" live sand. I have a clown fish, coral beauty, a coral banded shrimp, several snails and hermits and several small lps corals. Have done essentially nothing to the water since setting it up aside from adding a bottle of stuff made by instant ocean the LFS recommended before adding the fish. First water change will be done tomorrow (a little over 2 weeks, but haven't had a chance yet, too busy).

Here's the Q: I just noticed what appear to be little sacks in several places attached to my live rock. They are black/grayish in color and almost opaque to the point that I can see what look like little white specs of something in them. The only reason I'm concerned/curious is because I've never noticed them before and I stare at the tank alot haha. Idk if they are eggs or what? I'm a total beginner.

Thanks in advance for any insight or input!!

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