mardi 30 septembre 2014

Is it really this easy?

So my tank has been up and running for 40 days. Started with 50lbs reef cleaner, 8 lbs of live rock, a piece of raw table shrimp and some ammonia.

I've got two ocellaris clowns, a royal gramma, a sexy shrimp, a cleaner shrimp and a $10 frag of zoas. Despite the run in with mild ich so far, no issues. I've got my diatom bloom and now bright lime green algae is forming that is tough to remove and is the base for coraline if I'm reading this stuff right.

I've been doing weekly water changes for almost a month now of 10 gallons every Monday and testing on those days. I'm consistently at 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 0 phosphates, 8.2 ph and 5-10 Nitrates. I clean my protein skimmer cup each week and top off almost each day with some RO/DI water.

I know this isn't anything new to anyone here, but am I in store for some kind of "uglies?" or surprise? Everything is healthy, thriving, and water is nice and clean. Seems to good to be true!

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