mardi 30 septembre 2014

Wimpy Ignitus Anthias

Well, I've had this Anthias for a few weeks now and he's the biggest wimp of a fish I've ever seen. He's the only fish in my 29g Biocube at the moment and he basically still hides all the time. I can see where he's hiding, but he never really comes out in the open, and if he does, it's usually to pester the cleaner shrimp to give him a scrubbin'. Once he catches sight of me back to his hiding spot he goes.

He is eating a bit better now, as he'll approach the turkey baster I use to shoot the frozen brine/mysis shrimp into his area (otherwise he won't venture out to get good). Does anyone have any suggestions/experience on how to pull this fellow out of cover a bit more?

I'm planning on rounding out the tank with a Cardinal and a small Clown.

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