dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Phosphates finally under control!

Well for the past 6 months I've been battling a phosphate issue. I started washing my frozen foods, switched to only feeding every other day, stopped feeding my corals, running large amounts of GFO etc etc. I noticed that every water change seemed to make the problem worse.

I finally figured out the brute trashcan I was using for salt mixing was the culprit. I removed that and bought a 60g food grade container. I think the lady said it was used for celery or something like that. Anyways I setup my new salt water mixing station and busy making a lot of new saltwater.

I'm pleased to say that after 3x40g water changes this week my phosphates are now in check. The cyano is having a hard time staying alive and I'm finally getting my tank back.

A positive side effect of this whole ordeal is my nitrates are at 0. They were always pretty low but from the stoppage of feeding my corals and feeding every other day I guess it just destroyed my nitrate levels.

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