jeudi 25 septembre 2014

salinity change

Alright so im picking up 3 peppermint shrimp on friday, and doing my water change tonight, so the water should be not so cloudy after cleaning a portion of the sand bed as im only doing 5 gallons, my question is and forgive me if i already asked this question. My Display tank is currently sitting at 1.023 or 1.024 using my refractometer and i calibrated it with solution, and i made a 5 gallon batch of saltwater sitting at 1.031 because i wanna raise my tank just a little for the shrimp to be ok, how will that 5 gallons of 1.031 affect my tank with what i have now.

55 gallon tank


Ph 8.2

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 10 or less

Salinity Currently 1.023 to 24

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