jeudi 25 septembre 2014

A naked Urchin

I have a Black Hatpin Urchin ( Echinothrix diadema)

At the begining he was very nice and seemed happy but because of my rock sculptures that i made, with lots of caverns he quicly lost his spines they broke.

And he never grew them back. Now in bulding my sculpture i did use some foam that i know he eate. But that was 5 months ago if it had damaged him he should already be dead no?

So this week i've put him in my macroalgae growth tank, its actually a storage tank for excess macro and my pod farm as well , he should be like a kid in a candy store in there lots of fresh algaes, lol. Maybe thats what missing. we'll see. Because during all that time he kept going strong anyway.

Anybody have any suggestion as to why he wouldn't regrow his long spines.

I write big for my iphone friends

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