jeudi 25 septembre 2014

What is this on my rock?

First of all, let me start by saying I bought all of my rock from an established tank. The guy was tearing his tank down to move, so I took it off his hands for cheap!

Well, I've had the tank up and running for a couple of months now. Battled certain algaes, still battling hair algae in my tank. I bought 5 turbo snails, and 5 hermit crabs at one point. The hermit crabs killed most of the snails and stole their shells. Or at least I THOUGHT they killed them. I haven't noticed any worms, or hitchhikers for several months and I always look in my tank for anything unusual until TONIGHT

I flipped the tank lights on real quick just to observe for anything strange that likes to come out at night. On one rock, very lacey with many holes on it I noticed several worms, one which appeared to be a bristle worm of some sort. They all hid and went back into the small holes on the rocks very quickly before being able to make any identifications. I went back a second time, and noticed 2 what appeared to be snails on two different rocks. They immediately flee'd for hiding when the lights flipped on abruptly. I managed to get a picture real quick though. What the hell is this?

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